Speed is Absolute

Not quite. I never said he had worded his idea correctly. Even though the opening post did have a major flaw of understanding in it, he did know about the connection of energy and time, even though the way he went about it was not correct; but this should have been a note for someone to show him the correct way of going about it.
I highly doubt that Luke has any grasp of the relationship between a coordinate and it's conjugate momentum, Noether's theorem, Lagrangian or Hamiltonian mechanics, variational principles, functional analysis or the plethora of other areas which make use of them.

Pick any two physical quantities and you can find a relationship between them. If they were completely disconnected it would require nature to be split into non-interacting/related segments.

He claimed energy is equal to time. That is completely contradictory to them being conjugate variables. If you knew about Greens functions or Poisson brackets I'm sure you'd realise why that is. He pulled an equation from 'somewhere' and (perhaps tongue in cheek) used it to 'prove' his claim. His initial post was a demonstration of classic crank mentality, no matter how uninformed you are on a topic you know better than everyone else.

I'm sure you see a lot of yourself in Luke's mannerisms and, maybe subconciously, that's why you're defending him. That and since you've born the brunt of us sane people insulting you, you know what he's experiencing.
Well obviously there is a big difference between synonymous and complex-conjugated relationships. I was basically saying that he hinted at something where no one entertained; even if it was only partially true.
And i like your psychological twist. I actually feel sorry for him because he is so young.

Case closed.
Well obviously there is a big difference between synonymous and complex-conjugated relationships. I was basically saying that he hinted at something where no one entertained; even if it was only partially true.
Conjugate variables are not the complex conjugate of one another. It's an entirely different meaning of 'conjugate'.

Another epic fail there Reiku. Don't you know any quantum mechanics?
I was basically saying that he hinted at something where no one entertained; even if it was only partially true.
Both of you have swung and missed.
I would slap my head, only i was writing about complex-conjugates before you hd posted this and i simply mixed the two together by accident.

A pair of conjugated variables have properties where their commutator is a nonzero constant.