Stationary model of the solar system

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Stationary model of the solar system.
Community of Russian scientists.

1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe and does not revolve around the center of the "galaxy" but is in space, in a stationary state.
2. Sunlight approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force of the Sun, is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun.
3. The sunlight then slows down, breaks up into particles and collapses into a star, causing the kinetic energy of the light to be transformed into the rotational energy of the star.
4. At the edge of the Solar System, the force of gravity, the speed of light, as well as the axial and orbital speed of stars, globular clusters and galaxies are close to zero. The farther a star is from the Sun, the lower the orbital speed of the stars.
5. The star, being in a state of weightlessness, floats along the edge of the Solar system in the form of balls, globular clusters and galaxies in the direction of the rotation of the Sun, relying on the laws of celestial mechanics and temperature differences - the Yarkovsky effect.
6. Most of the mass of the Solar System falls on the Sun and the ecliptic plane, due to which the star rotating around the Sun slowly approaches both the Sun and the ecliptic plane. As they approach the Sun, the orbital speed of stars also increases as a result of the transformation of the axial speed of stars into orbital speed. (Mechanics of interaction of two bodies).
7. As they approach the Sun, the temperature and brightness of stars increases, the star contracts and becomes denser, due to which globular clusters, galaxies, asteroids, the Kuiper belt, protoplanets, planets and satellites are formed.
Then, after billions of years, the planets approach the Sun, due to which the axial and orbital speed of the planets, the Coriolis force of the Sun increases, and, as a result, the geological activity of the planets increases.
And as soon as the ratio of the combustible mixture in the fissures of the planets reaches 1:10, an explosion occurs and the planet begins to disintegrate into small fragments, similar to the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet.
The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500 degrees.–Levy_9
8. The radius of the Solar System depends on the speed of light and the angular speed of rotation of the Sun. R ≈ c/ω
The speed of light is ≈ 1,000,000,000 km/h.
The angular speed of rotation of the Sun is ≈ 0.0105 rad/h.
The radius of the Solar System is ≈ 95,000,000,000 km.
9. The Earth and Moon pair, in an elliptical orbit, rotate around a common center of mass and move in the direction of rotation of the Sun.
A photon consists of two particles rotating around the center of mass, which move in space against the rotation of the Sun, thanks to the deflecting Coriolis force of the Sun.
The photon and the Sun are interconnected by gravity, just like the Sun, Earth and Moon. (Three body problem).
The more the gravity of the Sun affects the particles of the photon, the more the orbit of the particles is extended and the greater the speed of the Photon.
At the edge of the Solar System, as the Sun's gravity decreases, the ellipse of particles also decreases, due to which the Photon slows down and breaks up into two particles.
Without the gravitational influence of the Sun, the Earth-Moon Pair and Photon disintegrate.
A particle of light from the edge of the solar system travels to the Sun for billions of years and has potential energy, which can be calculated using the following formula.
U = (Ms+mch)*r
Where U is the potential energy of the particle.
Ms - Mass of the Sun.
mch - Particle mass.
r - Distance from the Sun to the particle.
Based on the mechanics of interaction of three bodies, it is possible to construct a supportless propulsion device.
And its transformations.
10. Proper motion of stars.
Galaxies, atmospheric cyclones and anticyclones rotate around their own axis and in orbit, and everything that rotates, including gyres, has the property of a gyroscope to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space, regardless of the rotation of the Earth, due to which blocking and then drift of galaxies occurs.
The direction of galaxy drift depends on the inclination of the axis and orbit of the galaxies relative to the ecliptic plane.
Due to the gyroscope properties that galaxies have, galaxies drift around the entire perimeter of the Solar System rather than aligning themselves in the ecliptic plane.
The closer the orbit of stars is to the Sun, the faster the star moves, and the further the orbit of stars is from the Sun, the slower the star moves. Perhaps the orbit of Barnard's flying star is located either far from the Sun or close to the Sun.
The satellites of Saturn and the star of the galaxy move much faster in the full moon phase than in the new moon phase.
11. I believe that a star, like planets, reflects sunlight.
a) If the stars emitted light in all directions, then we would see only those stars that are located close to the Sun, and the star could be observed both during dawn and during sunset and during the day.
b) What has been said can be verified by experiment.
12. It is believed that the farthest stars are located at a distance of about 10 billion light years from us.
a) How does sunlight travel such distances and how far can sunlight travel?
13. So little solar energy and light comes to Pluto that our star can be confused with a large star. Sunlight on Pluto is thought to be 1,600 times dimmer than on Earth.
14. Outside the solar system, sunlight does not penetrate and it will be impossible to see the solar system from the side of the universe.
15. All mechanical processes that occur in the atmosphere also occur in the starry sky.
16. In the solar system, everything is programmed and everything moves according to the strict laws of celestial mechanics, due to which randomness and chaos are not possible in the solar system.
17. The theory of the evolution of the Universe should not contradict and go beyond the laws of celestial mechanics.
The assertion that the solar system revolves around the center of the Galaxy does not stand up to criticism.
If the Solar System revolved around the center of the Galaxy, and the Earth moved away and approached the center of the Galaxy, then the Earth?s orbit, thanks to the galactic Coriolis force, would be elongated along the orbit of the Sun. Similar to the lunar orbit.
But the orbits of the planets are not stretched along the orbit of the Sun, which means that the Sun does not revolve around the center of the galaxy, but is in space, in a motionless state.
The reason for the formation of the ellipse of the planets and the reason for the rotation of the orbits of the planets is in the problem of two bodies, which has not yet been solved, like the problem of three bodies.
The statement that the ellipse of the planets is formed due to the disturbance of the planets does not stand up to criticism, since Venus and Neptune move in a circular orbit.
The objects of the solar system cannot endlessly revolve around numerous centers.
The laws of celestial mechanics are not omnipotent and are limited by the task of three bodies. The Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth, and nothing revolves around the Moon. No natural planetary satellite has a permanent or temporary satellite, because this will be the task of four bodies, which contradicts the laws of being.
In nature, there is no relationship without symbiosis, and in the center of the galaxy, the solar system does not need.
And the main question is why planetary satellites do not have satellites, and asteroids possess satellites. Despite the fact that asteroids are much smaller than planet satellites.
The two satellites of Saturn, Janus and Epimetheus, move in the same orbit, and overtake each other every four years.
If these two satellites revolved around the Sun, then Janus would capture Epimetheus.

The Big Bang theory was born from the observation that other galaxies are moving away from ours at great speed in all directions, and based on this hypothesis the Big Bang hypothesis was written.
1. Thanks to what forces the Universe assembles and explodes. Without an answer to this question, the Big Bang hypothesis has no right to exist.
2. After the Big Bang, the Galaxies, having received fantastic kinetic energy, must move in a straight line and forever.
3. The center of the Solar system is the Sun, and the role of the Sun for the Solar system is vital, but what role does the center of the Universe play for the Universe, what is there and what happens?
4. What was the state of the laws of celestial mechanics before the explosion, at the moment of the explosion, and after the explosion, how and when did they arise?
5. Moving away from the center of the Universe, the galaxies began to rotate around their own center, what force rotates the galaxies and where did this force come from?
6. The statement that globular star clusters are satellites of Galaxies and rotate in highly elongated orbits at a speed of ≈ 200 km/sec also goes beyond the scope of celestial mechanics.
a) If globular clusters rotated around the center of the Galaxy, then they would rotate in the same plane.
b) Will Saturn and its moons be able to orbit the Sun as a globular cluster?
7. In globular clusters there is no orbital rotation of stars.
a) Then what forces form a globular cluster of stars?
8. If globular clusters are satellites of Galaxies, then globular clusters, like all satellites of planets, must have all the attributes of satellites: rotation axis, libration, etc.
9. After expansion, the Universe contracts back and Galaxies rush towards the center of the Universe with enormous speed.
10. For what reason the galaxies stopped scattering and began to gather.
11. What force attracts galaxies to the center of the Universe, if it is a gravitational force, then how does it arise?
12. How much energy is released when a galaxy collides with the center of the Universe.
Coriolis force on Earth and in the Solar System.
The Coriolis force occurs when an object approaches or moves away from the Earth's axis.
At the same time, when an object that moves on or around the Earth approaches or moves away from the axis of the Sun, the Solar Coriolis force is generated.
The deflecting Solar Coriolis force, due to the axial and orbital rotation of the Earth, is somewhat more complex.
The flow of the Volga River is constantly pressed against the western bank of the river by the Coriolis force of the Earth, and the Solar Coriolis force, due to the axial and orbital rotation of the Earth, deflects the flow of the Volga River either to the western bank or to the eastern bank twice a day. For this reason, winding currents form in the seas and oceans.
The above can be easily verified by rotating a globe around its axis and orbit, entwined along the equator and meridian with a polyethylene hose in which the liquid moves.
The Coriolis effect of the Earth does not depend on the inclination of the axis of the earth, and the Solar Coriolis force depends.

The solar Coriolis force is involved in the formation of the Moon's ellipse.
When the Moon, rotating around the Earth in the last quarter approaches the Sun at a speed of 1 km/sec, and in the first quarter moves away from the Sun at a speed of 1 km/sec, the Solar Coriolis force slightly stretches the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit, due to which the Moon's elliptical orbit is formed .
When the Moon is in its new and full moon phases, the Solar Coriolis Force does not affect the Moon's orbit because During these phases, the Moon does not approach or move away from the Sun.
The eccentricity of the Moon's orbit can be calculated using the following formula. E = Vz / Vl = 0.0411 / 0.55 = 0.0747
Where Vz - Earth's orbital speed - 0.0411 degrees / hour.
Vl - Moon's orbital speed - 0.55 degrees / hour.
The eccentricity of the Moon's orbit can be calculated using the following formula.
E = (Vz / Sz) / (Vl / Sl) = 0.00071 / 0.0095 = 0.0747
Where Vz is the Earth's orbital speed - 107,218 km / h.
Sz - Distance from the Sun to the Earth - 150,000,000 km.
Where Vl is the Moon's orbital speed - 3683 km / h.
Sl - Distance from the Earth to the Moon 384,000 km.
The eccentricity of the Moon's orbit varies, from 0.026 to 0.077.
Both formulas show that the average eccentricity of the Moon's orbit is 0.0747.
And the average eccentricity of the moon's orbit, obtained using radar, is 0.054.
Also, the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit can be determined by the following formula. E = Vl / Vz = 27.3 / 365.2 = 0.0747
Where Vl is the Moon's orbital angular velocity.
Vz - Orbital angular velocity of the Earth.
By dividing the orbital speed of the Moon by the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit, the Earth's orbital speed can be calculated.
Rotating around the Earth, the Moon approaches and moves away from the Earth, due to which the Moon periodically falls into resonance, and as a result, a supermoon and a micromoon occur.
The reason for the Moon's resonance is the Earth's elliptical orbit.
The statement that the Moon's orbit rotates and makes one revolution in 8.8 years does not correspond to reality, since the Solar Coriolis effect constantly stretches the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit.
Based on the fact of the approach and removal of the moon from the sun, it is possible to construct. Reactionless drive.
The reason for the geological activity of the planets is also the Coriolis solar force.
The side of the Earth located at dawn, as a result of the axial rotation of the Earth, approaches the Sun at a speed of 1600 km/h, and the side of the Earth located at sunset moves away from the Sun at a speed of 1600 km/h. due to which the Solar Coriolis force stretches the Earth along the Earth’s orbit, and as a result, the geological activity of planets and satellites increases. (Rotating planets heat up, like a flat tire on a car.)
The high geological activity of Jupiter's moon Io can be explained by the fact that the axial and orbital velocity of Io is 15 times greater than that of the Moon.
Io's orbital speed is 17 km / s, and the Moon's orbital speed is 1 km / s. Io's axial velocity is 1 revolution per 42 hours, and the moon's axial velocity is 1 revolution per month.
The distance from Jupiter to Io, the surface temperature and diameter of Io are the same as those of the Moon.
Geologically active are also Earth, Jupiter, Ceres, Enceladus, etc.
The geological activity of Venus and Mercury, due to the slow rotation, is extremely low.
If Io gets closer to Jupiter, then the axial and orbital velocity of Io will increase, due to which the Solar Coriolis force can tear Io into numerous pieces, which will then be located along Io's orbit, forming a ring.
Perhaps the Shoemaker Comet, Levi 9, was torn apart by the Solar Coriolis effect as it approached Jupiter at perihelion.
At the time of the comet's rupture, the distance from Jupiter to the comet reached about 40,000 km, and the orbital speed was 60 km / s.–Levy_9
The coefficient of geological activity of planets depends on the diameter, axial and orbital speed of the planets.
The video shows how the Coriolis solar force is pulling the Earth and the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit.

Continuation: Forum of Akademgorodok Novosibirsk. The science. Forums of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky.
Stationary model of the solar system.
Community of Russian scientists.

1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe and does not revolve around the center of the "galaxy" but is in space, in a stationary state.
2. Sunlight approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force of the Sun, is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun.
3. The sunlight then slows down, breaks up into particles and collapses into a star, causing the kinetic energy of the light to be transformed into the rotational energy of the star. [...]

It is interesting to see the standards of the oppressive and bigoted West not only being globally challenged by the traditional native cultures restoring their value and belief systems via decolonization, but these (wholly?) new intellectual societies arising from various mongrel convergences of contrarian thought.

I worry, however, that freedom-fighter labels like "Community of Russian Scientists" might get confused with scientists in general of the Cyrillic-language world. Who are more prone to consort with the imperialist devils of the Anglophone realm and tyrannical Western Europe. Given the array of social justice crimes committed throughout history by those privileged felons, one would not want the new "islands of enlightenment" arising in the rebellious multicultural landscape to be mistaken with them.

Granted, while perusing the content of their manifestos would quickly remedy such cognitive errors, we nevertheless abide in an age of superficial samplings and lazy, knee-jerk associations often made on the basis of a presented facade alone.
It is interesting to see the standards of the oppressive and bigoted West not only being globally challenged by the traditional native cultures restoring their value and belief systems via decolonization, but these (wholly?) new intellectual societies arising from various mongrel convergences of contrarian thought
Rotating around the Earth, the Moon approaches and moves away from the Earth, due to which the Moon periodically falls into resonance, and as a result, a supermoon and a micromoon occur.
The reason for the Moon's resonance is the Earth's elliptical orbit.
It is believed that the orbit of the Earth and the Moon rotates and completes one revolution every 112,000 and 8.8 years.
The rotation of the Moon's orbit is in doubt, since the Coriolis force of the Sun constantly stretches the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit.
1. Planets and satellites, rotating around their axis and in orbit, have axial and orbital kinetic energy, which is transformed from axial energy to orbital, and from orbital to axial.
a) The Earth, rotating around its axis, transfers axial energy into orbital energy, and Mercury transfers orbital energy into axial energy, due to which the Earth moves away from the Sun, and Mercury approaches the Sun.
b) Venus transfers its orbital speed to its axial speed, due to which Venus approaches the Sun quite quickly.
c) The orbital speed of the Earth is transformed into the orbital speed of the Moon.
d) The transformation coefficient, the shape and inclination of the orbit of the planets depends on the orbital speed of the planets and the angle of inclination of the rotation axis to the orbital plane, and the satellites to the ecliptic plane.
The transformation of Mercury's speeds occurs at perihelion.
e) In celestial mechanics, the transformation of velocities occurs due to the mechanics of interaction of two and three bodies, which can be expressed in the form of a structure.
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That's a lot of information you have posted.

Do you have any questions for us?

What would you like to discuss?
I wanted to hear your criticism and find like-minded people.
Okay then. I probably won't cover everything. There's a lot there.

Let's start at the beginning.
1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe and does not revolve around the center of the "galaxy" but is in space, in a stationary state.
Is it your claim that the rest of the universe revolves around Earth's Sun? If the Sun is stationary, then is the rest of the galaxy rotating around it?
2. Sunlight approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force of the Sun, is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun.
A big part of your theory seems to involve the Coriolis force. But the Coriolis force isn't a real force. It's a force that only appears if you happen to be in an accelerating frame of reference. But in your model the solar system is stationary, not accelerating. So, no Coriolis force.
3. The sunlight then slows down, breaks up into particles and collapses into a star, causing the kinetic energy of the light to be transformed into the rotational energy of the star.
Is it your claim that stars other than the Sun are really close to our solar system and are fundamentally different from the Sun?

What is a star, Fermer05? Is the Sun a star?
4. At the edge of the Solar System, the force of gravity, the speed of light, as well as the axial and orbital speed of stars, globular clusters and galaxies are close to zero. The farther a star is from the Sun, the lower the orbital speed of the stars.
Is it your claim that the speed of light changes at the edge of the solar system? Why would it do that?
7. As they approach the Sun, the temperature and brightness of stars increases, the star contracts and becomes denser, due to which globular clusters, galaxies, asteroids, the Kuiper belt, protoplanets, planets and satellites are formed.
Why would the temperature or brightness of a star increase as it approaches the Sun?

Are there any stars that approach the Sun?

If the brightness of star increases, why would it contract? What are the forces that keep a star from collapsing, Fermer05?
Then, after billions of years, the planets approach the Sun, due to which the axial and orbital speed of the planets, the Coriolis force of the Sun increases, and, as a result, the geological activity of the planets increases.
Is it your claim that the planets in our solar system were not formed at the same time as the Sun, but were "captured" and approached the Sun?
And as soon as the ratio of the combustible mixture in the fissures of the planets reaches 1:10, an explosion occurs and the planet begins to disintegrate into small fragments, similar to the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet.
What about planets that do not have an oxygen atmosphere? Why would any explosions occur?
8. The radius of the Solar System depends on the speed of light and the angular speed of rotation of the Sun. R ≈ c/ω
The speed of light is ≈ 1,000,000,000 km/h.
The angular speed of rotation of the Sun is ≈ 0.0105 rad/h.
The radius of the Solar System is ≈ 95,000,000,000 km.
The angular speed of rotation of the Sun varies as a function of latitude.
A photon consists of two particles rotating around the center of mass, which move in space against the rotation of the Sun, thanks to the deflecting Coriolis force of the Sun.
Which two particles does the photon consist of?

What about the photons coming from your screen to your eyes right now? Are they all moving in space against the rotation of the Sun? What about the photons coming from behind you?
The photon and the Sun are interconnected by gravity, just like the Sun, Earth and Moon. (Three body problem).
Just one photon?
At the edge of the Solar System, as the Sun's gravity decreases, the ellipse of particles also decreases, due to which the Photon slows down and breaks up into two particles.
Which particles does the photon break up into?
Without the gravitational influence of the Sun, the Earth-Moon Pair and Photon disintegrate.
The Earth-moon pair is held together by their own mutual gravity, not the Sun's gravity.
A particle of light from the edge of the solar system travels to the Sun for billions of years and has potential energy, which can be calculated using the following formula.
It only takes a few hours for light to travel from the edge of the solar system. Light is very fast.
Based on the mechanics of interaction of three bodies, it is possible to construct a supportless propulsion device.
What has that got to do with the solar system and photons and stuff?
Galaxies, atmospheric cyclones and anticyclones rotate around their own axis and in orbit, and everything that rotates, including gyres, has the property of a gyroscope to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space, regardless of the rotation of the Earth, due to which blocking and then drift of galaxies occurs.
Yes. Conservation of angular momentum is a thing.
The direction of galaxy drift depends on the inclination of the axis and orbit of the galaxies relative to the ecliptic plane.
Observations disagree with you.
The closer the orbit of stars is to the Sun, the faster the star moves, and the further the orbit of stars is from the Sun, the slower the star moves.
I think you might be confusing stars with planets. Kepler's laws are a thing.
Perhaps the orbit of Barnard's flying star is located either far from the Sun or close to the Sun.
Good to see you're covering all the bases.
The satellites of Saturn and the star of the galaxy move much faster in the full moon phase than in the new moon phase.
Observations disagree with your claim.
11. I believe that a star, like planets, reflects sunlight.
Maybe a little, but the self-luminance of stars is much more significant.
a) If the stars emitted light in all directions, then we would see only those stars that are located close to the Sun, and the star could be observed both during dawn and during sunset and during the day.
With our naked eyes, we do only see stars that are relatively close to the Sun and relatively bright. We can see a few thousand stars with the naked eye, but we can see literally billions with telescopes and the like.

Our Sun's light and scattering in the atmosphere completely overwhelms starlight during the day. The Sun is very bright. It is very close to us, astronomically speaking.
b) What has been said can be verified by experiment.
Not what you've said.
12. It is believed that the farthest stars are located at a distance of about 10 billion light years from us.
a) How does sunlight travel such distances and how far can sunlight travel?
Photons will travel forever, unless something absorbs them. Distance isn't a factor. How is it that you didn't already know this? Shouldn't you learn physics before trying to invent your own theories?
14. Outside the solar system, sunlight does not penetrate and it will be impossible to see the solar system from the side of the universe.
What would stop sunlight from "penetrating" outside the solar system?
15. All mechanical processes that occur in the atmosphere also occur in the starry sky.
No. For example, there's very little molecular nitrogen or oxygen in the starry sky. It doesn't rain in space.
16. In the solar system, everything is programmed and everything moves according to the strict laws of celestial mechanics, due to which randomness and chaos are not possible in the solar system.
Chaos is not the same thing as randomness. You mentioned the three body problem. Why don't you know about chaos?
17. The theory of the evolution of the Universe should not contradict and go beyond the laws of celestial mechanics.
Which theory? Yours?
If the Solar System revolved around the center of the Galaxy, and the Earth moved away and approached the center of the Galaxy, then the Earth?s orbit, thanks to the galactic Coriolis force, would be elongated along the orbit of the Sun.
No. There's no coriolis force, as long as we're working in an inertial frame of reference.
The reason for the formation of the ellipse of the planets and the reason for the rotation of the orbits of the planets is in the problem of two bodies, which has not yet been solved, like the problem of three bodies.
Wrong. Kepler and Newton solved the two-body problem 400 years ago. Why don't you know this?
The statement that the ellipse of the planets is formed due to the disturbance of the planets does not stand up to criticism, since Venus and Neptune move in a circular orbit.
The orbits are only approximately circular. They are still ellipses. But it doesn't matter - circles are just special cases of ellipses anyway.
The objects of the solar system cannot endlessly revolve around numerous centers.
Is it your claim that Newton's laws of motion are incorrect, then?
No natural planetary satellite has a permanent or temporary satellite
That shouldn't be too surprising. After all, the planet's gravity is important in those cases.
In nature, there is no relationship without symbiosis, and in the center of the galaxy, the solar system does not need.
Is it your claim that the solar system is a biological organism?
And the main question is why planetary satellites do not have satellites, and asteroids possess satellites.
Asteroids don't have pesky planets nearby to rip their satellites out of orbit.
1. Thanks to what forces the Universe assembles and explodes. Without an answer to this question, the Big Bang hypothesis has no right to exist.
Wrong. It is observed that the universe is expanding. That is an observation that any viable theory of cosmology needs to take into account and/or explain.
2. After the Big Bang, the Galaxies, having received fantastic kinetic energy, must move in a straight line and forever.
Not exactly. After all, things with mass all create their own gravity. Do you accept Newton's law of gravity, Fermer05?
3. The center of the Solar system is the Sun, and the role of the Sun for the Solar system is vital, but what role does the center of the Universe play for the Universe, what is there and what happens?
There is no centre of the universe.
4. What was the state of the laws of celestial mechanics before the explosion, at the moment of the explosion, and after the explosion, how and when did they arise?
Big topic. I'm surprised you haven't investigated it at all, before trying to invent your own cosmology.
5. Moving away from the center of the Universe, the galaxies began to rotate around their own center, what force rotates the galaxies and where did this force come from?
Essentially, it's random. As clouds of dust and gas collapse, they tend to start to rotate, due to the law of conservation of angular momentum. Do you accept that law of conservation of angular momentum, Fermer05?
6. The statement that globular star clusters are satellites of Galaxies and rotate in highly elongated orbits at a speed of ≈ 200 km/sec also goes beyond the scope of celestial mechanics.
Clearly not, since celestian mechanicians have stated that.
a) If globular clusters rotated around the center of the Galaxy, then they would rotate in the same plane.
Why? What would cause that? Not your non-existent coriolis force, I hope.
b) Will Saturn and its moons be able to orbit the Sun as a globular cluster?
No. Perhaps you need to find out what a globular cluster is. Try googling it.
7. In globular clusters there is no orbital rotation of stars.
I don't think that's correct.
a) Then what forces form a globular cluster of stars?
Maybe you'll find out when you look up what a globular cluster is. They let you use the internet where you are, it seems.
9. After expansion, the Universe contracts back and Galaxies rush towards the center of the Universe with enormous speed.
Apparently not, according to the best available data.
10. For what reason the galaxies stopped scattering and began to gather.
11. What force attracts galaxies to the center of the Universe, if it is a gravitational force, then how does it arise?
Again: there is no centre of the universe.
12. How much energy is released when a galaxy collides with the center of the Universe.
There is no centre of the universe.
The Coriolis force occurs when an object approaches or moves away from the Earth's axis.
Only from the point of view of an accelerated reference frame. Otherwise there is no coriolis force.
At the same time, when an object that moves on or around the Earth approaches or moves away from the axis of the Sun, the Solar Coriolis force is generated.
The flow of the Volga River is constantly pressed against the western bank of the river by the Coriolis force of the Earth, and the Solar Coriolis force, due to the axial and orbital rotation of the Earth, deflects the flow of the Volga River either to the western bank or to the eastern bank twice a day.
If you consider this from an inertial frame of reference, what is actually happening is that the banks of the river are pushing on the water as it flows in the north-south direction, because the water's speed has to change as it moves in the north-south direction. There is only a coriolis force if you're trying to explain this from the point of view of somebody in the non-inertial reference frame of the Earth.
The Coriolis effect of the Earth does not depend on the inclination of the axis of the earth, and the Solar Coriolis force depends.
Of course. When you calculate the coriolis force on Earth, you're using the Earth as the non-inertial frame of reference, not anything outside the Earth.
The solar Coriolis force is involved in the formation of the Moon's ellipse.
No. There's no solar coriolis force.
The reason for the Moon's resonance is the Earth's elliptical orbit.
No. It's due to tidal locking.
The statement that the Moon's orbit rotates and makes one revolution in 8.8 years does not correspond to reality, since the Solar Coriolis effect constantly stretches the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit.
Do observations correspond to reality, Fermer05? Or do you throw away observational evidence when it doesn't match your theories?
Based on the fact of the approach and removal of the moon from the sun, it is possible to construct. Reactionless drive.
Do you believe in Newton's third law of motion, Fermer05?
The reason for the geological activity of the planets is also the Coriolis solar force.
Impossible. There is no solar coriolis force.
The high geological activity of Jupiter's moon Io can be explained by the fact that the axial and orbital velocity of Io is 15 times greater than that of the Moon.
No. It's due to tidal heating - an effect of Jupiter's gravity and the close proximity of Io to the planet.
The distance from Jupiter to Io, the surface temperature and diameter of Io are the same as those of the Moon.
Io has active volcanoes. The Moon does not. Why?
Geologically active are also Earth, Jupiter, Ceres, Enceladus, etc.
The geological activity of Venus and Mercury, due to the slow rotation, is extremely low.
Rotation has nothing to do with it.
If Io gets closer to Jupiter, then the axial and orbital velocity of Io will increase, due to which the Solar Coriolis force can tear Io into numerous pieces, which will then be located along Io's orbit, forming a ring.
I think you need to put tidal forces on your list of things to google, Fermer05.
Perhaps the Shoemaker Comet, Levi 9, was torn apart by the Solar Coriolis effect as it approached Jupiter at perihelion.
No. Tidal forces from Jupiter did it. There's no solar coriolis effect.
The coefficient of geological activity of planets depends on the diameter, axial and orbital speed of the planets.
I acknowledge this is futile. You have done far too much work on this, and far too much of it is just dead wrong for you to be convinced by any arguments.
On the other hand, it's pretty easy to show you haven't done enough work. Here's just one teeny example:

If the Solar System revolved around the center of the Galaxy, and the Earth moved away and approached the center of the Galaxy, then the Earth?s orbit, thanks to the galactic Coriolis force, would be elongated along the orbit of the Sun. Similar to the lunar orbit.
Defend this.

First, what do you mean be "elongated along the orbit of the Sun"? I mean specifically. By how much? Just rough numbers will suffice.

How would this appear to us, within this moving solar system? What would we observe/measure to be the case?

Even if we were to grant this elongation (which we do not), have you taken into account the scale here? The solar system is about 10 light hours across. The distance to the galactic core is 26,000 light years. That's 7 orders of magnitude. The solar system subtends an arc of about 0.0000004 degrees (that's zero degrees, zero minutes, zero seconds and 150 arc milliseconds*) of its orbit. Have you calculated what amount of Coriolis Force you think this should generate? Have you calculated what elongation this should generate in the planetary orbits?

*how straight is straight?

But the orbits of the planets are not stretched along the orbit of the Sun
Defend this. Show ho much this effect should be (rough numbers are fine - as I have shown, we are talking orders of magnitude here), and then show that it is not observed.
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The OP is too long a read to qualify as a joke and too ridiculous to be anything else.
Я признаю, что это бесполезно. Вы проделали слишком много работы над этим, и слишком многое из этого совершенно неправильно, чтобы вас могли убедить какие-либо аргументы.
С другой стороны, довольно легко показать, что вы недостаточно поработали . Вот лишь один крошечный пример:

Защитите это.

Во-первых, что значит «быть вытянутым по орбите Солнца»? Я имею в виду конкретно. На сколько? Достаточно приблизительных цифр.

Как бы это выглядело для нас в этой движущейся солнечной системе? Что бы мы наблюдали/измеряли в данном случае?

Даже если бы мы допустили это удлинение (чего мы не делаем), учли ли вы здесь масштаб? Солнечная система имеет диаметр около 10 световых часов. Расстояние до ядра галактики составляет 26 000 световых лет. Это 7 порядков. Солнечная система образует дугу около 0,0000004 градуса (это ноль градусов, ноль минут, ноль секунд и 150 угловых миллисекунд* ) своей орбиты. Вы рассчитали, какое количество силы Кориолиса, по вашему мнению, это должно создать? Вы рассчитали, какое удлинение это должно создать на орбитах планет?

*насколько прямой является прямым?

Защитите это. Покажите, насколько большим должен быть этот эффект (грубые цифры вполне подойдут - как я показал, здесь речь идет о порядках ), а затем покажите, что он не наблюдается.
Half of the text is my hypothesis, and the other half is a critique of the big bang hypothesis.
I wrote as best I could, I can’t do it any other way.
You need to read it again.
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