Spoon or Fork? Which is more preferred?

Which object would to prefer when using telekinesis?

  • A fork

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • A spoon

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • A steel rode

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plastic Made object.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Re: Why is everyone using Movies as an excuse??

Originally posted by Kinetic Spirit
Nothing comes to you, You must seek it.

I didn't learn to read and write automatically. I had to find out by going to school and searching how to do so.

Therefore...Psychic ability must be learned. There is one draw back you must learn about yourself and teach yourself.

Alright, I agree, things need to be practiced and learned. But in order for to learn to read and write you must learn how it is done, and all the rules of it. So tell me, how did you learn to harness your psychic ability. Tell me the rules of it. And tell me how it is, exactly that your mind can causallly interact with a spoon?
Re: Re: Why is everyone using Movies as an excuse??

Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
tell me how

Haha, Heretic! Blasphemer! Burn her, burn her!

Welcome to the endless struggle, DarkEyedBeauty, good luck getting a straight answer.
I Never said I had psychic POWERS!!!!


I said I was tring to develope them threw meditation. I never ONCE! said I had those powers.

Psychic powers are something that can be felt and harnessed if you know how to unlock it.

Pls I would appreciate if people would stop putting words in others mouths.


goodbye...until we meet again...
I also like learning how to master and understand my psychic abilities.

That sorta implies that you have psychic abilities and/or powers. I don't think that DarkEyedBeauty was putting words in your mouth.

Just for the heck of it, http://www.psipog.net/ <- that is a very good site with very good information on parapsychological phenomenon, including telekinesis(aka psychokinesis), telepathy, empathy, and general energy manipulation.
Korey I just wanna tell you!!!

You have made me happy! I've been looking for a site like this. When I saw it....It just totally blow my mind. Something told me to come today! And that feeling was right! Man! Im very happy. Thx Korey!

goodbye...until we meet again... :D
Something told me to come today! And that feeling was right!

What 'somthing'? Does this somthing tell you to come on every time? Does this same "somthing" tell me to come on? I doubt a "somthing" tells us to come, I think you are looking way too much into this stuff.

And those videos and pictures are positively fakes. The pen probably was added in by an editor and the pocket knife was photoshopped.
hey You are right The pocket Knife was A photo shot.

I went to the site and was disappointed at the fact that they didn't show the man hover the knife in his hand. I laughed SO HARD! when me and my dad said it was a photosnap. We laughed for a bit then looked at the pinwheels spin and figured that was a hoax. Because There could be a small, yet think piece of wire sticking threw the top of the tack, spinning the pinwheel.

BUT! The pen is the only one I can kind of believe. I just was glad that korey provide the link for the website. Because Now I know I just wasn't looking hard enough to find these websites.
believe what you will

You can believe what you will of the media and information of PsiPog(a skeptical approach is better than a gullable one :) ) I for one believe the media provided there is valid. I have been a part of psipog for a while now and nothing there has led me to believe that parapsychological phenomenon is all a 'hoax' or fake; I have produced some of the results there using the information given on the website, so I have my own knowings and such to base my beliefs on :D Thanks Kinetic Spirit, glad I could help make you happy, hehe.
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I would just like to say that Telekinetic powers of the human body are real. Actually, every atom in this galaxy has the power to perform TK, it's just the matter of having the skill to do so. It is a gift that God has given everyone to use for our benefits. The only reason why we don't see it being commonly used in our society today is because the government doesn't want it to go to far. Just imagine this kind of power falling to the wrong person. There's something you guys don't know...the government actually hired special TK able people to complete special tasks. What those tasks are I don't have a clue. But the people that do these tasks and the tasks themselves are kept top secret from the public. There is one word..."Media". Think about it...and come to a conclusion about what's really going on. The nature and normal thing of a human is to find answers from the physical plane, which is finding and believing only in things that you can see, hear, feel, smell and taste(things that can be physically proven); ; for Ex.: you can see that tree, so it's real. But on the other hand, Mental Plane has answers to all questions, either comprensive or non-comprehensive. Believeing in things that cannot be seen, heard, felt, smelled, or tasted... but only thought of in your focused, energetic, and forced mental state. But the only way to find the true answer is to practice your TK abilities everyday. Think of this: Why in the world do scientists believe that there is a yellow hot blazing core in the middle of the earth? They never seen it, heard it, felt it, smelled it, or tasted it...yet they post it in school books for the students to learn. This is going to be mind bogling: Think about Humans and their purpose on earth and in this vast galaxy...this galaxy is full of trillions of stars and other planets that are being cultured by other humans or creatures. We are mentally connected to every galaxy in the entire outer sphere of space, which is unlimited... meaning our minds are unlimited... :confused:
Sorry if I overwhelmed you with these words, of course the powers of the human mind and its energies can only be fully comprehended through practice of TK.
Ryan V.
And to answer DarkEyedBeauty's question about how we are connected with our inviroment: the enviroment we live in is made up of nothing but atoms. the air you're walking through and breathing are gases that are required for us to breath, they are also atoms. Atoms are made up of energy. If you really think deep we are actually connected to everything through the atoms of the air. It just like we aren't because the gases we move through is transparent and light. Blow at ur hand and you can feel it. Another thing is that there is a special energy around your body called Aura. Every body has an aura even your pen in front of you or your monitor. So just to say, we are all connected through energy.