Star Wars vs Star Trek (Redux)

Why laugh ? This Universe is vast . Many advanced Beings are out there , no doubt .
and the only reason we haven't had any objectively evidenced visitation (first official contact) is logically the "Prime Directive" or similar is being employed by most if not all FTL races. Which logically extends to the notion that to achieve FTL the races must have a high degree of positive morality/ethics.
I myself much preferred the older stuff . I get turned off with these long drawn out soaps . It gets friggin Boring .

Something New Every Week . I'm in .
I am the opposite but then I am into binging...
ST Discovery for example has 3 seasons ( about 42 episodes at about 49 minutes each episode... that's about 34 hours of sci fi story telling) better than reading a book you can't put down IMO...
and the only reason we haven't had any objectively evidenced visitation (first official contact) is logically the "Prime Directive" or similar is being employed by most if not all FTL races. Which logically extends to the notion that to achieve FTL the races must have a high degree of positive morality/ethics.

Prime Directive , I understand . The people You are Contacting will be changed in some way , therefore the free-will of that being to find its own way , will be changed , based on your contact .

FTL Beings will be advanced thinkers . What these beings think who knows . Do they do us harm , rather than good ?
Prime Directive , I understand . The people You are Contacting will be changed in some way , therefore the free-will of that being to find its own way , will be changed , based on your contact .

FTL Beings will be advanced thinkers . What these beings think who knows . Do they do us harm , rather than good ?
Ultimately it is always about protecting them selves from Trumpian style stupidity.
The last thing they would want is for humanity as it stands to have access to the stars... and I would suggest that the only way humanity could develop FTL with out destroying itself in the process is to evolve a greater sense of wisdom, morality and ethics. So the problem of stupidity is solved simply by leaving it to ourselves to solve it. ( hence the Prime Directive )

But certainly they are only fundamentally interested in their own self preservation in applying it...

Put it this way... IMO the military applications of FTL science, regarding offensive weaponry etc means that we would destroy out selves unless we get our power/arrogance etc addiction under control.
Ultimately it is always about protecting them selves from Trumpian style stupidity.
The last thing they would want is for humanity as it stands to have access to the stars... and I would suggest that the only way humanity could develop FTL with out destroying itself in the process is to evolve a greater sense of wisdom, morality and ethics. So the problem of stupidity is solved simply by leaving it to ourselves to solve it. ( hence the Prime Directive )

But certainly they are only fundamentally interested in their own self preservation in applying it...

Put it this way... IMO the military applications of FTL science, regarding offensive weaponry etc means that we would destroy out selves unless we get our power/arrogance etc addiction under control.


Lets hope that Capitalist grow to understand this .

Star-Trek , is military government based Sci-Fi . I liked it and still do , for the science and friendships .

But not the kind of Future I want to see for Humanity .

Military is in the background , Explorers and Science in the Fore Front .

Lets hope that Capitalist grow to understand this .

Star-Trek , is military government based Sci-Fi . I liked it and still do , for the science and friendships .

But not the kind of Future I want to see for Humanity .

Military is in the background , Explorers and Science in the Fore Front .
To me the problem with Star Trek and Star Wars etc is that they are formulated from a culture that can see no end to the bloodshed potential either locally or universally. So the story is constructed accordingly. Humans love the idea of Cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, good vs evil. ( hence the military nature of the hierarchical nature of Star Treks command structures etc...)
Addiction to dualism ie. (-) + (+), Yin and Yang...
To achieve FTL I believe, requires non dualism which would entail a fundamental shift in how we view 4 dimensional space which is currently through the eyes of Albert Einstein's version of euclidean space, in the main but QED and QM is making progress towards non-dualistic interpretations that will if allowed filter into culture as time progresses.

So... the sci fi that is currently being produced generally is reflective of a culture that prevents a peaceful transition into a FTL era and will remain fictional and never real until that culture evolves into one that is more non-dualistic.
it is hard to explain my thoughts but I gave it a go...

perhaps quoting a personal creed would help in the understanding:

relational non-dualism:
"It is never about you and me,
It is always about Us and We."
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To me the problem with Star Trek and Star Wars etc is that they are formulated from a culture that can see no end to the bloodshed potential either locally or universally. So the story is constructed accordingly. Humans love the idea of Cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, good vs evil.
Addiction to dualism ie. (-) + (+), Yin and Yang...
To achieve FTL I believe, requires non dualism which would entail a fundamental shift in how we view 4 dimensional space which is currently through the eyes of Albert Einstein's version of euclidean space, in the main but QED and QM is making progress towards non-dualistic interpretations that will if allowed filter into culture as time progresses.

So... the sci fi that is currently being produced generally is reflective of a culture that prevents a peaceful transition into a FTL era and will remain fictional and never real until that culture evolves into one that is more non-dualistic.
it is hard to explain my thoughts but I gave it a go...


Military , Heroics . Occaustionally , the rebel or two ....

I just Hope that Space is About US as well . Explorers . That want to be out there because that is Our Dream .
I just recently got interested in Star trek, via video streaming services.
and the current Star Trek: Discovery.
Covid-binging seems to be a thing these days...
One of the key things needed to be considered is that Star Trek was designed initially for TV, episode based with advertising breaks. So the plot of most ( some ) of them is episode-al, short stories and not long journey style stories.
The current story, S T Discovery is 3 seasons ( a 4th on the way in Australia) of long story and to be honest IMO, a rather well produced sci fi product that could stand alone with out heavy reliance on a franchise.
Sure it's got quite a few inconsistencies and some rather obsessional melodramatic sentimentality but one is reminded that sci fi soap has to for the episod-al TV audience it is designed to attract.

I agree that there really is no way you can compare the two, Trek vs Star Wars in terms of who wins a hypothetical war except to suggest that if the good guys in both teamed up "evil" doesn't stand a chance... lol

The episodic format of the original series fit it creators vision for it; a means of telling morality tales. And there are some who argue that Trek is at its best in that format, and it has lost its way in going to the serial format. The next incarnation "Strange New Worlds" (Following the adventures of the Enterprise under the command of Capt. Pike), is said to go back to the episodic format.
The episodic format of the original series fit it creators vision for it; a means of telling morality tales. And there are some who argue that Trek is at its best in that format, and it has lost its way in going to the serial format. The next incarnation "Strange New Worlds" (Following the adventures of the Enterprise under the command of Capt. Pike), is said to go back to the episodic format.

Lets hope

And if so , new ideas , cutting edge science being included .
The episodic format of the original series fit it creators vision for it; a means of telling morality tales. And there are some who argue that Trek is at its best in that format, and it has lost its way in going to the serial format. The next incarnation "Strange New Worlds" (Following the adventures of the Enterprise under the command of Capt. Pike), is said to go back to the episodic format.
Perhaps there is room in this universe for both?
Which Pike do you like the most?
I thought his role in Discovery was acceptable (Anson Adams Mount IV)