Stationary model of the solar system

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In addition to the Coriolis force, resonance also acts on the Moon:

Rotating around the Earth, the Moon approaches and moves away from the Earth, due to which the Moon periodically falls into resonance, and as a result, a supermoon and a micromoon occur. The reason for the Moon's resonance is the Earth's elliptical orbit.
The Moon is not in resonance (resonance with what?)
The Moon's apsides are not caused by the Earth's elliptical orbit.

The fact that Supermoons and micromoons only occure occasionally - instead of every month - should have been a big clue that the apsides are not correlated with the Moon's position with respect to the Sun.

You could have checked this for yourself while writing up your ideas.

Where are you getting your information from? You should ask for your money back.
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I promote the "Stationary Model of the Solar System" hypothesis.
The movement of the moon is not the main topic but a secondary one.
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Stationary model of the solar system.
Community of Russian scientists.

1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe and is in a stationary state in space and does not rotate around the center of the galaxy.
2. Sunlight approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force of the Sun, is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun.
3. The sunlight then slows down, breaks up into particles and collapses into a star, causing the kinetic energy of the light to be transformed into the rotational energy of the star.
4. At the edge of the Solar System, the force of gravity, the speed of light, as well as the axial and orbital speed of stars, globular clusters and galaxies are close to zero. The farther a star is from the Sun, the lower the orbital speed of the stars.
5. The star, being in a state of weightlessness, floats along the edge of the Solar system in the form of balls, globular clusters and galaxies in the direction of the rotation of the Sun, relying on the laws of celestial mechanics and temperature differences - the Yarkovsky effect.
6. Most of the mass of the Solar System falls on the Sun and the ecliptic plane, due to which the star rotating around the Sun slowly approaches both the Sun and the ecliptic plane. As they approach the Sun, the orbital speed of stars also increases as a result of the transformation of the axial speed of stars into orbital speed. (Mechanics of interaction of two bodies).
7. As they approach the Sun, the temperature and brightness of stars increase, the stars shrink and become denser, resulting in the formation of globular clusters, galaxies, asteroids and the Kuiper belt.
Then planets emerge from the Kuiper belt, surrounded by a system of rings - from which satellites are formed.
Further, as we approach the Sun, the temperature and axial and orbital speed of the planets and satellites increase, as a result of which the satellites are thrown out of orbit and the planets are overturned.
When the planet comes close to the Sun, the geological activity of the planet increases, due to which an explosion of the combustible mixture occurs in the cracks of the planet, and as a result, the planet is destroyed into fragments, similar to the Shoemaker Comet - Levy 9.–Levy_9
The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500 degrees.
8. The radius of the Solar System depends on the speed of light and the angular speed of rotation of the Sun. R ≈ c/ω
The speed of light is ≈ 1,000,000,000 km/h.
The angular speed of rotation of the Sun is ≈ 0.0105 rad/h.
The radius of the Solar System is ≈ 95,000,000,000 km.
1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe and is in a stationary state in space and does not rotate around the center of the galaxy.
I think every single conjecture you have written is wrong. There are mountains of evidence disproving all of your conjectures. You are wasting every ones time.
I promote the "Stationary Model of the Solar System" hypothesis.
The movement of the moon is not the main topic but a secondary one.
I know. And you still haven't addressed that.

I pointed out that your idea of Coriolis Forces pulling on the Solar System as it orbits the galactic core is faulty.
And your rebuttal was to try to compare it to the Earth Moon system.
So I've shown that false. And now you're backing away from that analogy.
So we're back to the SS orbiting the galaxy.

You assert that the orbit of the Solar System around core *should* result in this "elongation" of planetary orbits (even though there is no basis for such an assertion) - and therfore, according to you since we don't see that elnogtion that means we can't be orbiting the galactic core.

You have not shown how large that elongation you would expect to see. I say it is zero - or at least too small to measure. Therefore, the fact that there is no observed elongation does not support your notion of a stationary solar system. Show me I'm wrong.

More to the point. You have demonstrated that your understanding of celestial mechanics is flawed. To support your hypothesis, you are using notions (such as the cause of elliptical orbits) that are demonstrably wrong. Would you say perhaps you have posted your ideas here without sufficient work being done, and owe it to yourself and to us to withdraw them and educate yourself about the subject matter better before starting work on a theory?
Planets and comets revolve around the Sun in highly elongated orbits, since the Sun does not revolve around the center of the Galaxy.
And the satellites of the planets will not be able to revolve around the planets in highly elongated orbits, since the planets revolve around the Sun.
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Planets and comets revolve around the Sun in highly elongated orbits, since the Sun does not revolve around the center of the Galaxy.
And the satellites of the planets will not be able to revolve around the planets in highly elongated orbits, since the planets revolve around the Sun.
You keep asserting these things without even checking them yourself.

The orbits of many of the planets are very circular. Both Venus and Neptune for example, have orbits that are circular to within one part in one hundred. (0.007 and 0.01). Earth's is .017.

To put this in perspective, if their orbits were eight feet across, the variation between their major and minor axes would be a mere one to two inches. Kind of the opposite of "highly elongated".

Contrarily, several moons have a very high eccentricity. Neptune's moon Nereid has an eccentricity of .75. Many of Jupiter's moons have eccentricity greater than .4
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Planets and comets revolve around the Sun in highly elongated orbits, since the Sun does not revolve around the center of the Galaxy.
Are you saying that planetary orbits would all be circular, rather than elliptical, if the Sun revolved around the centre of the galaxy?

And what do you mean by "highly elongated"? Is the Earth's orbit "highly elongated"? What eccentricity do you require for "high elongation"?
Comet Galya orbits the Sun every 75 years, in a highly elongated orbit with an eccentricity of about -0.9, due to the fact that the Sun does not revolve around the center of the Galaxy.
Will satellites be able to orbit the planets, the Sun and the center of the Galaxy in highly elongated orbits and with a long orbital period?
Objects in the Solar System cannot endlessly rotate around numerous centers.
The laws of celestial mechanics are not omnipotent and they are limited to the problem of three bodies, the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth, and nothing revolves around the Moon.
Not a single natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary satellite, because... this will already be the task of four bodies, which contradicts the laws of existence.
Objects in the Solar System cannot endlessly rotate around numerous centers.
The laws of celestial mechanics are not omnipotent and they are limited to the problem of three bodies, the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth, and nothing revolves around the Moon.
Not a single natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary satellite, because... this will already be the task of four bodies, which contradicts the laws of existence.
More unsubstantiated assertions.
You provide no support for the assertions you make. Several of your assertions have been proven wrong already. This is just anther one.

We have several probes orbiting our Moon (one being the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter ) and other moons in the solar system. They put the lie to your fancifully-named "laws of existence".
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The laws of celestial mechanics are not omnipotent and they are limited to the problem of three bodies...
I think you're probably misunderstanding what the three body problem is.

There are no problems with the laws of motion and force etc. The only issue is that three mutually-gravitating bodies usually don't end up having nice stable repeating orbital patterns. The trajectories of the bodies tend to be chaotic. Again, this is not a problem with the physics. Chaos is a well understood mathematical phenomenon that results from sensitivity to initial conditions.

In practice, this means that it can be difficult to accurately predict the future positions of objects in a three-body system, because any small error in the initial data about positions and velocities will tend to blow out the further you try to progress the model forwards in time.

It is certainly not true to say that "the laws of celestial mechanics are limited to three bodies", or something like that. The laws of celestial mechanics work just fine in predicting the large-scale behaviour of composite objects made of almost uncountable billions upon billions of separate particles, for instance. We can accurately predict the large-scale motions of galaxies full of billions of stars.
Not a single natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary satellite...
That's plainly in contradiction to easily accessible facts.

You might like to consider what Michael Collins was doing while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were down on the surface of the Moon, for instance.

Do you believe that men landed on the moon, Fermer05?
Objects in the Solar System cannot endlessly rotate around numerous centers.
Every object in the Solar System rotates around numerous centers. The satellites orbiting the Moon rotate around a center inside the Moon. The moon rotates around a center inside the Earth, close to the Earth's surface. The Earth rotates around a point near the center of the Sun. And so on.
The laws of celestial mechanics are not omnipotent and they are limited to the problem of three bodies, the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth, and nothing revolves around the Moon.
As I have told you the Moon has several satellites in orbit around it.
Not a single natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary satellite, because . . . .
Denying reality is generally not a good approach to science.
Not a single natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary satellite, because... this will already be the task of four bodies, which contradicts the laws of existence.
By inertia, the artificial satellite of the Earth will rotate much longer than the artificial satellite of the Moon.
Not a single natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary satellite...
Do your homework, Fermer05. As several people have pointed out to you, there are artificial satellites currently in orbit around Earth's Moon. An artificial satellite was even in orbit around a comet for quite a long time, just recently. Apart from that, numerous moons in our solar system have natural satellites in orbit around them - typically smallish captured rocks.

When you make statements that are just factually wrong - and not hard to check - you make yourself look a bit foolish.
... because... this will already be the task of four bodies, which contradicts the laws of existence.
Did you read my post on the three body problem and decide that you might have better luck with four bodies than with three? No, Fermer. The laws of existence allow gravity to work on 3 bodies, or 4, or 20, or 278, or 9724, or 1 billion. There are no problems.
By inertia, the artificial satellite of the Earth will rotate much longer than the artificial satellite of the Moon.
Are you talking about the orbital period of the satellite around the Earth, or rotation of the satellite itself?

Does your special research group know Kepler's 3rd law, Fermer?
Not a single natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary satellite, because... this will already be the task of four bodies, which contradicts the laws of existence.

Satellites currently active and in orbit around the Moon:

Artemis P1
Artemis P2
Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter (LRO)
Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO)

Dead satellites that are no longer active but are still orbiting:

Luna 10

Some have been there for more than 50 years.

I don't think you understand how science works. You propose a theory - like your claim that nothing can orbit the moon because that is "the task of four bodies, which contradicts the laws of existence." Then you do experiments to see if that's true. You could launch a mission to try to place a satellite in orbit around the Moon. Or - easier - just observe someone else who has tried to do it. If you had done that you would have realized that there have been more than a dozen satellites of the Moon, some of which have been there for more than 50 years. Thus your theory fails.
Stationary model of the solar system.
Community of Russian scientists.

1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe and is in a stationary state in space and does not rotate around the center of the galaxy.
2. Sunlight approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force of the Sun, is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun.
3. The sunlight then slows down, breaks up into particles and collapses into a star, causing the kinetic energy of the light to be transformed into the rotational energy of the star.
4. At the edge of the Solar System, the force of gravity, the speed of light, as well as the axial and orbital speed of stars, globular clusters and galaxies are close to zero. The farther a star is from the Sun, the lower the orbital speed of the stars.
5. The star, being in a state of weightlessness, floats along the edge of the Solar system in the form of balls, globular clusters and galaxies in the direction of the rotation of the Sun, relying on the laws of celestial mechanics and temperature differences - the Yarkovsky effect.
6. Approaching the Sun, the stars compress and become denser, due to which the temperature and brightness of the stars increases and globular clusters, galaxies and asteroids are formed. Most of the mass of the Solar System comes from the Sun and the ecliptic plane, due to which asteroids orbiting the Sun slowly approach both the Sun and the ecliptic plane, resulting in the formation of the Kuiper Belt. Then planets emerge from the Kuiper belt, surrounded by a system of rings from which satellites are formed. As they approach the Sun, the orbital speed of the planets increases, as a result of the transformation of the axial speed of the planets into orbital speed. (Mechanics of interaction of two bodies).
7. Further, as they approach the Sun, the temperature, axial and orbital speed of the planets and satellites increase, due to which the satellites are thrown out of orbit and the planets are overturned.
When the planet comes close to the Sun, the geological activity of the planets increases, resulting in an explosion of the combustible mixture in the fractures of the planets, and as a result the planet is destroyed into fragments, similar to Comet Shoemaker - Levy 9.
Then fragments of the planets, rotating around the Sun at a speed of tens of km/sec, crash into the surface of the Sun, due to which the axial speed of the Sun increases. The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500 degrees.
A six star system:
" A recently discovered and spectacular six-star system, TYC 7037-89-1, possesses a gravitational complexity worthy of Rube Goldberg. Three separate pairs of stars orbit each other in typical binary fashion. But two of these pairs also orbit one another. The third pair, at a greater distance, orbits the other two pairs – the stars in each binary eclipse each other in turn from our point of view. "
Six stars.jpg

A four star system:
" Astronomers have discovered the second known case of a planet residing in a quadruple star system.
The planet was known before, but was thought to have only three stars, not four "
4 stars.jpg
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