Spirit of God becomes One inside of Man

note: The FACT is the possibility of non-existence not the non-existence itself. There very may well be smurfs.
But are you qualified in some way to make that statement? Or it's converse? How will you support any further argument if you cannot demonstrate to us your deep qualifications in smurf analysis and detection?
Well Well Well how smurfy of you :p
You obviously have no smurf of how many Saturday Morning smurfs and deep smurf and smurf I smurfed.

note: you must be fluent in smurf to understand smurf. Smurf is the perfect smurf in the smurf. Smurf's very own smurf is smurf and siting up in high smurf, smurf looks down on us smurfs and smurfs. Just see the life of The Last Prophet Smurf - and The Smur'an is the smurf enough for most smurfs.
God becomes one insinside of man because God intercepts the mind - A non-local psyche that conducts mental manifestations from other minds.

We all know that the universe is an infinite incomprehensible being called God. Unimaginably strong is his muscle. You dumbfucks probably think God is invisible. I see him everyfucking day. When she says "Oh God. YES! YES!"
The first thing is I must be able to distinguish if the "something" does or does not exist. Once I have established that this something exists as far as I am concerned or does not exist as far as I am concerned then I would have to discuss it's existence with the person to determine it they do or do not have the "proper reservoirs of knowledge". In some cases it seems to me that people do have the "proper reservoirs of knowledge" but are still unable to come to the proper conclusion.

Suppose I KNOW that a husband is having an affair and his wife does not know.
Initially, the wife does not know of the existence of the "other women" (proper reservoirs of knowledge) then it is reasonable that she would not be able to see (add up all his particular cues EX: perfumed clothes, blond hair from laundry, etc..) these to come to the conclusion of what I know to exist - IE the affair.

BUT, suppose I tell her.

IF she accepts this then that's it.
IF she does not accept this FACT then I'd say this is something interesting. Why?

Why is it she can not accept the FACT that her husband is cheating?

To some degree the same is true of someone who believes in Xenu or Smurfs or Allah or the invisible guy that happens to hang out with, and have long "deep" conversations that result in loud arguments with the homeless person next to Central Station.

While I can not proof there are no smurfs, there is no Xenu or Allah or invisible-Central Station hang-out dude I think the interesting thing is what people are unwilling to mentally accept given the same amount of knowledge as me.

Is it possible there are no Smurfs. YES that is possible. There is NO proof of smurfs so of course the possibility does exist that they are make believe. BUT, when someone can not accept this FACT, well, that's the same as the wife who can not accept her husband is cheating - even though it too is a FACT. (smurfs, Allah, invisible dude, Xenu etc...)

How's that for 3 min speed typing :)
I think you missed the gist of the question.
I was asking in the first person sense, rather than assuming that you
are already operating out of the position of knowledge.

IOW suppose you hear mention of something that is new or unverified by you (eg - something on the dark side of the moon or something related to god or maybe even the suggestion that your wife is having an affair)

So what general principle you apply to determine whether the case for the scenario is either
  1. the reason you don't see it is because you don't have the proper reservoirs of knowledge
  2. the reason you don't see it is because it doesn't exist

PS - thats a pretty good effort for three minutes
So what general principle you apply to determine whether the case for the scenario is either
  1. the reason you don't see it is because you don't have the proper reservoirs of knowledge
  2. the reason you don't see it is because it doesn't exist
I would initially attempt to satisfy to my self that I had as much possible knowledge as was required to make an informed decision. Then I would determine if I know, as a fact, the answer to the question. If that was not possible (dark side of the moon) then I may conclude I can not know for certain.

So in essence I can determine if I do or do not have the proper amount of information but if I do not or am not able to gain enough information I may not conclude that the reason I don't see it is because it doesn't exist but instead that I can not know if it does or does not exist.
I would initially attempt to satisfy to my self that I had as much possible knowledge as was required to make an informed decision. Then I would determine if I know, as a fact, the answer to the question. If that was not possible (dark side of the moon) then I may conclude I can not know for certain.

So in essence I can determine if I do or do not have the proper amount of information but if I do not or am not able to gain enough information I may not conclude that the reason I don't see it is because it doesn't exist but instead that I can not know if it does or does not exist.
aka - value systems (likes/dislikes etc etc)

That is why there is vast differences between, say, what monsanto and what an independent ecologist would deem as "satisfactory" research into the risks of introducing GM crops.
Well, for me to be satisfied I would need a double blind independent scientific set of experiments. BUT, if it was not possible to test the hypothesis then I am also satisfied with concluding I don't have the answer.

Does GM food pose a health risk?
Well, the possibility GM food is unhealthy exists.

So, we test the hypothesis.
Well, for me to be satisfied I would need a double blind independent scientific set of experiments. BUT, if it was not possible to test the hypothesis then I am also satisfied with concluding I don't have the answer.

Does GM food pose a health risk?
Well, the possibility GM food is unhealthy exists.

So, we test the hypothesis.
so why are the two different parties in disagreement?

BTW - I seriously doubt whether all your issues of evidence are determined by a series of scientific tests and that all that falls by the way side leaves you satisfied with the position of "all I know is that I don't know".
eg - infidelity, politics, etc etc