Speak in Tongue?


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
I saw some people speak in tongue today. Is it real or superstition? Personally I think they are completely insane.
Joeman said:
I saw some people speak in tongue today. Is it real or superstition? Personally I think they are completely insane.

I really don't think you can classify, at all, speaking in tongues, as superstition... I've wondered the same thing myself, tho, and had I not had an experience where the Holy Spirit came upon me and I simply could not stop talking in tongues, I'd still be wondering.
My parents are fanatical christians, and they had some people over to our house to pray for us. When I wandered downstairs to get a drink, they were both speaking in tongues, and it totally freaked me out. I think they were nuts myself.

Total superstition in my book.
altec: My parents are fanatical christians, and they had some people over to our house to pray for us. When I wandered downstairs to get a drink, they were both speaking in tongues, and it totally freaked me out. I think they were nuts myself.

Total superstition in my book.
M*W: I call it psycho-religious possession.
Hmm, there are some people who speak in tongues because emotion, combined with the expectation to. Of course, although I believe there might be a time and place to go on and babble, tv isn't it.

A long time ago, I've also had an occurrence similar but it was private and not audible. Like something spoke in a different language within me and I was somehow able to respond also. It wasn't like my mind comprehended what was said; but that my responce was a heart felt reaction to what was said.
Speaking in tongues is nothing more than giberish!!. a person performing this act is either "faking it" or is undergoing such stress that he's becoming schizophrenic. The psychiatric word for speaing in tongues is "glossolalia".


"In Greece, even the priest of Apollo, god of light, engaged in prophetic babbling. The ancient Israelites did it. So did the Jansenists, the Quakers, the Methodists, and the Shakers. " -- from the link.

who are shakers?
Maybe they were some fanatics, who did a whole lot of "shaking"? :D

Or if you want to know of the new "shakers" movement go here

Godless: The psychiatric word for speaing in tongues is "glossolalia".

M*W: You're right. It's observed in paranoid schizophrenics and precedes the state of catatonia.

How could this be a health experience?
I saw this when i was a kid. A friend took me to his assembly of god church and many in the church towards the end were doing it. It freaked me out.

I wasn't freaked because it is scary or the shaking or all that. I was disturbed in that I thought it looked like total bullshit, yet everyone bought into it in that church. It was obviously a sham brought upon by group think and societal pressure. Ridiculus.
sounds like the hawthorne effect. Nathaniel Hawthorne was a sociologist whom ran an experieiment where he had 4 groups.

He told the groups that he was going to brighten the lights in one section of a warehouse because it would improve productivity of the workers if he did.

He had 4 groups

1) was in a section where the light was brightened and told that it was
2) was in a section where the light was brightened and told it was not
3) was in a section where the light was not brightened and told that it was
4) was in a section where the light was not brightened and told it was not.

Two groups over the course of the experiement improved productivity. Those two groups were 1 & 3, the ones who were told the room was brightened. Group two whom had better lighting but was told they did not did not improve.

That is an extremely abbreviated version of it but here are some links with more detail.



Two groups over the course of the experiement improved productivity. Those two groups were 1 & 3, the ones who were told the room was brightened. Group two whom had better lighting but was told they did not did not improve.

Ok!! great. what the hell does this have to do with speaking in tongues? can you relate?. :confused:

Godless said:
Ok!! great. what the hell does this have to do with speaking in tongues? can you relate?. :confused:


yea sure. I am contending that possibly ( I say possibly because I have never been to a tounges sermon), that the chuches these guys are going to are in fact a living experiement of the Hawthorne Effect. The Hawthorne Effect suggests in a nutshell that indivduals will make decisions that are congurent to the groups (he had a lot of experiements actually--really neat guy) in favor to rational ones.

I am suggesting that the people really feel like they are speaking in tounges (instead of faking it because-hey it is fake), because they are being told by someone they hold as important and reinforced by the others in the group that they are. If this is correct (and I will have to go on faith that it is or is not based on assesments of others on this forum) than the Hawthorne Effect would say that in their own personal reality that they are speaking in tounges but as far as linguistical understanding of language they are not speaking anything.

The Hawthorne Effect (to give you an idea of the magintude of its impact on sociology) has been theoried as justification for the jewish concentration camps in ww2

Analysis of mob and riot behavior like the denver riot after their last win at the superbowl and such.
I am suggesting that the people really feel like they are speaking in tounges (instead of faking it because-hey it is fake), because they are being told by someone they hold as important and reinforced by the others in the group that they are.

You know!? this may be true, in some effect. People want their congregations to grow, so if the ominous deception is planted in some mindless total fundie with a strong zeal in religious devotion the trap is set. the guy/gal start speaking in tongues it's advertised via "word of mouth" by other patrons, and the congression grows, as well as the pocket of the priest.

BTW I've not always been an athiest, I've experienced first hand people "speaking in tongues" in the church I was in, the guy was kind of nerdie, and he didn't seem all there. If you catch my drift?. :cool:

im a bit confused as far as i know, speaking in tongue is speaking stupid words but what has it got to do with Christianty?
im a bit confused as far as i know, speaking in tongue is speaking stupid words but what has it got to do with Christianty?

Take your pick on christianity there are many forms and variations, babtists, "christians" catholics, etc.. they are all based on christianity.

Speaking in tongues accurs in some christian churches around the country, it seems like every church has a "nut" either faking it, gullible enough for auto suggestion, or its undergoing through such stress, which makes the person mildly "schizophrenic" thus begins to hear voices in his head, speaking in tongues, etc..

Preacher_X said:
im a bit confused as far as i know, speaking in tongue is speaking stupid words but what has it got to do with Christianty?

People speak in tongue in

Assembly of God
Church of God

They believe only those who can speak in tongue are real Christians.

You should go to one of those churches and see people rolling around on stages. It's hilarious.