Spiritual messages

Well, there may be no evidence CC, but I am not simply believing it with no logic attached. I assure you.

Many people have come up to me and presented me with God paradoxes and I have shown them that they aren't. Only seemingly paradoxal.

I have no evidence, but it's not to say I don't use logic and reasoning to believe what I believe.

And Q, how can something presently exist if you have no evidence?

It should be a nuteral situation.
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Regulus said:
Well, there may be no evidence CC, but I am not simply believing it with no logic attached. I assure you.

Many people have come up to me and presented me with God paradoxes and I have shown them that they aren't. Only seemingly paradoxal.

I have no evidence, but it's not to say I don't use logic and reasoning to believe what I believe.

Either way, you're still accepting it as truth. Would it maybe make sense to suspend judgement? Ex. I have seen these behaviors and have a hypothesis that *something* may be the case? This way that *something* is in a position to be tested and thusly proven or falsified. Alternatively, if there is no intention to test it, then you can make the assertion a speculation. It's a way of saying, I have a thought and by no means am I commiting it to an assertion of truth.
Regulus said:
And Q, how can something presently exist if you have no evidence?

It should be a nuteral situation.

If you have no evidence for the existence of something, you discard the notion of that something until evidence presents itself.

DVD players that turn on by themselves is not evidence.

You would also have to ask yourself, what is the connection between dead dads and a DVD player? What message are they supposedly sending, exactly? And what would lead you to believe they are in fact sending such a message, other than your wanting to believe it true?

Here's something that I thought to be a "spiritual message" (at the time), and you can see it all at this forum.

I was going through some personally demanding issues, and also I posted here -- http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?p=862471 -- and there was something I just couldn't post! How odd!

Then, I investigated. The first report of findings was this http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=48412 ,

and then later, on, I discovered this http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=48492 .

There is a sensible explanation of what was happening, even though at the time, it at first seemed to me as if God or some Higher Power or something was trying to communicate a special meaning to me, and that it was catching my attention by making it impossible for me to post something. And that something, I thought was something I must pay attention to, take to heart.

And yes, it is sensible to take this to heart (this was what I was trying to post) --

"Usually, if you tell a "weak" person to be "strong", this person will most likely curl
up and present a "strong" exterior, be "strong" by worldly standards (earn lots of money, be sexually successful, not be emotionally hurt, be educated etc.), while on the inside, they will be falling apart, and one day, implode."

but to assume that it takes some Higher Power or spirit to point this out to me -- this seems a bit of a stretch to me.
water said:
"Usually, if you tell a "weak" person to be "strong", this person will most likely curl
up and present a "strong" exterior, be "strong" by worldly standards (earn lots of money, be sexually successful, not be emotionally hurt, be educated etc.), while on the inside, they will be falling apart, and one day, implode."

As babies people are weak and gullible. There is then of course the need to toughen up to survive the interim before we eventually fall apart, when it all goes full circle.

The process is ordinarily known as "life", all much the same on the inside, remarkable only to the extent that one prefers to remark.

How is that then for a spiritual message?

--- Ron.
Superstition is when people attribute any unexplained event to a supernatural source because a natural explanation is unknown or seems unlikely. It happens both within and without religion. The real issue isn't what happened, or even the possible explanation (which occupies most minds), but the significance that you're giving it. Sometimes it takes such a jolt to someone's reality before they start paying attention to something that's otherwise rather ordinary: the miracle doesn't lie in the event, but in what happens in your mind - and it's no less of a miracle for that.

What happened may not be evidence of anything beyond the fact that nobody knows all the variables, and that ignorance can have significance. Being superstitious is a little game people play with nature in order to fill in the blanks, perhaps to artificially infuse some sense or mystery into life, to gain some kind of handle on the unknown and the unpredictable nature of nature (whether they call it science, luck, or fate, or karma, or destiny, or God's will) - and indirectly they also serve as handles for controlling ourselves when we feel out of control. For the same reason, people can be superstitious about "spiritual" things as well, like prayer or magic, when they attempt to use it as a handle on God or the supernatural, a kind of manipulation to turn things, or ourselves, as we want them to be. We naturally resist the idea that we really don't know everything the future, or even the present, holds, much less control it.

All the while, life lumbers inexoribly forward, stumbling over itself at every step, and while we think every stumble is significant because it breaks the pattern, it's actually the whole movement that should capture our attention. At different stages of life we realize that yes, the wheel keeps turning, and yes, it's rough going, and yes, we don't always recognize the road it's on, but if we fixate on any of these things we might miss the big picture... and perhaps an even bigger one...
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Not in my case though. It's been more like my shadow being tapped on the shoulder (ever seen that?)
I believe you Regulus, the dead brings us messages all the time if we are willing to pay attention.
I'm not a religious person at all. In fact I consider myself agnostic but there are things, like mentioned in this thread, that have no logical explanation. I hope I'm not in the wrong category but;

My maternal grandmother whom I was very close to died 3 years ago. She was able to spend some time with my 5 year old nephew before she passed. He referred to her as "GG" and we encouraged it. It was cute and she loved it.
Almost 3 years pass without mention of her. I'm at my mothers in a comfy chair as he stands in front of me, looking about 2 feet above my head at the ceiling. That's when he said it out of the blue: "Uncle *****? Did you see GG die?" I was chilled to my marrow and replied I had not but I loved her very much. I asked what he was looking at and he said, totally deadpan: "I'm looking at GG. Right there!" I was scared but couldn't show it. I hugged him and said GG was in 'Heaven' now, blah-blah-blah.
"GG" had not been mentioned in a long time. To this day I think he really saw her, behind ME at my mothers house. He never said anything about it again. I'm mixed between feeling terrified and feeling like crying about losing her all over again. Am I crazy or can a deceased loved one be seen?