Spoon or Fork? Which is more preferred?

Which object would to prefer when using telekinesis?

  • A fork

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • A spoon

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • A steel rode

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plastic Made object.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Kinetic Spirit

Possessed Immortal
Registered Senior Member
To me I would rather use a spoon. It feels much better. :( I would like to hear what you all think.

goodbye...until we meet again...

PS: Please tell me if any of you guys bend any spoons or have any sites that have video's of people bending spoons using telekinesis.
I'll try to get you guys some hyperlink of useful tips to finding out how to unlock you hidden powers.

Thx :(

goodbye...until we meet again...
I prefer the spork, actually. Half spoon, half fork, all versatile eating utensil.

By the way, you misspelled rod.
I think I may have mentioned this in another thread about spoon bending, but if you're just starting out it helps if you use plastic spoons, and put them in the microwave for a few minuets before trying to bend them.
Once Ive bend the spoon by opening a beer and even crushed my lighter doing the same thing, well when i think of it, it happened to me lots of times.

But who knows? Maybe one day someone suceeds in bending by his mind and even if he does Ill tell him to open up my beer or even wine as its hard to open. Maybe this would be some kind of exams for a million dollar price!
Also, think of the medical benefits, perhaps such a person could hold veins and arterys closed to stop bleeding during surgery, or even remove painful splinters from the fingers of people aflicted by such things.

Maybe if we got enough spoon benders together in one room we could get them to turn a turbine, and we could have power plants run on good thoughts, requiring no more fule than the food and water that it would take to keep them going. I'm not advocating enslaving people who can acheive telekenesis, simply giving them jobs and good wages where they can be of particular good, and utalize their special tallents.
Your sarcasm, although duly noted, makes a good point, Mystech. The phenomena is so seperate from mainstream activity that making it practical is hardly possible. We live in a physical realm- we are born in it, raised in it, and subjected to its rigors daily. The best solutions to problems on this earth are physical solutions. Sure, there are theoretically (though I have yet to find them) problems that can only be solved by parapsychological means, but why bend a spoon with your mind when you can stick it in a microwave?

This is why I think that internet discussion groups on the topic are pretty absurd. If you're looking for answers to this, you're better off looking for them on your own, honestly. After all, why would a genuine telekinetic post instructions to their skill on the net? And even if they did, how do you know that telekinesis isn't an individual phenomena- sparked by rare-as-hell situations or strange genetics factors. Or, just as possible, what if telekinesis doesn't exist at all?
I think you're missing the point entirely. I would genuinely be thrilled if such powers DID exist. If they did, then it would surely revolutionize the world as we know it. Many people here may be too spiritual to be of any earthly good at all, you'd probably be happy sitting around meditating and just being really "deep" but many others would actually like to put their powers to good use.

People with abilities of telekinesis would be a hot commodity; companies wouldn't be able to get enough of 'em. Think of it, when you can break physical laws and create energy from nothing (or at least just normal food intake) then the applications are endless! Think of all the pollution we could clean up, industry would be almost completely clean, and who knows what else, maybe telepaths employed as operators could make a sort of internet hooked up to all of our brains, it'd be great, just have to think and we can get in touch with anyone.

The fact that no such industries employ such skilled people is pretty much proof of the fact that they aren't' out there. Wake up and look around you, people, a world in which such powers exist would look VERY different!
Yes there is, because this is not the matrix :p and I can prove that it's not the matrix, because everything isn't green (for those with a sharp eye, every scene shot in the film, which is supposed to be in the matrix, is green. From the trailors it seems as if this is more evident in the matrix reloaded than in the origional)
Why is everyone using Movies as an excuse??

I mean come on guys why are we using movies as an excuse for whats really the truth. Everyone knows the matrix is movie. Besides the topic here was never the matrix in the first place. The world is created up of hidden abilities. We just have to find them. Nothing comes to you, You must seek it.

I didn't learn to read and write automatically. I had to find out by going to school and searching how to do so.

Therefore...Psychic ability must be learned. There is one draw back you must learn about yourself and teach yourself.


goodbye...until we meet again...
There's a big difference between reading and learning psychic abilities. First off, we KNOW reading exists, whereas there is nothing at all to sugest that psychic powers exist.

Also, why must these powers be learned alone? Every other skill and tallent in the world can be taught, even artistic and creative abilities (yes, believe it or not artists aren't born they are made!), so why can't psychic powers be taught, too?
They can, to an extent. Just like teaching art, however, some people just cant draw, no matter how they try. Also, if they do not want to learn, or they do not believe in it, then they wont.
Anyone can be taught to draw, unles they have some sort of basic motor dysfunction (Even then, there is hope) or they simply don't have an interest in doing it.
Like I just said, if they do not want to learn or dont believe in art, its not exactly likely they will succeed. A better example is how many people become fammous artists? Not many.
At the same time, if someone doesn't believe in art, you can show him a painting, and you can take him to a crafts store and show him five thousand different kinds of paints markers pencils brushes, and what have you.

If someone doesn't believe in all of this voodoo and hoodoo, then what have you got to show him? Not a damned thing. That's very strange, as everything else in the observeable world seems to have observeable effects. . .
Kinetic Spirit

:( I like art, writing books, and I also like learning how to master and understand my psychic abilities.

:( goodbye...until we meet again...
If someone doesn't believe in all of this voodoo and hoodoo, then what have you got to show him? Not a damned thing.

I don't think you can just show someone an enternal power/telekinesis or any other things like that. I know there are scams out there that make most of us doubtful, but I also think that it is hard to show (prove) this to a skeptic because they will find some way to disbelieve it. But if I were to prove this voodoo hoodoo to someone, I'd give them a Ouiji Board and a Halloween tape of scary sounds and place them in a graveyard at night...;)
Originally posted by DouBTlessWonDer
But if I were to prove this voodoo hoodoo to someone, I'd give them a Ouiji Board and a Halloween tape of scary sounds and place them in a graveyard at night...;)

Haha, I don't know if that's just cute or really pathetic.

Also I don't see why telekinesis should be hard to prove. If you can create energy from nothing, and move an object without interacting with it at your will, then that's physical evidence witch would be pretty much imposable to refute.
I found this one site that had step-by-step instructions about fork bending. You don't actually move it with your minds, you use your hands. All you do is harvest energy and shout "Bend, Bend" a few times and bend it with your hands...


that's the site. Yup.

P.S. I think you mean "which" unless you're making a joke that I missed.