SRT and the use of relative zero?

Bottom line is really all I am interested in.

Just because you, Alphanumeric, give a lengthy explanation means Jack Sh*t if it is not open to discussion. If you feel you can simply state stuff with out the need to support it in a clear and rational way you simply prove you are as sick and psychotic as your posting history clearly demonstrates.
All your issues have been refuted and waiting for further discussion... eh?

So tell me how mathematics operates, with out supporting your claims again and you will get the same response... nonsense, call to authority [ your own - which is most bizzare] and "please try again"
The bottom line is this thread is currenly derailed and apparently any useful discussion of the topic is impossible.

Your intention is to frustrate discussion ona topic that goes beyond your mental portfolio and therefore threatens it's foundation.
so what, this is only one onlne forum, there are others that enjoy more intelligent and rational discussion than this one...

I ask you Alphanumeric,

Why should I take your word for anything?

Why do you expect your word to be taken as gospel?
Why should I take your word for anything?

The question is: why should we take your word for anything? As the person making the claim in the OP, the burden of proof falls on you to support it. In your last post you called my argument "superficial". But it is pointless for anyone to provide you with a detailed rebuttal to an argument which is not itself detailed in the first place.

Your premise (as stated in e.g. your [POST=2979127]last post[/POST] on the subject) is that "the key validator for all mathematics [...] is absolute zero" and that this is "called upon to validate and anchor mathematics and just about everything else to achieve consistancy in the resultant values". None of this is standard mathematical terminology, and you never define what you mean by what you say or relate it in a concrete manner to either axiomatic constructions of the real numbers or generally accepted properties of the reals derived from such constructions. The mathematically minded reader will gather that you are referring to zero being special in some way, but is required to guess in exactly which way you're referring to and why that should be relevant to your later conclusion.

The rest of your argument isn't any better. Basically, all I've gathered is that you think zero is special and "absolute" in some way, and that will somehow make certain things in relativity "absolute" that aren't supposed to be. Just as you don't refer to detailed definitions of the reals, you don't refer to any detailed definition of relativity. That's an issue because relativity does not claim nothing is "absolute", and for the things it does say are not "absolute" it defines exactly what it means by that.

In mathematical terms, relativity states that the Lorentz transformation is a symmetry of the laws of physics. You give no explanation for why you are specifically targetting relativity and not, for example, the principle of rotational symmetry, since rotations and cartesian spatial coordinates are also ultimately described in terms of real numbers which can potentially take the value zero. Relativity states that there is no "absolute" space or time in the same way the principle of rotational symmetry states there are no "absolute" x, y, and z axes in space.

Basically, your lack of any precision in an argument taking zero (an element in the precisely defined real number field) and claiming it has implications for relativity (a theory with a precise definition in terms of a mathematical symmetry) puts you firmly in the "not even wrong" category.
The question is: why should we take your word for anything? As the person making the claim in the OP, the burden of proof falls on you to support it. In your last post you called my argument "superficial". But it is pointless for anyone to provide you with a detailed response to an argument which is not itself detailed in the first place.

Your premise (as stated in e.g. your [POST=2979127]last post[/POST] on the subject) is that "the key validator for all mathematics [...] is absolute zero" and that this is "called upon to validate and anchor mathematics and just about everything else to achieve consistancy in the resultant values". None of this is standard mathematical terminology, and you never define what you mean by what you say or relate it in a concrete manner to either axiomatic constructions of the real numbers or generally accepted properties of the reals derived from such constructions. The mathematically minded reader will gather that you are referring to zero being special in some way, but is required to guess in exactly which way you're referring to and why that should be relevant to your later conclusion.

The rest of your argument isn't any better. Basically, all I've gathered is that you think zero is special and "absolute" in some way, and that will somehow make certain things in relativity "absolute" that aren't supposed to be. Just as you don't refer to detailed definitions of the reals, you don't refer to any detailed definition of relativity. That's an issue because relativity does not claim nothing is "absolute", and for the things it does say are not "absolute" it defines exactly what it means by that.

In mathematical terms, relativity states that the Lorentz transformation is a symmetry of the laws of physics. You give no explanation for why you are specifically targetting relativity and not, for example, the principle of rotational symmetry, since rotations and cartesian spatial coordinates are also ultimately described in terms of real numbers which can potentially take the value zero. Relativity states that there is no "absolute" space or time in the same way the principle of rotational symmetry states there are no "absolute" x, y, and z axes in space.

Basically, your lack of any precision in an argument taking zero (an element in the precisely defined real number field) and claiming it has implications for relativity (a theory with a precise definition in terms of a mathematical symmetry) puts you firmly in the "not even wrong" category.

not even wrong.... a category for those mathematicians possibly who can not see past their nose so to speak.

I do not post this question about zero for only my benefit.

I'll repeat it so you can read it again:

I do not post this question about zero for only my benefit.

and if you fail to see benefit in the question raised and consider it to be "not even wrong", then that is your loss not mine.
You have obviously stated you see no merit in the enquiry. You know what that enquiry is and you have yet to offer anything other than "it's not even wrong" to further that enquiry.

Zero is a lot more than a mere number in all fields of intellectual endeavour. To make zero in such a fundamental way relative has significant implications on all fields and not just mathematics.
I know for fact that it is certainly worth considering given the plethora of dialogue on it evidenced by much activity on the net historical and current

but alas you feel it is not worth thinking about... well, sorry, but I feel this is more an indication of where you are at and not the subject persee.

I thank you for your post.... and as you feel there is no merit in the subject I would anticipate your lack of interest in further particpation. But by all means if you have something of value to bring to the table for discussion post away...
In mathematical terms, relativity states that the Lorentz transformation is a symmetry of the laws of physics. You give no explanation for why you are specifically targetting relativity and not, for example, the principle of rotational symmetry, since rotations and cartesian spatial coordinates are also ultimately described in terms of real numbers which can potentially take the value zero. Relativity states that there is no "absolute" space or time in the same way the principle of rotational symmetry states there are no "absolute" x, y, and z axes in space.
I have indeed given reason....
but I will do it again....
relativity is a theory supposedly describing the realty of observation.
It is a real world theory that is not mere abstraction and it has implications in that real world beynd mere abstracion.
To consider time to be relative is not a simply a mathematical process but a signifcant issue regarding actual universal structure.

Simply put when moving away from Newtonian space to Minkowski/Einstein space the notion of absolute zero [ absolute rest] is now considered a nul concept. It iis unfortnately necessary to utilise what you have considerd a null concept to show absolute zero as a nul concept. eh? We are actually referring to the real universe here and not some construct in a mathematicians head.

If you can prove absolute zero as a nul concept with out using absolute zero to do so [ ack the L transforms] you may actually put this issue to rest.
I might add this is a science forum and a place to enter into discussions. It is not a peer review exercise, it is not a place to lodge a formal thesis for peer review. There is no qualification needed to be a member.
It is merely a place to entertain discussion about all sorts of things. Discussion you have indicated is beneath your self confessed and unprovable skill levels.

For me? Not a problem ... find someone else to play "I know what I am doing games" with....

note: if you don't know what I mean by "nul concept" then ask and I will decide whether or not to respond accordingly.
not even wrong.... a category for those mathematicians possibly who can not see past their nose so to speak.

No, not even wrong means that your argument is so vague and handwavy that nobody stands a chance of refuting it because nobody stands a chance of getting any kind of handle on it at all.

I do not post this question about zero for only my benefit.

It will not benefit you or anyone else to ask questions about zero and relativity - objects and subjects with precise mathematical definitions and properties - if you are unwilling to argue and think in terms of the precise mathematical framework that both your question and its answer would need to be formulated in.

Nobody will even begin to be able to give you a useful answer until you start explaining exactly what you mean by stuff like this:

What has been said is correct but behind all of that is still the key validator for all mathematics and that is absolute zero.

... because I've studied university level mathematics and have some familiarity with what it looks like, and summaries like the one you make above don't much resonate with me.
not at all vague, it is actually so simple that waving a hand would be too complex.
try this image I posted earlier and read betwen the lines as much as you want to.

therfore the ability to test the transform and it's results is lost...
how can you test your work if zero is relative and arbitary?
Just because you, Alphanumeric, give a lengthy explanation means Jack Sh*t if it is not open to discussion. If you feel you can simply state stuff with out the need to support it in a clear and rational way you simply prove you are as sick and psychotic as your posting history clearly demonstrates.
Please can you pack it in with this revisionist nonsensical view of things you seem to be having.

I'm more than happy to discuss special relativity or the role of zero in mathematics. However, I do have some pretty simple expectations about the people I'm discussing such things with if it is going to be worth doing. I expect them to be able to engage in honest discussion. You have shown you won't do that. You just complained I supposedly state things without support, which is laughably hypocritical of you. You haven't provided a single iota of evidence for your complaints about zero and special relativity, even when asked to justify them by several people. On the other hand I explained to you the role of zero within mathematics and its definitions, showing that your take on things was flawed.

If failing to provide support and evidence for ones case makes one, to quote you, 'sick an psychotic' then I'm afraid you're the one with the problem. The fact you're going to such ridiculous hyperbola only makes it more obvious you cannot present a case for your claims. I might well post in an abrassive manner, talking down to a fair few people and calling them, with some justification, dishonest or ignorant but that doesn't make me 'sick and psychotic'.

All your issues have been refuted and waiting for further discussion... eh?
Again with the revisionist memory.

So tell me how mathematics operates, with out supporting your claims again and you will get the same response... nonsense, call to authority [ your own - which is most bizzare] and "please try again"
I explained to you the definition of zero within basic arithmetic, which addressed your complaints about whether the zero we start with is the same as the one we end with. You couldn't retort any of that. You couldn't even engage in discussion on it, despite it being a thing directly addressing things you'd said. Instead we have you making 'challenges' which are completely dishonest and little more than a smokescreen to hid your inability to support your case.

And I haven't made an argument from authority. An argument from authority would be "I have a degree in maths and a PhD in physics which covers a special relativity based construct. I assert your claims about special relativity are false. Case closed". I didn't do that, I explained what zero is in mathematics and you failed to respond.

Your intention is to frustrate discussion ona topic that goes beyond your mental portfolio and therefore threatens it's foundation.
I'm wondering if you really believe what you're saying or you're just putting up a front. I've shown a working grasp of the relevant areas of mathematics and physics, while you've had to be corrected on numerous false things you've asserted. You have also shown you don't have a working understanding on this stuff. As such the person with the lacking 'mental portfolio' is you.

As for 'threatening its foundations' such a comment, once again, says more about you than you may realise. You seem to think that if I don't understand something then I view it as threatening my understanding of things I do understand. Not in the slightest. I don't know or understand 99.999% of maths or physics but that doesn't mean I think not understanding something undermines my 'mental portfolio'. I don't understand Spanish but that doesn't threaten my understanding of English. In fact I'm certain I have a much better grasp of just how little I know than any hack here because I have some handle on just how deep the rabbit hole goes, while hacks don't realise just how much stuff there is in even a tiny corner of mathematics or physics. You for instance don't realise just how much mathematical machinery and logical construction there is underneath even the most basic of things such as simple arithmetic. Hence you think you're made some terribly insightful complaint about zero and relativity which people like myself view as threatening. I know you want to think you're 'threatening' the 'mental portfolio' of people like myself but you aren't. When I'm not on this forum you don't even enter my mind. Pointing out your mistakes and your hypocrisy is something I do for fun and once I walk away from my computer I don't give you a second thought.

so what, this is only one onlne forum, there are others that enjoy more intelligent and rational discussion than this one...
Feel free to go find one. I'm confident if you raise this on other forums which have competent mathematicians on they'll have a similarly negative view of your claims.

Why should I take your word for anything?

Why do you expect your word to be taken as gospel?
Where did I say I should be taken as gospel? I explained to you the definition of zero within basic arithmetic, giving specific details. Now, if you had been intellectually honest you'd have already found out what the construction and properties of zero are within arithmetic before starting threads like this. If you'd done that you'd know what I said was entirely accurate. If you'd put in the time and effort to gain a working understanding of arithmetic and relativity you'd know what I said was accurate. If you're unsure about some of the terminology or logic I've given you can go and find relevant reading material using Google or your local library. Since this is not an academic forum I don't consider it appropriate to give lengthy references when explaining things, I expect those people who are sufficiently interested to have the capability to use well known search facilities. If you want a specific source/reference for something, such as the proof of uniqueness of zero within a number system like the Reals, then you could ask. Instead you ignored it and tried to move on to something else so as to avoid facing up to an explanation of your mistakes and misunderstandings. I have nothing to hide in regards to the mathematics I've explained to you, it's all out in the public domain for you to explore yourself. The basic properties and construction of zero in simple number systems are covered in 1st year lecture courses, many of which you can find lecture notes for easily.

If you lack the self drive to find such information yourself and you'd rather change the subject than ask me for further information then that's your problem. But you didn't ask, you just tried to ignore it and now you claim laughable things like I'm trying to make an argument from authority or I'm unable to support my claims. That's rich coming from you. You've made claims about your 'zero point theory' which are utterly without basis, like its connections to pyramids. And it isn't just me you've failed to provide justification to, you failed with James and przyk in this thread and Pete in another. In some instances your claims aren't just unsupported, they're demonstrably wrong. Waving your arms and making up qualitative nonsense is one thing but you make the mistake of talking about mathematics and relativity, which are quantitative constructs and things you have no working understanding of, hence why your assertions about them are refutable. You've made assertions about the role of zero, the properties of zero, about how values appear everywhere in mathematics, how everything in mathematics is relative to some zero, how every single maths teacher would agree with you. All of those have been refuted. And rather than discussing them and accepting correction you assert that me offering opinion to przyk amounts to 'sick and psychotic' behaviour, attempting to control him and shut down discussion on this matter. If you'd been able to discuss things like the basic definition of zero then we could have had a discussion. Instead every time someone else has said something quantitative and precise you'd had to change the subject because it's beyond your ability to discuss such things.

You have obviously stated you see no merit in the enquiry.
There is always merit in asking questions provided you're willing to listen to the answers. You obviously already have a view on things and you're wanting people to confirm it, everything else is ignored. Hence why I told you your challenges are dishonest and vapid, since you will undoubtedly ignore anything and everything presented to you which doesn't align with your preconceived view. No one with a reasonable amount of honesty would think it is a good idea to have as a referee for a 'challenge' someone who has a bias for one side over the other. That's why in international football games the referee is never from one of the two competing countries.

Zero is a lot more than a mere number in all fields of intellectual endeavour. To make zero in such a fundamental way relative has significant implications on all fields and not just mathematics.
You make assertions about a specific construction of zero within mathematics based on some qualitative view from outside mathematics. Whether a tax accountant views 'zero' in his books with some additional meaning is irrelevant to the formal construction of zero within arithmetic. You don't grasp the notion of abstract concepts properly, you cannot separate out a concept from an application and embellishment of that concept. And you've had claims about the role of zero in mathematics retorted. You know you don't have a working understanding of the sort of mathematics I've been talking about (else you'd not ask the 'Why should I take your words as gospel?', you'd already know) so why you make blanket assertions I have no idea. Are you aware of your hypocrisy in complaining we supposedly make unsupported assertions?

relativity is a theory supposedly describing the realty of observation.
It is a real world theory that is not mere abstraction and it has implications in that real world beynd mere abstracion.
To consider time to be relative is not a simply a mathematical process but a signifcant issue regarding actual universal structure.
Don't mistake the map for the place. Physics is about associating structures within abstract constructions with observed phenomena. The abstract constructs are mathematical in form, where 'zero' is entirely abstract and without physical meaning or embellishment. As such trying to make statements about mathematics using physical arguments is flawed, the process is the other way. It's possible to write down any number of mathematical constructs with no physical meaning, some of them including the concept of zero. No amount of "In reality ....." assertions will have any relevance to the zero of those constructs and the same is true about the zero in the mathematical construct which we associate to relativistic phenomena.

This is an important and perhaps subtle issue but unfortunately you haven't grasped it, partly due to your lack of any working understanding in it.

I might add this is a science forum and a place to enter into discussions. It is not a peer review exercise, it is not a place to lodge a formal thesis for peer review. There is no qualification needed to be a member.
It is merely a place to entertain discussion about all sorts of things. Discussion you have indicated is beneath your self confessed and unprovable skill levels.
I like how you constantly change the goal posts. When you think we haven't supported our case you make all sorts of complaints about arguments from authority and having 'sick and psychotic' posting histories but then it's okay for you to not present any justification and there's no need to go formal and act like it is peer review, which would require giving references/citations.

One rule for us, one rule for you?

Simply put when moving away from Newtonian space to Minkowski/Einstein space the notion of absolute zero [ absolute rest] is now considered a nul concept. It iis unfortnately necessary to utilise what you have considerd a null concept to show absolute zero as a nul concept. eh? We are actually referring to the real universe here and not some construct in a mathematicians head.
Zero, even when used in physical models, is a concept, it always resides in someone's head, mathematician or not. You're making concepts for their application, mistaking the map for the place. A concept is conceptual, it has no physical reality. I've already explained how the connection between conceptual mathematical construct and physical phenomena works, shame you don't grasp it.

What has been said is correct but behind all of that is still the key validator for all mathematics and that is absolute zero.
An assertion you not only haven't justified but which I've given counter examples to. Your only attempt at a retort was to show you didn't understand the concepts or notation and could only just make more assertions. That's pretty much all you can do. You make poorly constructed assertions on subjects you don't understand, are provided with counter examples and then just ignore them because you don't understand. You failing to understand something doesn't make it invalid as a response to your assertions. We could have discussed category theory further, seeing as you keep complaining there's no proper discussion of the subject at hand, but unfortunately you demonstrated you are incapable of doing that yet you had no problem with just making some mistaken assertion about it, as if you grasped it enough to do such a thing, and then change the subject.

I'm more than happy to explain to you again how zero arises in arithmetic, its absence in some areas of mathematics, its uniqueness within a specific number system and the difference between an abstract mathematical construct and the natural phenomena physicists associate such constructs to. All I ask if you demonstrate a little effort and honesty in the discussion, rather than the almost trolling levels of hypocrisy and misrepresentation you're currently engaged in. I've got nothing to hide in regards to this stuff and I can be as detailed as required and provide as many references as is reasonably necessary. But you've got to be willing to accept correction when it's demonstrated you're mistaken. You know you don't have any mathematics or physics knowledge pertinent to this stuff so to make assertions about them as if you do I'll view as deliberate deception.
not at all vague, it is actually so simple that waving a hand would be too complex.
try this image I posted earlier and read betwen the lines as much as you want to.

therfore the ability to test the transform and it's results is lost...
how can you test your work if zero is relative and arbitary?
Zero, even when used in physical models, is a concept, it always resides in someone's head, mathematician or not. You're making concepts for their application, mistaking the map for the place. A concept is conceptual, it has no physical reality. I've already explained how the connection between conceptual mathematical construct and physical phenomena works, shame you don't grasp it.
I am amazed that you do not understand how wrong you are...
  1. the center of gravity of any given mass is what?
  2. How is it determined?
  3. Is the COG a concept or a physical reality?
  • How big is a Hypothetical Higgs boson compared to absolute zero...
  • How big is it compared to any relative or arbitary zero?
  • How fast is a v=100kph when compared to an arbitary zero or aan absolute zero?

A person walking down the street can tell you that zero [ cog ] is essential for the universe to function. If it wasn't there he would not be able to determine his balance.
when you try to use a set of scales to determine the weight of say Gold what are you actually doing if zero is not present in all aspects of the exercise?

to say that zero is merely a concept is utter nonsense and I wonder why you utter such....

  • How important is it to SRT that there is no absolute rest?
I can assure you even with limited knowledge about SRT that if Absolute rest were possible SRT woud be finished and never actually started.

so you comments immediately deserve nothing but bewilderment as to where they are coming from.

I know you can't answer these questions for reasons only you know, but that does not make them invalid or il-informed because of your obvious failure to recognise their worth.
the center of gravity of any given mass is what?

Why not look it up on wikipedia? It's not hard to find the definition.

Is the COG a concept or a physical reality?

It's certainly a concept. Maybe it's also physical reality. Tell me: what makes a concept a physical reality?

How big is a Hypothetical Higgs boson compared to absolute zero...

Zero is a number. How big something is is a length. You can't compare the two.

If you're asking how much longer the boson is compared to something that has no length, then the answer is the length of the boson, obviously.

How big is it compared to any relative or arbitary zero?

What is this relative or arbitrary zero you're talking about? I don't think there's any such thing.

How fast is a v=100kph when compared to an arbitary zero or aan absolute zero?

Again, zero is a number, and 100 kph is a speed. 100 kph is 100 kph faster than 0 kph, if that's what you're asking. Seems simple enough to me.

to say that zero is merely a concept is utter nonsense and I wonder why you utter such....

Tell me what makes a concept more than a mere concept.

How important is it to SRT that there is no absolute rest?

If absolute rest is a preferred reference frame in which the laws of physics are different than in other frames, then it's fundamentally important, because one of the postulates of relativity is that there are no preferred frames.

I can assure you even with limited knowledge about SRT that if Absolute rest were possible SRT woud be finished and never actually started.

And so.... what?
how can you test your work if zero is relative and arbitary?

Simple: not all instances of zero are relative and arbitrary.

The equation

\gamma \,-\, \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 \,-\, \frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}} \,=\, 0

describes the relation between the two frame-dependent quantities $$\gamma$$ and $$v$$. $$\gamma$$ and $$v$$ are relative, but the combination described by the equation above is not: it is absolute in relativity.

This really isn't complicated, you know.
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Simple: not all instances of zero are relative and arbitrary.

The equation

\gamma \,-\, \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 \,-\, \frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}} \,=\, 0

describes the relation between the two frame-dependent quantities $$\gamma$$ and $$v$$. $$\gamma$$ and $$v$$ are relative, but the combination described by the equation above is not: it is absolute in relativity.

This really isn't complicated, you know.

yep very simple....

I ask you seriously, how can the equation be grounded or verified or tested to be true if zero is an arbitary or relative?

If you were contructing the transform as an original from your own head, how would you ensure that the equation has the necessary equivalancy, if not for zero being absoute?

The very equation that generates relative zero (t) uses absolute zero to test itself as valid, then generates a relative zero. (t) ....
How can you prove that the transform is not invalid to begin with when zero is now deemed alway arbitary and relative?
the answers to the above lead you towards understading the issue, they them selves are not the solution nor the entire problem I am attempting to describe.

Possibly you may be able to indicate how this question can be worded in a way that is suitable to the field of mathematics generally.
I ask you seriously, how can the equation be grounded or verified or tested to be true if zero is an arbitary or relative?

Zero is a number. It isn't arbitrary or relative.

The very equation that generates relative zero (t) uses absolute zero to test itself as valid, then generates a relative zero. (t) ....

t is not the same as zero. Zero is a number. t is a variable.
Why not look it up on wikipedia? It's not hard to find the definition.
If you wish not to take the subject seriously by all means offer this type of response.
The issue I am raising is contraversial and as far as I know can not be found in a wiki article all though various articles on set theory, category theory, and other theorems all indicate the implied nature of absolute zero to maintain validity of the equaivalence. Yet suprisingly none appear to indicate a position on that equivalancy as they simply presume it and not prove it.
the simlpe test of equivalency taught in primary schools around the world is indictaed by for example the value 5 is tested as [5-5=0] therefore 5 has a consistant numerical value of (1*5 = 5) -5 = 0
If you wish to you can look a little deeper to how the "centre of mass" or Center of Gravity is derived in both single and multiple systems. This is up to you.
The centre of mass can only be "pseudo" located by infiinite reduction to zero. Even though a fixed point can be defined, the centre both exists and non-exists. [philosophy of mathematics and physics]

It's certainly a concept. Maybe it's also physical reality. Tell me: what makes a concept a physical reality?

It is made an object of reality not by it. Substance but only by it's effect....a bit like the so called Photon, or even gravitational force itself.
What makes a photon a reality? what makes gravity a reality? effect only no substance....

Zero is a number. How big something is is a length. You can't compare the two.
the size is only able to be determined by comparison with zero. eeg. 15, [15-15=0]
If you're asking how much longer the boson is compared to something that has no length, then the answer is the length of the boson, obviously.
but why is this so obvious pray tell?

What is this relative or arbitrary zero you're talking about? I don't think there's any such thing.
it is the t= 0 used in the relativity of simutaneity as per SRT [ it exists as an issue no where else as far as I know]

Again, zero is a number, and 100 kph is a speed. 100 kph is 100 kph faster than 0 kph, if that's what you're asking. Seems simple enough to me.
but if the zero you use is a floating value [ not absolute] relative to 100 mph then what basis is there for determning that 100mph - asnwer = none

Tell me what makes a concept more than a mere concept.
Answered above

"If absolute rest is a preferred reference frame in which the laws of physics are different than in other frames, then it's fundamentally important, because one of the postulates of relativity is that there are no preferred frames."

And so.... what?

It means by deductive reasoning that the non-existance of absolute zero is essential for SRT to function. However it's effect is always present.

Have I answered your questions adequately?

Do you have any issues with what I have posted?
care to discuss?
The issue raised by this thread is indeed contraversial and even though resolved over 8000 years ago could still cause an issue for contemporary physics and mathematics especially when that zero's integrity is threatened by something like SRT via the L. transforms. The history of the L transforms needs to be considered here as well as they were originally constructed to be used in Newtonian space [ absolute time]
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Describe the center of any circle?
make pont at that location.

Ask youself:

Does that center have any reality?
Does it exist?
Can you show it in physics?

What value does it have?

and so on

this is all 1st year apprentice motor technician talk... why is it so hard here?

Gnome -ga

Image src: wki

to calculate the mechanical advantage, horsepower, torque and timing of any system the "centre of that system HAS to be derived.
Does it exist only as an abstraction?
It both exists as an abstraction and a reality. For with out the reality of that zero the system would not function.

1st year Auto Technicians training... no university needed.

The issue predates up to 8000 years ago.
Formalised later in the writings and brilliant work of Achimedies
in the development of : infinitesimals.
which was the fore-runner to the dev of contemporary calculus
using an enquiry technique called : "reductio absurdum"*
*all subject to debate by historians...

the issue of zero appears to be lost to "presumption" and "axiom" through the generation of modern calculus

When looking at the fundamental formulisation of mathematics the issue of absolute zero is essential.
To claim that it is a triviality is only indicating the trivial depth of the enquirer not the significance of the issue.

Does the above help?
Do you have concerns about what is suggested and stated?

Do you have anything to contribute to the discussion?
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Quantum Quack:

I am concerned about you. Are you feeling all right?

Your posts of late seem to have a kind of manic quality. You have been posting a lot, often with groups of 3 or 4 posts in a row. But worse than that, you're not making any sense.

Interacting with you lately is like interacting with somebody who is having a manic episode. I don't know if you have a history of mental illness. If you do, I think you might be having an episode and you probably should see somebody about it, or else take your medication.

In terms of the forum, I don't think we'll be able to tolerate this kind of continued rambling about nonsense from you for much longer. You're essentially behaving like a troll, though I suspect this isn't how you'd normally behave if you were stable. I'm afraid that if you continue like this, we'll probably have to start giving you infractions and bans for posting meaningless nonsense in the science areas of the forum. Then, you'll get upset and we'll see a spiral where you'll end up permanently banned from here. As a long-term member, I really don't want to see you banned, but I can see where this is going.

Does any of this make sense to you?
Quantum Quack:

I am concerned about you. Are you feeling all right?

Your posts of late seem to have a kind of manic quality. You have been posting a lot, often with groups of 3 or 4 posts in a row. But worse than that, you're not making any sense.

Interacting with you lately is like interacting with somebody who is having a manic episode. I don't know if you have a history of mental illness. If you do, I think you might be having an episode and you probably should see somebody about it, or else take your medication.

In terms of the forum, I don't think we'll be able to tolerate this kind of continued rambling about nonsense from you for much longer. You're essentially behaving like a troll, though I suspect this isn't how you'd normally behave if you were stable. I'm afraid that if you continue like this, we'll probably have to start giving you infractions and bans for posting meaningless nonsense in the science areas of the forum. Then, you'll get upset and we'll see a spiral where you'll end up permanently banned from here. As a long-term member, I really don't want to see you banned, but I can see where this is going.

Does any of this make sense to you?
It certainly does....
Unfortunately you are not the only person reading these threads nor are you privy to the support I receive in raising these issues.

I would strongly suggest that you seek alternative advice concerning your own understanding and test these posts utilising independent resources.
Surely you do not operate in a vacuum....I don't ....
and besides I feel fine... not a problem...
when your paranoia about my state of mind has settled possibly you would care to address my lengthy response to your lengthy series of questions...
Can I make a suggestion?

I will start a thread in free thoughts titled:

Am I insane?

and you and others can post your concerns about my mental health there...
and provide evidence accordingly....
I ask you seriously, how can the equation be grounded or verified or tested to be true if zero is an arbitary or relative?

I just told you that the zero produced by that equation, $$\gamma \,-\, \frac{1}{1 \,-\, v^{2}/c^{2}} \,=\, 0$$, is not arbitrary or relative. That is why we can test it (assuming you are thinking of $$\gamma$$ as a physically measurable quantity such as the time dilation factor, since that equation is usually taken as the definition of $$\gamma$$).

In general, every general equation in relativity, and every other theory in physics for that matter, states something that is absolute: equations state something that a theory holds is always true within that equation's domain of applicability. That doesn't prevent quantities appearing in the equations from being relative. The equation in that case just states that those relative quantities are related in a way that is absolute and fixed. For example, you can pick a reference frame in which the speed and Lorentz factor of a body in motion are whatever you want them to be, but you cannot choose $$v$$ and $$\gamma$$ independently of one another. If you fix one, you also fix the other, since they must always be related by $$\gamma \,-\, \frac{1}{1 \,-\, v^{2}/c^{2}} \,=\, 0$$.

It is silly to ask how an "absolute", testable equation can contain relative quantities when just about every equation in relativity is an example of how that is possible.