Spritual Terms defined?

Just as I thought - wishful thinking. No logic or science here.
Why "should" it have done so?
Science is not yet absolute & final. So for yet pending understandings, we may need to apply logic as possibilty for future understanding in science when it will be absolute.
Ok sorry. Tell me, what can be the nature's meaning to create life?

Look up the word


You appear to have a severe case, along with

no idea about biology

no idea about anything you are seeking to define

no idea of how to express whatever point you are trying to convey

As long as you remain bereft of the above understandings you are no help to yourself and a irritation to others

And to answer your question bluntly

nature is a process not a entity

nature did not create life (neither did god or a supernatural being of any sort)

physics created the whole of the Universe

there is absolutely NO meaning to life
no grand design
no grand plan
no god looking after the fine-tuned Universe (it's not)

I need coffee

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Look up the word


You appear to have a severe case, along with

no idea about biology

no idea about anything you are seeking to define

no idea of how to express whatever point you are trying to convey

As long as you remain bereft of the above understandings you are no help to yourself and a irritation to others

I feel, you need to be positive about me as I feel, I presented best logical definitions which may give you a better or ultimate idea about universal sprituality. You may also relate these universely with everything even to true science and true religion. Try to grow fruit trees by fruit seeds. I can not do more. Best luck.
P. S. Pls tell me about fine tuned universe. Yes nature is a process but it is commonly said as an entity for better understanding.
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I feel, you need to be positive about me as I feel, I presented best logical definitions which may give you a better or ultimate idea about universal sprituality. You may also relate these universely with everything even to true science and true religion. Try to grow fruit trees by fruit seeds. I can not do more. Best luck.
It's hard to be positive when I spend time trying to give you positive advice and you ignore it and repeat the crap you have been rabbiting on about throughout the thread

Did you even attempt to look up


Pls tell me about fine tuned universe.


There are not enough 1 or 2 syllable words which can explain such a complex concept to dumb it down to your level of comprehension

And there is no crayon font which would be suitable to use with a 1 or 2 syllable explanation

It's hard to be positive when I spend time trying to give you positive advice and you ignore it and repeat the crap you have been rabbiting on about throughout the thread

Did you even attempt to look up


Yes, then,?

There are not enough 1 or 2 syllable words which can explain such a complex concept to dumb it down to your level of comprehension

And there is no crayon font which would be suitable to use with a 1 or 2 syllable explanation

Ok, I shall see myself.
Nature should have created all live beings (other than fully ripened fruits)for sole purpose of to live & sustain. Rest all happenings should be live being's created for need, greed or luxury somewhat by free will.
Care to explain the "fully ripened fruits" exclusion to your theory?
Science is not yet absolute & final. So for yet pending understandings, we may need to apply logic as possibilty for future understanding in science when it will be absolute.
No dude, science doesn't work that way. There is no absolute and final conclusion in science.
Yes, then,?
Do you understand what it MEANS? Particular what it means in reference to the nonsense you are posting here? Explain to me if you wish how ANTHROPOMORPHISM relates to your thinking

Ok, I shall see myself.

Good. When you have seen for yourself again, if you wish, explain back to others and myself what you understand and if you do not understand ask questions instead of just making flat out nonsensical statements

Care to explain the "fully ripened fruits" exclusion to your theory?

I doubt that will be forthcoming

No dude, science doesn't work that way. There is no absolute and final conclusion in science.

I think by now it should be clear we are not in the realm of science but in "the glory glory hallelujah to the perfect god" post (zip) code arrived at by the power of KUMAR5 logical thinking (which as all the other posters in thread know is anything but logical)

My own idea (outside the box guess) someone is trying out a primative AI program and we are the guinea pig responders

Anyone else get such a vibe?

Why don't you agree that prey animals have been created by nature for sole purpose to serve food for predators? No other purpose.

OK. This is what is called 'begging the question'. You are assuming - as the premise of your argument - that animals exist for a purpose. You then go on the conclude what that purpose might be.

The study of nature and evolution has shown us that these things do not happen for a "purpose". Life is an emergent product of the chemistry of the universe.

The problem here, is that you are not being objective. You are assuming some sort of god who created things for his own reasons. You will inescapably reach faulty conclusions if you make this assumption.
Science is not yet absolute & final.
Science - almost by definition - can never be absolute or final.

So for yet pending understandings, we may need to apply logic as possibilty for future understanding in science when it will be absolute.
Apart from the absolute bit (see above) I agree, we need to apply logic.
Unfortunately you appear to be incapable of recognising logic, let alone applying it.
Do you understand what it MEANS? Particular what it means in reference to the nonsense you are posting here? Explain to me if you wish how ANTHROPOMORPHISM relates to your thinking

Good. When you have seen for yourself again, if you wish, explain back to others and myself what you understand and if you do not understand ask questions instead of just making flat out nonsensical statements

I doubt that will be forthcoming

I think by now it should be clear we are not in the realm of science but in "the glory glory hallelujah to the perfect god" post (zip) code arrived at by the power of KUMAR5 logical thinking (which as all the other posters in thread know is anything but logical)

My own idea (outside the box guess) someone is trying out a primative AI program and we are the guinea pig responders

Anyone else get such a vibe?

ANTHROPOMORPHISM : I do not make base of man made terms in their interests.

Try o look positive side to get and give.

OK. This is what is called 'begging the question'. You are assuming - as the premise of your argument - that animals exist for a purpose. You then go on the conclude what that purpose might be.

The study of nature and evolution has shown us that these things do not happen for a "purpose". Life is an emergent product of the chemistry of the universe.

The problem here, is that you are not being objective. You are assuming some sort of god who created things for his own reasons. You will inescapably reach faulty conclusions if you make this assumption.
Are you claiming that live beings have been created with a sole purpose, to be killed intentionally by creater(whoever may be)? Like fruit pulp.
Science - almost by definition - can never be absolute or final.

Apart from the absolute bit (see above) I agree, we need to apply logic.
Unfortunately you appear to be incapable of recognising logic, let alone applying it.
Forget human's personal interests. Apply logic with equanimity on yet not known and on non a&f part of science understandings and then post. Try to get by definitions given, by positive attitude not by hypnotized preception. It is not possible, one is best or omniscient. Other can also be better in some.
Forget human's personal interests. Apply logic with equanimity on yet not known and on non a&f part of science understandings and then post.
Pure unadulterated nonsense.
You persist in claiming that your wishful thinking is logic yet your only recourse when called on it is to exhort respondents to "apply logic with equanimity" - if you actually had any logic you'd be able to lay it out step by step.

Try to get by definitions given, by positive attitude not by hypnotized preception. It is not possible, one is best or omniscient. Other can also be better in some.
Absolute crap.
Off to the ignore list for you: you're not not only illogical but tedious with it.
Forget human's personal interests. Apply logic with equanimity on yet not known and on non a&f part of science understandings and then post. Try to get by definitions given, by positive attitude not by hypnotized preception. It is not possible, one is best or omniscient. Other can also be better in some.

Either the battery is running down or some of the logic gates have been welded shut

Goodnight Gracie
