St. Malachy Prophecy


Registered Senior Member
Have you heard of the St. Malachy Prophecy????

it goes back to 1000 AD when the bishop of Dublin, aka St. Malachy prophecied a list of the popes to the end of the world.

the list ends with the NEXT POPE !!

next to the number Malachy wrote a short Latin phrase describing something about the pope. those of the 20th century are really STRIKINGLY accurate!
in fact, it seems our present pope took the name Benedict as a secret approval of the prophecy....ONE MORE POPE to be named - Peter!

so check it St, Malachy Prophecy on yahoo search. :)
I think they're forgeries. They were discovered quite a few years after Malachi's death. I've heard, too, that their coorespondence holds rather good for the Pope's before the prophesy, but for the Popes after not so good.
the list ends with the NEXT POPE !!

Yea!! good one, because by then the Catholic church would be so broke from child abuse cases that people will finally give up on that BS.

Well, first, you both missed the boat with your responses....Okinrus, the Prohecies are certainly Medieval in origin. Definitely produced by St. Malachy too. That is both pretty firm from what I have read through the Yahoo search.

second, I pointed out that RECENT Popes matched the list exceedingly well in fact that Cardinal Ratzinger appears to have taken the name Benedict, as a conscious validation of the prohecies !!

One more Pope!

as far as Godless's post....better to take that to another thread.
ellion said:
does any body care if the world ends?
Sure, lots of people. Especially ones with children.

If you think you don't care you are only fooling yourself. If it really doesn't matter to you, then why are you hanging around in it anyway?
Light said:
Sure, lots of people. Especially ones with children.

But if the world ends, both the parents and the children die, so...

If it really doesn't matter to you, then why are you hanging around in it anyway?

Because there are people who don't want me to die. If I was the only person on earth, I would be happy.
c7ityi_ said:
But if the world ends, both the parents and the children die, so...

It's pretty obvious you aren't a parent.

Because there are people who don't want me to die. If I was the only person on earth, I would be happy.
That question wasn't directed at you.
does any body care if the world ends?

My great, great grandmother used to say, the world only ends when you die.

Why should I be worried that the world may end, 500billion or so years in the future?. I wont be here then. :rolleyes:
as far as Godless's post....better to take that to another thread.

My statement stands, and is apparently what is happening with the Catholic church, so if by the death of this idiot, who changed his name accorndingly to make some bs prophesy be realistic, then it's good that the next pope would be the last, as the freaking pedo-preast are still being exposed.



And the fact is that the pedo friendly church knows that many of their preast are engaging in sexually molesting children, given that the alegations will be thrown in court, victims paid, and millions of dollars spent on this, will probably make the next pope inherent the Vatican in a very poor state of finance.

So hopefully the next idiot, who becomes pope, will be the last!.

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If you know Christ, and are truly compassionate and unselfish, you would want this world to end FOR the children. But not until it's time. God knows what He's doing, and I trust Him to do what's best for everyone.
well lori if there is a god, it's f**ked it up so far, it should leave well alone.
it is man and man only, who can make the future for his offspring, no deity required.
irradicate religion, and we are half way there.
geeser said:
well lori if there is a god, it's f**ked it up so far, it should leave well alone.
it is man and man only, who can make the future for his offspring, no deity required.
irradicate religion, and we are half way there.

Oh yea right, man hasn't f'd it all up, God has...right. I hate to break it to you but religion is man's baby, not God's. It may be about God...supposedly...but it's an organization of men. Jesus was God's that it doesn't take an organization of men to get to know Him. It's supposed to be a personal relationship, not a political agenda.
Godless said:
Why should I be worried that the world may end, 500billion or so years in the future?. I wont be here then. :rolleyes:

I will be here after 500 billion years. I don't think the world will "end", it will only transform, and we will also change, but life will not end because it had no beginning.
Well, first, you both missed the boat with your responses....Okinrus, the Prohecies are certainly Medieval in origin. Definitely produced by St. Malachy too. That is both pretty firm from what I have read through the Yahoo search.
No, they were discovered well after Malachi's death, quite a bit after in fact.

second, I pointed out that RECENT Popes matched the list exceedingly well in fact that Cardinal Ratzinger appears to have taken the name Benedict, as a conscious validation of the prohecies !!
Cardinal Ratzinger likely took the name Benedict because St. Benedict did so much to reform Europe.
I will be here after 500 billion years. I don't think the world will "end", it will only transform, and we will also change, but life will not end because it had no beginning.

Don't be stupid, your body will give up perhaps in the first hundred years, you will perish and die. The earth depends on the sun, the sun will either fizz out in 500billion years or it will explode into supernova, taking the earth along with it. Though most scientist believe that our sun will fizzle out. This would kill all vegetation, and eventually ending life here on earth. However it all depends how advanced technologically we are in that time. At the same time, to advance any further technologically, mysticim such as beliefs of gods etc.. would have to be eradicated.

Godless said:
Don't be stupid, your body will give up perhaps in the first hundred years, you will perish and die.

I'm not talking about my body or person, I'm talking about me (life). It is impossible for me to die. Only bodies die, because they also had a birth.

The earth depends on the sun, the sun will either fizz out in 500billion years or it will explode into supernova, taking the earth along with it.

When these eyes are shut, from where will I watch the world from? From two other eyes. When this earth dies, I will just wake up on another earth.
thanks Okinrus for the link... your response was very welcome.

there is no respectable commentator that is in fact going to agree with the Malachy prohecy for fear of running himself out of town....also, nobody wants to incite that kind of anxiety on impressionable minds....

that being IS wise to consider prohecy that is approved by the Church - not that the Malachy prohecies have been specifically approved -
but it has stood the test of time very well.

there is no EVIDENCE that the Malachy document is a forgery either, remember that. It is easy to dismiss stuff as forgeries that you don't want to admit the truth of, i.e. the shroud of Turin, etc.

the mere fact that the document turned up in 1590 or whenever, doesn't mean that it wasn't written long before, lost, or saved, during all that time.

so, you NAYSAYERS are making a choice based on your own prejudices against the Malachy prohecy. Whereas, those who would consider the Malachy prohecy as valid, do so based on BOTH the admitted uncanny accuracy of its predicitions (which extend throughout the list I may add) - AND the internal resonance in the soul - call it a hunch? - that reading the Malachy Prophecy creates in the reader. .....and besides....Ratzinger did take a name that fits the prohecy....Ratzinger was in charge of handling the Fatima Prohecy after John Paull II got shot and claimed that the Fatima prohecy was fulfilled, returning the bullet tot he shrine and all that....maybe Ratzinger thinks the Fatima prohecy was NOT finally fulfilled, that the NEXT POPE will be the one who fulfills it by stumbling through the rubble of Rome as the world erupts in self-destruction, and Jesus returns to judge us.

I think the Malachy prohecy deserves a close reading all the way through.....
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When these eyes are shut, from where will I watch the world from? From two other eyes. When this earth dies, I will just wake up on another earth.

That must of been some good herb, dream on dood!. :rolleyes:

I think Nostradamus also predicted that the next pope would be the last, take heed, the present one apparently won't last very long.