
"You have a right to choose to disagree, however it would be more logical if you were to provide a "Reasonable" argument by providing something to back it up with as many of us have already done so."
Have you proven that there is anything special about bermuda triangle?

I must have missed it.

Synaesthesia, Whatever "Evidence" is brought forward to support anyones claim, always ends up being translated with indifference to another persons objective point of view!
The word "Proof" (which I did not even use here) has a different meaning by definition!
You want opinions on the Bermuda Triangle. I gave you mine. Just because it is different to yours does not mean that I should be quiet and not argue, or debate, points.

You can scowl at me all you want to buddy, but your words are not going to change a thing. I am discussing information relevant to this discussion, and right now you are not. I will not scowl at you or use immature faces that others cannot decipher. I will, however, consider to argue my opinions. Do you have a problem with that?

If you interpret this as overly direct, or aggresive, then so be it. I believe that I was unreasonably talked down, and have responded in kind.

Getting back to the debate. Dolphin, it is not remarkable that no wreckage was found. The ocean in question is huge, and under adverse weather conditions it is next to impossible to vissually sight, let alone verify, any form of wreckage.

Time, you post some information form another source in your linked thread related to Stargates. If I wanted to, I could post information here proving that black people are inferior, that the holocaust never happened. Just because it is on the internet does not mean that it is true. Verify your source. I would certainly dispute the facts that and the authority of that extract.
Time.. about your stargate, whats behind the door? Surely we have all the tools needed to open it (TNT will do). To me that looks like a carving on the rockface. If it real, why hasn't anyone bothered to to take a peek inside?

Behind this "Portal" is where the traveler's body disapeared from the observers point of view, and it was if his body was "Teleported" through some energy field surrounding the structure.

If you were to attempt circumventing the elements of these natural forces, and physicly drill, cut, or blast your way through, you would find nothing but rock & earth, and these "Barbaric" approaches would have accomplished absolutley nothing outside of destruction, and a waste of your "Time"
or perhaps these forces would reply equaly, and you would have dug your own grave!

I suggest you examine all of the information provided with more focused & uniterrupted scrutiny.