Speed of Light


Registered Senior Member
Okay this is probably for Pseudoscience... but.. Speed of light.. the key to time travel. Well, to disprove time travel.. let's use a flash light. The light emitting from this goes, at the speed of light. Right? Light is made up of photons, so without photons there is no light. Pretty sure that's correct.. so assuming these photons go the speed of light too, they would go thru time.. therefore we wouldn't see the light unless the flash light is emitting an infinite amount of photons then they are all going thru time eventually. This could be what people see when they see strange flashes of light!
I think you got confused. Speed of light is only a fucntion of time travel as in time dilation, and you don't even need to travel excatly at the speed of light to make this happen. Trvelling at speed o flight doesn't mean you are going through time, only as far as the relative observer is concerned, and only if you make a round trip.
Photons cannot move through time. According to relativity, they travel not through time or space, because their atomic clocks are stretched into infinity...
Here is something for you to read up on. I have carefully selected these from work of mine. You will get nearly everything you ''need'' to know from relativity, and what it says about relative speeds.

"1 In the beginning (-) God created the heavens and the earth.2 Now the earth was barren and void and the spirit(s) of God hovered gently across the surface of the deep.3 And God said, 'let there be light.' "

This is obviously the first parts of Genesis. Out of nothing, comes light, and this is were physics and theology go hand-in-hand. It is true - out of nothing, came light, and as Luxen theory goes, all matter evolved from the speedy particles of light. In September 1997, physicists created matter out of pure light. This was the verification scientists needed to explain how all matter evolved (8).
What is a Luxen?
A Luxen is a particle that always moves with a velocity with that which is lightspeed (v=c). We have many Luxens in labs today. One that we all know of and see everyday is light. It permeates the sky and we often do not bother ourselves with them. But it is our source of life, and energy - it provides us with heat and light; and as it turns out, provided everything that is physical.
Light is made up of photons. They are the smallest energy units known to us, and move with a velocity of 186,000 miles per sec or 299,792,458 m/s. A photon will travel 65.5 billion billion miles in one year! They are what are called zero-time particles. This means that the photon does not experience any time at all. And if it experiences no time, then the photon spends no 'time' in space either. This is hard to imagine... after all, doesn't the photon move through space? Doesn't a photon take time to get from A to B? Well, this all sounds correct from our point of view, but from a photons point of view it is very different. It is just another bizarre situation in relativity.
The universe, when it expanded from its singular region in space and time, grew quite old before light emerged. In fact, something equivalent to thirty-two years had passed before light emerged. We believe this, because the universe began with a time-scale called the 'first chronon.'
We are made up of many Luxens called gluons. In fact, 98.12% of our bodies are made up of gluon mass. The remaining 1.88% is made up of quarks and electrons, (of course, we are made up of other percentages and types of particles).
Does the photon have mass? The short answer is no.
Some people find it difficult to comprehend a photon as being massless because it can be deflected by the gravity of, let us say a star. One way to explain this is by saying light couples to gravity, because light also generates curvature and curvature is the equivalence of gravity. However, there is too little amount of light to have any major gravitational effects in our universe, except for perhaps 32 years after big bang, when the universe was flooded in light particles. For those who like math, here are some more reasons why the photon does not have mass.
Some people like to say that the photon has mass because the photon has energy E=hf, where (h) is 'Planck’s constant' and (f) is the frequency of the photon. Thus, they tend to assume that because it has energy (E) it must have mass (M) because of Einstien’s mass-energy equivalence equation E=Mc^2...
They also say that the photon has momentum, and momentum is related to mass p = Mv where (v) is velocity and (p) is for momentum. Yet, you cannot justify it having mass using this argument. This is actually 'relativistic mass' - which is nothing but the measure of energy which will change with velocity. It isn't actually mass, even though mass and energy are related. In physics jargon, the mass of an object is called its 'invariant mass,' and the photon has no invariant mass. Now, a massless particle can have energy and it can have momentum, simply because mass is related to these through the equation E^2 = M^2c^4 + p^2c^2, which is subsequently zero-mass for a photon because E = pc for massless radiation (remember, c means the speed of light). So yes, the photon has momenta and energy, and can deliver a punch out of it when it hits a surface, but it doesn't have mass.

Now... a strange situation can arise if light is trapped inside a container. If light is trapped inside of a box with mirrors inside of it, so that it cannot escape, (now the mirrors would need to be cold enough so that the mirrors do not absorb the light-energy), the total momentum is said to be zero, but the energy is not - thus, the light can contribute a very small amount of mass to the box! Now, one can say that the light in the box must have mass to even add any mass to begin with - but actually, it is more accurate to say it contributes to the mass - but do not use this as some kind of justification that light indeed has mass. That is simply not true. A photon can decrease the invariant mass value of E/c^2 each time a system emits a photon... likewise, a system can increase its invariant mass by a value of E/c^2, if it absorbs a photon particle.
The photon is responsible for the 'electromagnetic force' - which was first predicted by physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1865 which was experimentally proven in 1888 by Heinrich Hertz in his detection of radio waves. Looking at the Feynman diagram shows a virtual photon exchange between a positron (antielectron) and an electron - thus it mediates the electromagnetic force, and comes in many different states; in this sense, light is electromagnetic radiation of absolutely any wavelength, such as radio waves, microwaves, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, gamma rays, infrared light waves and of course, visible light rays. The photon can be slowed down whenever, let's say it is absorbed by other mass or whenever it transfer’s energy and momentum which are both proportional to its frequency.
The photon itself was originally called 'light quantum,' or 'das Lichtquant,' by Sir Albert Einstein. It originated from 'phos' in Greek for 'light'. Like all quanta, the particle of light has both a wave and particle description; more on wave-particle duality later. Einstien's theoretical work on the photon (1905 - 1917) helped with momentous advances in quantum theory; such as lasers and quantum field theory. The photon is probably [one] of the strangest particles in physics.
The first reason is because it experiences zero dimensions. Because it is a zero-time particle, it spends absolutely no time at all to get from A to B. Now, to an observer, let's say, standing on a mountain, for light to reach his zone from the horizon, would take only a fraction of a second, but for a photon, or, from a photons point of view, it didn't even take a fraction of a second. It took no time at all. For this reason, the photon doesn't really exist... One might see this two ways. One way being that the photon is never really born in time, because it doesn't experience time - yet this must also mean it never dies. Another way being is that it is born, but this is simultaneous with its death. For these reasons, the photon seems ethereal, perhaps even 'potential', but essentially mystical and relatively ageless.

We are informed in the bible that Gods first element was in the form of light - and He saw that this light was good. In physics this was very good, because it set the stage for the evolution of matter - most of which would get to experience the dimensions of spacetime. It states that our universe, about 32 to 33 years after the 'Alpha Point', was nothing more than a hot sphere of light gas*. Then as everything progressed, the light changed into other particles, and thus came along the first protons and neutrons. Thus, according to the general view among scientists, all matter is in fact, a state of 'Trapped Light.' This light can be released through matter-antimatter collisions, releasing two deadly gamma rays.

* It was a young Indian man, by the name of Satyendra Nath Bose in the year of 1926, who set in motion the discovery that photon particles can be described as being a gas, due to Einstien’s contributions. This was proven empirically through Bose-Einstein Statistics. It showed that if a photon's environment where cooled to a low enough temperature, they would 'condense' into their lowest quantum state. This came to be known as the 'Bose-Einstein Condensation,' and was experimentally tested in 1955. This also led to the most important discovery of coherent fundamental states, and helped in the creation of quantum lasers.

Einstein often wondered what the world was like from the viewpoint of a photon... and using his imagination from a photons point of view opened up many secrets in the world of physics. One example was what would happen if he was traveling along through space at the speed of light - since no light could catch up to reflect off the mirror, would he still see his reflection? The answer one would think is no - but as he devised his relativity papers, it turned out that he actually would be able to see his own reflection.
What is E=Mc^2?
It is an equation that represents the mass/energy equivalence principle. In this equation, energy could become mass and mass could become energy. One might even say this was the first proof of antimatter/matter relationships. The very ability for mass to change back into original energy, just like (E=M)c^2, had written all over it the bizarre behavior of antiparticle/particle coherence.
(E) is for energy.
Energy is diffused matter. There is energy in every particle and subatomic particle in the universe. Every chock-a-block piece of matter has an energy. To release or gain this energy, a particle might absorb or radiate away energy. Either way, the particle will undergo a 'quantum jump' - a discontinuous change from one state to another. The energy of the universe actually comes to a 'whole' zero. All antienergy (-E) added with energy (E) comes to zero total.
(=) equals creates the equivalence between (E) energy and (M) is for mass.
Mass is somehow the same thing as energy. Even though energy is much more erratic, mass is simply just a longer fluctuation in the 'zero-energy field' which will be explained more about later. The equivalence between mass and energy led the world into a new age of thinking, and revolutionized technology. It even led way to the atom bomb itself - thus, by splitting the atom, energy would be released. All the matter when counted comes to a big fat zero as well.
(c) is for (C)eleritas.
Some descriptions write it as 'Sceleritas,' but this Latin translation for 'light' can also be written as, 'Celeritas'. Whenever you see the letter 'c' it represents the speed of light; which is of course 186,000 miles per second. When it is sitting beside another notation, the two answers multiply. Thus it is written as M x c, which basically means that mass is thus multiplied by the speed of light.
(^2) is for squared.
This means that the speed of light is multiplied by itself. Thus, energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light which is multiplied by itself. The mathematical symbol for light is 'hv', where h is Planck’s constant and v resembles the Greek letter.

(note* - [^] is a mathematical notation, indicating a number to its power. See 'powers' in guideline at beginning.)

There is more to come.
In Einstien’s general and special theories of Relativity, there is an unbounded relationship between space and time and matter. It is out of here, a special relationship between mind and matter arises also. We conclude that space is time. They are two sides of the same thing. You cannot move through space without moving through time, unless you exist as a zero-time particle, which is just another weird situation in relativity.
This description of matter, makes way for the world of consciousness. The function of all awareness, those boxed neural networks interpret time and space, including matter in its own enclosed dimensions of perception. In fact, if all that we deal with in the external world are all connected to each other like the chain of 'space-matter-time-energy' must also be the same in the internal world of feelings and of self-being, meaning that mind is apart of that great unbounded chain.
What we visualize is some type of imaginary reality... Imaginary in the sense that what exists as matter, with shape, color or even texture, it is all retinal pictures cast into the three-dimensional phenomenon of mental imaging.
Let us have a little look at the mind and its conceptual relationship with time.
The time i feel is 'real time' - no other time can exist but present time. Using this description, we can say that everything of the outside world is not real reality, since the perception of time (and that must mean space and matter) are all nothing but a product of my consciousness - a product of my deranged imagination.
If we throw the mind out of the picture here, time in the outside world all happens in one fraction - without consciousness, time happens in one swift go, and exists as a single frame. When consciousness exists, time is cut down to simple frames, running in its forward directionality with two boundaries of past and future. This time i feel and sense is real when it comes to my personal description of it. In other words, its very real to me... but it is completely false, if i try and think that the space-time-matter that i observe and sense is the real world - again, it is a retinal image, cast into three-dimensions, powered by the neural networks of the brain... it is completely false... but here comes another point of view. One can say it is the only one and true reality that exists. After all, it is the only reality we come to know - using this idea, if no life existed in the universe, the universe would not exist, because there would be no one there to say it did.

Einstein (March 14th 1879 - April 18th 1955) born in Germany, published his theories in 1905, and published his general papers in 1915 - they revolutionized our ways of thinking about the universe. He received his Nobel Prize in 1921 for his work on the 'Annus Mirabilis,' which describes 'photoelectric effects' including his contributions to theoretical physics - in fact, some scientists believe he should have received more Nobel prizes for his work on 'the Brownian Movement' and special relativity - since the Brownian Movement itself showed the existences of atoms - something that was not widely excepted before Einstein.
Relativity is a complex theory in certain area's... and according to a recent survey, it is universally misunderstood. However, to help us understand what Einstein was going on about, we can use his relativistic puzzles to help us build a clearer picture. We will have a look at a few of them soon - but first, let's see why Einstien's mind was on curves... (2)
Einstein was concerned about a flat spacetime. Gravity was difficult to explain in a flat Euclidean universe. This was why he decided to bring a new vision into our universe. He figured that if you are in an elevator that is accelerating upwards, you can imagine that the elevator would push up against you. This is a product of the force of the mass moving upward, against the gravitational force of earth pulling you back down. Using this description, Einstein made a new notion of gravity. When the elevator moved upward, whilst the platform would be pushing up against you, turned out to be like the force pulling you back down to planet earth called gravity.
He figured that an object accelerating was the same as a curvature. In fact, he found that gravity was also the product of acceleration, so a little thought indicates that gravity, that weakest force is directly equivalent to curvature. Thus a universe full of curvature was a universe full of gravity.
The curvature of spacetime was proven in 1919, when rays of light where seen to be bending around the sun during an eclipse. This did indeed confirm a universe where light was even bent in the curves of space and time, and the final verification was reported in 'the Times' - with the headline, 'Revolution in Science - New Theory of the Universe - Newtonian idea's overthrown'. This was the secret of Einstien’s curvy universe.

From relativity we learn many secrets, including the 'Twin Paradox.' In this theory, a twin that travels away from earth a fraction shy of ''c'' (lightspeed), time becomes highly stretched. Let's say he travels a distance of 1,500 lightyears at a speed of 185,888 mps, and when he finally returns, he will find his twin brother on earth has aged remarkably... in fact, his twin brother will probably be six foot under, while he himself might have only aged a couple of years!
This is the paradox of space and time when you move through it at a very fast speed. The twin who traveled the 1,500 lightyears moved so fast that his time slowed down. Let us look at some particles here, to describe some velocities, and how the speed of something marks a territory between real time (imaginary space), zero-time and real space (imaginary time).
A Bradyon, also known as a tardyon, (v<c) moves always with a velocity under ''c''. The speed of light, it turns out, is a kind of border - this barrier is able to limit all Bradyons with a speed always under 186,000 miles per second. For a mass to exceed the velocity of ''c'', means that it needs to increase in mass (we are Bradyons, thus we cannot travel faster-than-light). Thus if a particle exceeded the speed of light, it would need to double in mass - it would also require an infinite amount of energy! This is what relativity explains.
A particle that moves like a Bradyon moves in 'real time' - which is the same as 'imaginary space.' We move so fast through time, and we hardly ever move through space. Time moves through us at the speed of light. We move through time at 186,000 miles per second - this means you are 186,000 miles away from where you where just sitting or standing in each passing second. The root word Brady literally means 'slow' - hence the fictional family, 'the [Brady] bunch', hinting at a family with slow-working intelligence.
A particle with a velocity equaling ''c'' is a bit of a surprise. This particle is ageless. This is, what is called a zero-time particle (a particle that exists for no time at all, as you might remember from Ch.1). A zero-time particle, also means zero-space, as it neither moves in 'real space' (which is imaginary time) or 'real time' (which is imaginary space). A photon is a zero-time particle, and ever since it left its source, it existed as if no time was ever spent. In this sense, a photon is never really born, and never really dies!
There is a hypothetical substance called, ''tachyonic matter.'' This matter travels in imaginary time. It spends no time in real time, as it will oscillate back and forth throughout the time dimension. This tachyonic matter moves faster than the speed of light. Such a substance is permitted by relativity because it started with a velocity over ''c''. It is also made of a strange substance called 'imaginary matter'. The word 'tachy' comes from 'tachycardia,' which is fast heart rate.
To make your way through all these imaginary concepts, just remember this following rule; A Bradyon, like most matter in the universe moves below the speed of light, which means it will travel in real time, which is the same as imaginary space. A particle that moves at the speed of light means it experiences no time at all, nor any space. And a particle that moves with a velocity over the speed of light moves in real space, which is in relativity, imaginary time.

Einstein also shows examples of one observer in respect of another. In this next example, that you may know, is that suppose a train was moving 5 miles per hour, and aboard the train where Jack and James, and they wanted to play a game of catch with a ball. Imagine Jack stood at one end of the cart and James stood at the other end.
Now, Jack throws the ball to James at six miles per hour, and James throws it back, at the same speed. Aboard the train nothing looks wrong. The ball is thrown back and forth at the same speed. For those stationed on the platform watching the game, it is a little different. When Jack throws the ball to James, the ball is observed to move faster with a speed of eleven miles per hour. When James throws the ball it moves considerably slower, only one mile per hour.
Why does the ball move at different speeds? - Well, one needs to take into consideration the velocity of the train, including the direction the ball is thrown. If Jack throws the ball, the speed of the ball works with the train, so the speed of the train must be added with the speed of the ball. If James throws it, The speed of the train must be deducted from the speed of the ball, because the throw is going against the momentum of the train. If the ball was a photon (fastest particle of light), things change. The photon will be seen to be traveling at the same speed according to the observers on the platform and the observers aboard the train, no matter how fast it was moving!
What exactly does that mean? Do you have anything I can read?

What it means is that the closer you get to the speed of light (relative to Earth, for example), the slower your time (clock, watch, etc) will go relative to Earth. Also the closer you get to the speed of light, the more length is contracted in the direction of travel... this means that distances will get shorter, the faster you go. At the speed of light, distance contracts to zero. So, if you are able to go the speed of light, you will already be where you are going. This is what photons experience... or rather what they do not experience. They pop into existence and immediately arrive at there destination, no matter how far away that destination is, because for them, there is NO distance between the start and the finish.

We see the photon from a different frame of reference, so we can see that the photon does take time (relative to our frame) to travel from one place to another.

For something to read, just google 'special relativity' and 'time dilation'

Here is an interesting site
No one can reach lightspeed, because our mass woulduble each light second, for we would require an infinite amount of energy. Only massless bodies can move at lightspeed.
Infra-red, as well as ultraviolet, are light sources. They tend to move approximately the same speed as visible spectrum light.

UV, for example, can emit certain liberations of particles. NOt the famous dancing scorpion trick, or bees upon webs. But, when you dither the light source, you can make a black light.
Which actually, moves somewhat slower than standard C. The speed of light, is manipulable.
Try to throw it around in a swimming pool, and cast it around. You'll note not that you control the speed, but can spot certain changes in density.
Infra-red, as well as ultraviolet, are light sources. They tend to move approximately the same speed as visible spectrum light.

How about exactly the same speed.

UV, for example, can emit certain liberations of particles. NOt the famous dancing scorpion trick, or bees upon webs. But, when you dither the light source, you can make a black light.

what do you mean 'emit certain liberations of particles' ?

Which actually, moves somewhat slower than standard C. The speed of light, is manipulable.

UV light or light from a 'black light' is still light and moves at the same speed as any other electromagnetic wave. The speed of light changes depending on the medium it must travel through (vacuum, air, water, glass)... but otherwise it is not 'manipulable'.

Try to throw it around in a swimming pool, and cast it around. You'll note not that you control the speed, but can spot certain changes in density.

I'm not sure what this means.
Simple -- As i was taught, mass would double. Ask anyone else.
And where were you taught that, because it's wrong!

The mass of object A as seen by observer B depends on the rest mass of A and the velocity of A as seen by B. If A is moving at constant velocity relative to B then the mass of A, as seen by B, will be constant. Hence every light second of distance covered, the mass of A will do absolutely nothing.

An object would have to be experiencing a pretty specific force to be experiencing that. A constant force wouldn't cut it, because it would produce an acceleration which means it takes less time to cover a light second of distance and conservation of energy says a constant force will not be able to double the mass of an object in decreasing time, it would take longer and longer.
Look David, if you're afraid to give you last name, I'll just refer to you as Requiem Wrap Up Points. Hows that's.