This is Chapter 2, Curving, from Taylor and Wheeler's text Exploring Black Holes. I'm going to ask you to look at several Figures.
Figure 2 on page 2-5 The significance: Over each path through curved spacetime a local segment of the path very closely approximates the flat spacetime of Special Relativity. Subsequently the effects of gravity can generally be ignored when making local empirical measurements [accounting for local miniscule gravitational effects won't change empirical measurements in a meaningful way]. One experiment where local gravitational effects must be accounted for is the GPS. Another experiment is the Gravity Probe B. The length of the path segment, where the effects of gravity can generally be ignored, is much larger in the weak field than a path segment in the strong field. For our solar system it's approximately 1 AU. Around the black hole it's very small. It's the reason why gravitational effects are ignored in the laboratory frame of the LHC. It means that we can generally use the simpler mathematics of SR for analyzing the local spacetime [physics].
Figure 6 and 7 on page 2-26 the dreaded embedding diagrams. They're actually very useful if you know what they signify and not just tossed out there for folks to wonder what they mean. We're going to use Figure 6 to understand where measurements are made for our comparative analogy between the local measurements and remote bookkeeper measurements of the same event in spacetime. The event is measuring the velocity of a stone falling towards the black hole. The remote velocity measurement is going to be dr/dt_bkkpr and the local velocity measurement is dr_shell/dt_shell. The local measurement is made in the proper frame of the falling stone as it crosses r_shell and the bkkpr measurement is made from remote coordinates far away.
2 formulas derived from GR
dr/dt_bkkpr = (1-2M/r)(2M/r)^1/2 [measurement made from the remote bkkpr coordinates]
dr_shell/dt_shell = (2M/r)^1/2 [local proper frame measurement made at r_shell as the stone passes over]
It's very easy to make the calculations by setting r_shell = nM. Example r=2M is the distance from the center of the black hole to the coordinate singularity at the event horizon. So r=4M is twice the distance and r=200M is 100 times the distance, etc.. So for making our comparisons in the weak and strong fields we can pick any r=nM that we choose. Large r=nM for the weak field and small r=nM for the strong field. We just substitute our choice for r=nM for r in the formulas.
I'll pick 2M/4M for the strong field and r=2M/20,000M for the weak field
Weak field
dr/dt_bkkpr = (1-2M/r)(2M/r)^1/2 = (1-2M/20,000M)(2M/20,000M)^1/2 = (.9999)(.01) = .00999c
dr_shell/dt_shell = (2M/r)^1/2 = (2M/20,000M)^1/2 = .01c
Remote and local measurements are very close.
Strong field
dr/dt_bkkpr = (1-2M/r)(2M/r)^1/2 = (1-2M/4M)(2M/4M)^1/2 = (.5)(.7071068) = .3535534c
dr_shell/dt_shell = (2M/r)^1/2 = (2M/4M)^1/2 = (.5)^1/2 = .7071068c
The remote measurement is 1/2 the local measurement.
The analogy becomes: the local measurement only accounts for spacetime curvature in the local proper frame where the stone velocity is measured at. The small area of the pumpkin. The remote measurement accounts for the entire spacetime curvature over the stones path. Over a long line on the pumpkin. That's why GR names the remote observer the Schwarzschild bookkeeper. Later in the chapter they discuss the model for bookkeeper measurements which are essentially global in nature.
Finally the end. Hope it works.
One final thing substitute rM=2 (2M for r at the event horizon) to get the greatest delta of all. Think about why the remote bookkeeper can no longer access information about the stone's future path inside the black hole. Switching to a proper frame metric where all the measurements are made by the stone rider allows GR to evaluate the spacetime inside the black hole.