Stages of the creation of man


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Scientists have proven that the human body is almost 70% water as well as other substances ...
1. Scientists have proven that the human body is almost 70% water as well as other substances that are found in soil ie man is originally created from clay. Miraculously, the holy Qur'an has revealed such a fact; Allah, the almighty says:
"Man We did create
From a quintessence (of clay) "Muminun or the Believers: 12
Such a fact raises the question of who could have informed Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, of this.

2. Upon studying the stages of fetal development, scientists have found that the bones are formed before the flesh. Such a fact was totally unknown at the time of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH. The holy Qur'an, however, has revealed it; Allah, the exalted says:

"Then We made the sperm
Into a clot of congealed blood;
Then of that clot We made
A (fœtus) lump; then We
Made out of that lump
Bones and clothed the bones
With flesh; then We developed
Out of it another creature.
So blessed be God,
The Best to create! "Muminun or the Believers: 14 (ibid)
All Glory to Allah.

3. Among the stages of fetal creation is the stage when the fetus appears like a chewed lump of flesh (mudgha). All Glory to Allah who has revealed to us this stage of man creation; Allah says:
"Then We made the sperm
Into a clot of congealed blood;
Then of that clot We made
A (fœtus) lump; then We
Made out of that lump
Bones "Muminun or the Believers: 14 (ibid)

The question that needs be answered is who could have revealed such a scientific fact to Prophet Mohammad, PBUH?

4. Scientists have further discovered that the fetus begins to take shape on the day 42 of its development in the uterus. Fabulously, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, has revealed such a scientific fact 14 centuries ago for Imam Muslim reported: the messenger of Allah, PBUH, said: "If forty-two nights have passed over the embryo, Allah sends an angel to it, who shapes it ". All Glory to Allah.

5. The placenta feeds the fetus with air, food, and water, doesn't allow the passage of any harmful materials, and produces hormones that regulate the fetus temperature. Scientists add that the placenta looks after the fetus in a manner that is much better than any intensive care units. Accordingly, Allah, the Almighty, says:
"Then We placed him
As (a drop of) sperm
In a place of rest,
Firmly fixed "Muminun or the Believers: 13 (ibid)
All Glory to Allah.
6. Upon studying the stages of fetal development, scientists have discovered that at its earliest shaping stages, the fetus is a group of cells that are attached to the uterus wall and are fed from it. All Glory to Allah who has revealed this in the holy Qur'an when describing this stage (the stage of alaqa, a leech-like clot) Allah says:
"It is He Who has
Created you from dust,
Then from a sperm-drop,
Then from a leech-like clot "Ghafer or the Believer: 67 (ibid)
Once again, the question that should be answered is who could have revealed such a scientific fact to Prophet Mohammad, PBUH?

7. Scientists have proven that the semen determines the fetal gender, male or female. All Glory to Allah who has revealed this fact in the holy Qur'an:
"That He did create
In pairs,-male and female
From a seed when lodged
(In its place) "Najm or the Star: 45-46 (ibid)
The question that needs be answered is who could have revealed to Prophet
Mohammad, PBUH, that the semen is what determines the fetal gender?
Utter nonsense. Let's start with #7:

"That He did create
In pairs,-male and female
From a seed when lodged
(In its place) "Najm or the Star: 45-46 (ibid)"

"Seed" doesn't specify the male or female gamete as a determinant. Seed is the fertilized product only, in plants. Your verse makes no specification as to which gender controls the process. By the by, any answer would have a 50% chance of being right anyway.
Also, #1 was a total failure, #2 and 3 dead wrong, #5 a non-starter, #6 a crock and #4 so badly wrong it verged on hysterically bad.

But other than 1-7, great post.
We have these verses were great at the miracle medical VII of the Koran in 1982 and what the world heard Thai (Tajmas) specialized knowledge of the embryos of those verses even announced immediately and without hesitation that there is no god but God and Mohammed is the Messenger of God, as the conference was attended by Prof. famous ( Keith Moore) and is a professor in a large Canadian and American universities and he said (it is impossible to be a prophet had known all these details are accurate phases and create a perception of himself and the fetus must have been in contact with the world of large briefed him on the various sciences not and is God) and had announced his conversion to Islam at the conference which was held in 1983 and line the miracles of the Quran in Arabic in the university's famous book, which was taught to medical students in the colleges of America and Canada. For the rest of the interview

القرآن الكريم يكشف طريقة تكوين الجنين بإعتراف الغربyoutube

الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن - مراحل تكون الجنين
We have these verses were great at the miracle medical VII of the Koran in 1982 and what the world heard Thai (Tajmas) specialized knowledge of the embryos of those verses even announced immediately and without hesitation that there is no god but God and Mohammed is the Messenger of God, as the conference was attended by Prof. famous ( Keith Moore) and is a professor in a large Canadian and American universities and he said (it is impossible to be a prophet had known all these details are accurate phases and create a perception of himself and the fetus must have been in contact with the world of large briefed him on the various sciences not and is God) and had announced his conversion to Islam at the conference which was held in 1983 and line the miracles of the Quran in Arabic in the university's famous book, which was taught to medical students in the colleges of America and Canada. For the rest of the interview

القرآن الكريم يكشف طريقة تكوين الجنين بإعتراف الغربyoutube

الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن - مراحل تكون الجنين

This is more preaching.

Why would the ill-vaunted Moore's conversion or not conversion matter to anything? The poor diction of the above makes it difficult to follow. Present some actual arguments.
I bet jinns are sticking stuff like that up your butt right now but you don't notice. I would go to a doctor if I was you.

Edit: Did I say doctor? I meant sheik, they have less training but are better at examining orifices.

:bugeye: What?? However more Importantly Why?
The irony in that is the Koran is simply a collaboration of plagiarized texts and materials from a plethora of varying sources with no real authenticity. :D

The very presence of references to Judaic and Christian themes proves that. As the early Christian Church tended to ostracize the dozens of heresies that arose, these sects often had little choice but to set up shop in neighboring lands. Syria, Alexandria and Persia had all taken in various sects before the birth of Islam.

One of these, Nestorianism, seems fairly tame in that it only denied the divinity of Christ. These appear to be the people who were in the Arabian peninsula 200-300 years or so before Muhammad. Several of their monasteries have been unearthed. They apparently had 5 bishoprics.

Who knows exactly how or why Islam arose, but the presence of Christian monasteries in their vicinity would certainly explain their familiarity with Bible stories.
It's simple

Why did God create man on earth?
Of course
To unite the one God and walk straight on
the road and reconstruction of the ground

From the beginning of Adam peace be upon him,
and Noah and Abraham and Lot and Hood and
Shuaib, Elias, Jacob, Joseph ....... Solomon,
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them

All the prophets, their message is one
Of different races
Bani Israel .... And the Arabs

People do not want to recognize this fact
Everyone is on the whims

So God says in the Holy Qur'an
(122) Then his Lord chose him and turned to
him in forgiveness and guided [him].
(123) [Allah] said, "Descend from Paradise
- All, [your descendants] being enemies to
one another. And if there should come to you
guidance from Me - then whoever follows My
guidance will neither go astray [in the
world] nor suffer [in the Hereafter].
(124) And whoever turns away from My
remembrance - indeed, he will have a
depressed life, and We will gather him on the
Day of Resurrection blind. "
(125) He will say, "My Lord, why have you
raised me blind while I was [once] seeing? "

(126) [Allah] will say, "Thus did Our signs
come to you, and you forgot them; and thus
will you this Day be forgotten. "
(127) And thus do We recompense he who
transgressed and did not believe in the signs
of his Lord. And the punishment of the
Hereafter is more severe and more enduring.

(12 Then, has it not become clear to them
how many generations We destroyed before them
as they walk among their dwellings? Indeed in
that are signs for those of intelligence.

(38 We said, "Go down from it, all of you.
And when guidance comes to you from Me,
whoever follows My guidance - there will be
no fear concerning them, nor will they
(39) And those who disbelieve and deny Our
signs - those will be companions of the Fire;
they will abide therein eternally. "
(40) O Children of Israel, remember My favor
which I have bestowed upon you and fulfill My
covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your
covenant [from Me], and be afraid of [only]
(41) And believe in what I have sent down
confirming that which is [already] with you,
and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And
do not exchange My signs for a small price,
and fear [only] Me.
(42) And do not mix the truth with falsehood
or conceal the truth while you know [it].
(43) And establish prayer and give zak h and
bow with those who bow [in worship and

Narated By Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's
Apostle saying, "I am the nearest of all the
people to the son of Mary, and all the
prophets are paternal brothers, and there has
been no prophet between me and him (i.e.
Jesus). "

Sahih al-Bukhary, The Book of Prophets,
Hadith Number: 3480, Narrated by: Abu-Huraira

Narated By Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle
said, "Both in this world and in the
Hereafter, I am the nearest of all the people
to Jesus, the son of Mary. The prophets are
paternal brothers; their mothers are
different, but their religion is one. "

Sahih al-Bukhary, The Book of Prophets,
Hadith Number: 3481, Narrated by: Abu-Huraira
Is there a point to this thread, or is it a case of really being the preaching it seems to be?
It's simple

Why did God create man on earth?
Of course
To unite the one God and walk straight on
the road and reconstruction of the ground
People do not want to recognize this fact
Everyone is on the whims
The worst of all whims is to ignore or deny best evidence, which, in this case, is that the human embryo develops from a dermal plate. The notochord arises thereafter, before bones form.

This in itself refutes your claim that bones are formed first in the fetus. Skin is not stretched across bone as ancient people believed. You believe this only because you are reading the Koran literally, which is the source of your error.

All of the preaching in the world will not repeal the laws of nature.
How wonderful
you made me laugh
Skin before the bone

Therefore, the human mass of dough

What is this nonsense

Scientists must ask embryos
And Western scientists honestly admit the Qur'an

Watch the video

Should learn a little

So do not embarrass yourself more than that