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Just a thought....
You discover something big, (like a stargate, for example) and you don't want anyone finding out about it, what do you do?
Simple, you make a movie about it. As close to the truth as possible. And if anybody ever mentions it, they immediately become "movie freaks". Nobody will ever take them seriously.
I have always believed that some sort of stargates existed for intergalactic travel, long before the movie came out, but would anybody even discuss it with me now? They'll just think I like the movie.
Take Star Trek for example, when it first came out, half of those little gadgets they used didn't exist. And now?..... lot of them do. (By the way I am not a Star Trek fan).
Let me know what you think.
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[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited November 05, 2000).]
I like the idea. The problem is that there are so many movies and sci-fi does one know what is close to the truth?

Like a quantum computer, all possibilities are possible though some what improbable. The fun part is our imagination.
well then, i guess han solo is gonna come pick me up in the millenium falcon?

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!

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I think that such things as stargates and wormholes are very possible. Space is big and I think it was put there for a reason, even if it was simply to keep us humans occupied. I also think the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe is possible. Since the Universe is infinite, if it is just us, it seems like an awful waste of space. I think that wormholes and stargates would provide for a quicker means of "transportation".
I am convinced that stargates and wormholes exist. I wonder if one of them isn't in Bermuda triangle - it would all make sense then, all the dissapearing of planes etc.
Dolphin - to answer the bermuda problem. I am a pilot. I know that planes do crash. The famed Avenger flight that went missing - there is nothing mysterious about it at all. The radio reports received include that they were lost and low on fuel, or 'bingo'. No aliens, no atlantis, no wormholes.

And, ahhh, your movie idea is interesting but not very workable. Ever heard of "Perfect Storm" "Vertical Limits" etc etc all films based on factual events
To patriotStorm
Sure, planes crash, but that's not what I'm talking about. In Bermuda triangle they dissapear. Oh and by the way, we actualy Do have a Stargate here on Earth and it is being used. We're just not supposed to know about it.
Dolphic, anything you have read about the Bermuda Triangle which makes you believe that planes dissapear (or ships) is absolute sensationalised bullshit. Nothing more, nothing less. The Bermuda Trinagle has had the same number of statistical animolities as the same number of any comparable ocean area. FACT.
What do you mean that there are other anamolies? Where? Are they at regular intervals? What's up patriotStorm? Or did you say more than you wanted or where they just a poor choice of words? Oh, and by the way Dolphin, you got to prove it, don't just say there is a Stargate, tell us where it is. Or is that wishful thinking? "Scotty, one to beam up"
Randolfo, what I meant is that statistically there are the same number of unexplained maritime or otherwise accidents in areas of similar size comparable to that of Bermuda. Simplified: the claims that more ships go missing in Bermuda is plain wrong.
WHERE? tell me where planes just dissapear. By the way I don't know what's there - Bermuda Triange - but there IS something there.
As far as the Stargate is concerned (I just call it that for lack of better words, nothing to do with any movie) for obvious reasons I can't go into it (location etc).
Sorry. Wish I could.
Planes and ships do NOT dissapear. They don't vanish from the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, or the Bermuda Triangle. If you are willing to attempt to prove otherwise, go ahead.

You don't know what is in Bermuda? I do. Ocean. Storms. Swells. Exactly like everywhere else in the world. There is NOTHING special about Bermuda, apart from the fact that we as a society have drawn a make believe triangle around the area and pronounced it to be strange.

And as for the Stargate thing, why can't you tell us? Come on mate, cut out this facade thing and get to the point.

Merry Christmas all
To partiotSTORM
look, I'm not here to argue about the Bermuda triangle. All I am saying is that I've read many articles on dissapearances in that area and I would like to know what other people think about it. That's all. I've read many cases that have been unsolved, where planes etc were never found, not even debris. So I would call that a dissapearance.
("@^@")...Time looks at PatriotSTORM & Scowls)
Look here pal,
This is EXOSCI!
The very reason for this forum, is to discuss, share & exchange information relevent to "Anomolous" subjects.
You have a right to choose to disagree, however it would be more logical if you were to provide a "Reasonable" argument by providing something to back it up with as many of us have already done so.

We have provided more than sufficient evidence to support our statements, so it would be good of you to follow suit here, and do so likewise.
"You have a right to choose to disagree, however it would be more logical if you were to provide a "Reasonable" argument by providing something to back it up with as many of us have already done so."

Have you proven that there is anything special about bermuda triangle?

I must have missed it.

"If atheism is a religion, then bald is a haircolor."
to Synaethesia
perhaps you should read a couple of books on the subject and then we can have a discussion about it