Stars Are Suns; Suns Have Planets

I do not know what religion I am, and because I have not yet read the New Testament (I am studying the bible) I suppose I am jewish.

I do not take things in the bible literally, I am not sure if I believe all or any of it. Eves punishment was not to be ruled over by man, but to have pain during childbirth. Adams punishment was to toil in the fields.

Mans supposed dominance over women was established earlier in the story, when Eve was created from Adam to satisfy him. This all contradicts Genesis 1:27, "So god created man in his own image, in the image of god he created him, male and female he created them."

And I really do not think God speaking to other entities suggests the presence of alien life. He is speaking to angels, which already existed before Adam and Eve (we can assume this because an angel kicks Adam and Eve out of eden). I do not discount the existence of alien life, I just don't think the bible specifically supports alien existence one way or the other.

[This message has been edited by Corp.Hudson (edited November 10, 1999).]
Corp. Hudson,

I do not know what religion I am, and because I have not yet read the New Testament (I am studying the bible) I suppose I am jewish.

You do seem to be a bit confused as to what religion you are - according to your statement in another thread in the Religious Debate forum:

I am a christian, but I dont go to church.

Well, let me know when you get it figured out, okay? :)

By the way, I am not too clear on the distinction between "angels" and "aliens". Can you explain it for me so that I too can know the difference?

I am very confused about religion. Both of my parents are christian, so I consider myself a non-denominational christian. But I have not yet studied the new testement, so i cant really call myself a christian.

I think of angels as divine creatures that do gods bidding. I think of aliens as not so divine creatures that are like us.
Corp. Hudson,

You've stated that you think of aliens as being like us. I'm not sure in what way, but I assume you mean that they look like us. Is that correct? What do you suppose angels look like?
