St. Malachy Prophecy

Malachy's "prophecies"

Another man whom some think of as a prophet is having his prophecies circulated widely. An Irishman named Malachy O'Morgair was a Catholic archbishop in the 12th century. He had a series of visions in 1140, which he wrote down and presented to the pope. For whatever reason, his 111 prophecies were placed in the Vatican's archives, where they were forgotten for the next four and a half centuries.

When they were "discovered," people with creative imaginations claimed that they prophesied the names of every pope from Innocent II through to the present. No pope was actually named, of course, because Malachy's "prophecies" were written in the same type of non-specific language as those of Nostradamus. It's therefore easy to read meanings into them.

You may have heard about a "prophecy" that claims the present pope is the next-to-the-last one, without realizing that it comes from Malachy's "prophecies." Again, failing to look at the man and his messages in the broader context has caused many people to stumble into giving this single "prophecy" unjustified credibility.

The non-specific language of his messages is only one of the discrediting features. His list also includes so-called anti-popes-men who were not recognized as popes by the Catholic Church! As for those who are inclined to say that his list proves the next pope will be the last one, not even the Catholic Encyclopedia makes that claim. "It has been noticed concerning Petrus Romanus, who according to St. Malachy's list is to be the last pope, but the prophecy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor.... It merely says that he is to be the last, so that we may suppose as many popes as we please before 'Peter the Roman'" ("Prophecy").

(Lest we leave you curious about what Malachy foretold about the last pope, he only pulled together a few words from prophecies you can read in the book of Revelation. The Bible, by the way, is much more specific than Malachy was.)

In spite of the facts, you will likely hear a great deal more about Malachy's prophecies. A major movie on Malachy is currently in the planning stages and is scheduled to be released in 2002. End of Time features a renegade monk (to be played by Martin Sheen) who tries to block the election of the final pope. The plot centers on this monk's belief in Malachy's prophecies, which, of course, the moviemakers portray as 100 percent valid. The lowly monk must convince the great political leaders of the world of the disaster they will invite if they fail to block the appointment of "the last pope."

Sometimes fiction imitates truth. Students of Bible prophecy know that the Bible actually does predict that a religious leader will play a prominent part in the crescendo of human history at the end of the age. It's a shame that the Bible's message is potentially overshadowed or denigrated by a fraud and a movie about him. (See our booklet You Can Understand Bible Prophecy for a presentation of the truth of the subject.)

That's why we need to beware of (some) prophecies!

Thus another bull shit prophet down the drain! Roto Rootor!!. :D


REF. beware of prohecies
"Another man whom some think of as a prophet is having his prophecies circulated widely".. and.. "A major movie on Malachy is currently in the planning stages and is scheduled to be released in 2002"

looks like they didnt ciculate well enough.. i never heard of it if it came out in 02.