SRT, speed of light = rate of change

QQ have you read João Magueijo book?
No , I haven't, but a quick wiki shows some value.

João Magueijo studied physics at the University of Lisbon. He undertook graduate work and Ph.D. at Cambridge University. He was awarded a research fellowship at St John's College, Cambridge, the same fellowship previously held by Paul Dirac and Abdus Salam. He has been a faculty member at Princeton and Cambridge, and is currently a professor at Imperial College London where he teaches undergraduates "General Relativity" and postgraduates "Advanced General Relativity".

In 1998, Magueijo teamed with Andreas Albrecht to work on the varying speed of light (VSL) theory of cosmology, which proposes that the speed of light was much higher in the early universe, of 60 orders of magnitude faster than its present value. This would to explain the horizon problem (since distant regions of the expanding universe would have had time to interact and homogenize their properties), and is presented as an alternative to the more mainstream theory of cosmic inflation.
His approach whilst similar has possibly one major distinction in that I see the speed of light as always invariant where as he has stated that the speed of light may have been 60 times greater in the early universe.

Similar and close but different I think. Although a wiki reference is far from adequate to form a proper judgement.

However the link to Double special relativity proved equally interesting.

This was first proposed in a paper by Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, though it is at least implicit in a paper by Paul Merriam. An alternate approach to doubly-special relativity theory, inspired by that of Amelino-Camelia, was proposed later by João Magueijo and Lee Smolin. There exist proposals that these theories may be related to loop quantum gravity.

The motivation to these proposals is mainly theoretical, based on the following observation: The Planck length is expected to play a fundamental role in a theory of Quantum Gravity, setting the scale at which Quantum Gravity effects cannot be neglected and new phenomena are observed. If Special Relativity is to hold up exactly to this scale, different observers would observe Quantum Gravity effects at different scales, due to the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction, in contradiction to the principle that all inertial observers should be able to describe phenomena by the same physical laws.

There is still no experimental evidence of any departure from special relativity, but rather this is highly constrained. Nevertheless some authors suggest that the observation of high-energy cosmic rays that appear to violate the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit: the so-called Oh-My-God particles may be an indication of the failure of special relativity at this energy scale.

If the Luxon hypothesis was established and proved it would clearly deal with all issues of spacial contraction and expansion as Mass and the metric that mass generates would be a floating variable that observers with in the universe would not be able to detect. A 1 meter diameter ball will still be 1 metre in diameter even though it may have inflated to a relative 2 metre diameter sort of thing...
Of course all this leads on to the question:
"What governs the speed of light that allows the generation of these types of results?"
Which IMO can be described by the fundamental universal constant that produces the effect called gravity and linked directly to what has been referred to as the Higgs field.
The theoretical Higgs field must therefore be of a nature that allows such phenonema....and that is why it is so tricky to work out and discover.
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it's like a recipe ,you mix things up with what he says in his book and add a little Bose-Einstein condensate;

chapter 10

NARRATOR: Lene Hau created a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate to carry out her experiment. She fired a light pulse into the cloud. The speed of light is around 186,000 miles per second, but when the pulse hits the condensate, it slows down to the speed of a bicycle.

somehow we just don't know how the stew is going to be. Maybe it will taste like this or maybe it won't :) feelings...:tempted:
it's like a recipe ,you mix things up with what he says in his book and add a little Bose-Einstein condensate;

chapter 10

NARRATOR: Lene Hau created a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate to carry out her experiment. She fired a light pulse into the cloud. The speed of light is around 186,000 miles per second, but when the pulse hits the condensate, it slows down to the speed of a bicycle.

somehow we just don't know how the stew is going to be. Maybe it will taste like this or maybe it won't :) feelings...:tempted:
Ahh the ole BEC.....

It does actually aid my point about the issue of a travelling photon being the misinterpretation of the mass effect we call light.
I am unable to download the video clip you recommended due to copyright rules however a quick research on the BEC has shown that if we assume for a moment that the uinherant change rate of 'c' has been effected by this significant cooling then what we have witnessed with this experiment of firing a laser pulse at the BEC is simply the measurement of how that BEC inherant change rate has slowed and not how the pulse of laser light has slowed.
In fact this BEC expermiment may very well go onto prove that the photon doesn't travel through space at all but exsts only with in the mass/matter in question as an inherant aspect of it's change rate.

The laser light source is still changing at a rate of 'c' however the BEC is changing at the rate of a "bicycle" as you put it. I woud also suggest that it's weight would be greatly reduced. [ similar effect using supercooled superconductors [ although I have really done little research in to either the BEC or super conductors]]
However it does make sense to me that when you remove energy from mass that the effect is not only cooling but also slowing of the change rate.
It is impossible to differentiate between mass /matter and our travelling photon. And whilst we know that mass/matter exists we do not know that our photon exists as we can ony describe it or model it based soley on an effect we witness that happens to matter/ mass.

The experiment also is supported by the Luxon hypothesis in many ways. [ BTW The Luxon Hypothesis is extremely rudementary conceptialisation IMO as it is not well produced yet may prove to have extraordinary value]
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On further thought the BEC experiement would prove the issue of non traveling photon....hmmmmmm need to think on it a bit more though and also whether I could be bothered or not...