Speak in Tongue?

Joeman said:
People speak in tongue in

Assembly of God
Church of God

They believe only those who can speak in tongue are real Christians.

But it is such an easy thing to fake. One simply has to grunt and blather.

It reminds me of New Age Channelling. I once attended a Seminar on Channelling. It was a full Week End Seminar. Now they could not simply take all kinds of money from People only to tell them that they only needed to make things up in their head and that could reasonably pass for Channelling since who could be expected to know the difference. But given 48 hours of instruction, by a roundabout circuitous route with plenty of misdirection and euphemism, the essential teaching was "Make it up and nobody will know the difference".

Go to your Pentacostal or Church of God and listen to the induction briefing. You will be told to let the Spirit of God fill you and just "let it go". Essentially it is the old "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" instruction. New comers are to look around and see what is acceptable behavior and to mimic it.

Studies have been done. In each Region of the Country and denomination the "Speaking in Tongues" has discernable 'dialects' -- more 'grunts' in the South; more rounded vowel sounds in the North; more hard consonants in the West. The congregations tend to copy the dominant Toungsters, and Regional Styles are developed. Does this not prove that it is all a big fake.

You would think that people would have more dignity than to participate in such overt silliness. It is Satan making a joke of Christianity and laughing at it.
tanks for the replies guys but isnt tongue just speaking nonsense and random sounds which anyone can do so what is it to do with the Church
Preacher_X said:
im a bit confused as far as i know, speaking in tongue is speaking stupid words but what has it got to do with Christianty?

:bugeye: [Mr. Preacher_X, as a preacher you should have a bible right! please kindly open it up and refer .....Acts 2:4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enable them.. & Acts 19:1-6 please refer....TQ & GBU
Preacher_X said:
tanks for the replies guys but isnt tongue just speaking nonsense and random sounds which anyone can do so what is it to do with the Church

:D Mr. Preacher_X, Refering to Bible again ...1Cor14:2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirits....The Church obviously a place for us to worship & praise GOD or to communicate with God. :p
Hey! a theist, and not a very bright one at that.

Just kidding! NOT.

Anyhow the thread is about a year old, you must be bored. But you should have read it through, before puting your cent worth.

Speaking in tongues is nothing more than the mind go waco. A few steps from the nut house before the individual gets full blown schizophrenia.

Anyhow the psychological term for speaking in tongues is glossolalia. You can learn a bit of what you preach here. Glossolalia is fabricated, meaningless speech

I seriously think you need help, it looks like you're schizophrenic. Are you having some personal problems and need prayer? Your name says it all 'Godless' in my own translation ' lifeless' / aimless / lost ??? :confused:
Joeman said:
People speak in tongue in

Assembly of God
Church of God

They believe only those who can speak in tongue are real Christians.

You should go to one of those churches and see people rolling around on stages. It's hilarious.

I seriously think you need help too. Actually are you lack of attention? Or Love? Knowledge? Or are you looking for an answer? What made you say such things? Have you ever experienced the presence of God? I respect your freedom to talk but i certainly cannot accept that blasphemy! I think you need to experience it for yourself. Have you heard of the Toronto blessing? Now, thats hilarious! ;)
a friend, AB Jadon:any believe in a god, is hilarious, and talking in tongues is just icing on the cake.