
Maybe... We do have a station with a huge set of cellular phone antenas nearby... :eek:


I think that the thing with the needle in its bum you saw is that cricket-bee-dragonfly thing I saw. It also had a sharp needle coming out of its... head or... bum.. Can't tell...

Camera? Huh? what? Oh.. I... aam... It... was eaten... by ...a... giant mantis. :eek:

P.S. AAH!! Luckily I haven't seen any centipedes in my room... They make a tarantula look like a cute little hamster...
Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile
Camera? Huh? what? Oh.. I... aam... It... was eaten... by ...a... giant mantis. :eek: .... P.S. AAH!! Luckily I haven't seen any centipedes in my room... They make a tarantula look like a cute little hamster...
ROTFLM.... OMG, you've seen a taratula?! In your roooom?!
Tarantulas are nothing. Check out Australian spiders such as funnelwebs and white-tails...
One that you should be aware of is the Brown Recluse. This spider varies in from a light brown to a mid tone of brown. It is distinglished by a violin shape on the top of its body, near the head. They are usually found in the quiet, dark areas. When disturbed they can bite. Normally they are not aggressive.

The bite area appears to be something like a pimple at the start and itches a mite. A few days later, the bite burns. The bite area shows evidence of the skin rotting. Without medical help this bite will leave a large hole where the bite started.

I bring this up as there was a rash last year of folks being bit by them. They are located throughout most of the US.
Someone find a picutre? I just looked myself, but got so freaked out looking at the first picture I had (for a split second, and it wasn't even that good anyway :rolleyes: ) I am so not wading through any more, looking.
Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile
Camera? Huh? what? Oh.. I... aam... It... was eaten... by ...a... giant mantis. :eek:

LOL! :D :D :D Gee, I wouldn't want to be where you lived, especially with giant camera-eating mantis running around. *cough cough* :rolleyes: :D
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well my motto is for this is

"leave them alone and then they will leave you alone"
My motto is, send the rest a message. Kill unmercifully. I'm a pacifist to anything in the mammal family though. I know, I'm totally racist.
Ah! No killing of spiders! Do like me: take them in, pop them into a clear box thing, and study them. I captured a huge one once, about the size of 3/4 my palm length. (2.5 inches in diametre)

It made a giant web, and everyday, I'd poke some live bugs into the box to feed it. I named the spider Spitz, because every time I opened the lid, it made spasmic motions like it was going to spit acid on me. Very cool. :D

I drew some pictures of it too, but they're not that good. :rolleyes: Unfortunately, I had to let little Spitz go... :( I think it was going to lay eggs, so I had to release it so little baby Spitzs wouldn't be running around the house. :D

Holy... CRAP! WTF? 2.5 inches in diameter? YOU KEPT IT?!!?!

If I see one like the one you saw, one of us would fly out of the window...

well i say this


or second option just kill it i prefer torturing the spider cos it the only time i get all evil
none of these insects are as dreaded as the COCKROACH. I hate those things. Not only are they ugly but they stink and creapy. I had one land on my neck when i was sleeping. Man I was screaming like a girl. Also had a rash for a few days on the spot it landed on
Holy... CRAP! WTF? 2.5 inches in diameter? YOU KEPT IT?!!?!

If I see one like the one you saw, one of us would fly out of the window...
*nods* Yeah, but you know, it's only an itty bitty spider. :rolleyes: An itty bitty spider with spikey fur and glistening eyes, and wickedly sharp mandible things. :D

lol! @ one of you guys flying out the window :D

Oh man, I hate when you think they're dead, and you go closer to poke them, and they spring back up! *shudder, and looks around nervously*
none of these insects are as dreaded as the COCKROACH. I hate those things. Not only are they ugly but they stink and creapy. I had one land on my neck when i was sleeping. Man I was screaming like a girl. Also had a rash for a few days on the spot it landed on
Aw jeez! *makes a sour face* Have you seen the ones in the rainforest?! Those cockroaches are like moving islands! The bugs are as big as rats, the rats as big as cats, and cats as big as dogs! :eek:!

*sticks a flag into the back of a cockroach* "I claim this island in the name of the motherland.." :D
There's nothing more useless than a roach.

Except maybe a human being.
Hey, I'm sitting right here! :mad: LOL, j/k :D

Actually, roaches are probably going to still be around when our bones are fossil fuel. They're amazingly adaptable, those little bastards. :D They eat glue, sneakers... I don't know, we make it, they eat it!
That does NOT make them useful. Just really durable.

If they could eat ALL our trash, well that'd be something. But they just sort of snack on stuff. Who needs a universal snacker?

And they best be leaving my shoes out of this whole "snacking" process. Or I'll sic my centipede on them.