
read a textbook,
i have right in front of me,
a physiology textbook, which discusses the consciousness and the awareness of oneself.
where in the brain this happens.
and how bioelectricity, if i used the term right, is the reason for MW's idea of the soul.

not evidenced by empirical?
it's right in front of me!
this is my major in school!
i undergo an ongoing attack of empirical evidence all year long.

you just speculated that i speculate.
i don't, and i acknowledge my speculation when i do.

if bioelectricity is the cause of consciousness you would think that it would be possible to exhibit the effect (ie consciousness) in something bereft of the effect (ie a dead person) by its application (ie by applying bioelectricity to a dead person and reviving their consciousness your point would be proven empirically)

It appears you don't have empirical fact in front of you but emprirical theory - your reading may be a fact but what you are reading may not be

perhaps it would be easier to consider if one was confronted with penetrating rational arguments rather than sloppy emmotional appeals of confidence

Perhaps if you listened instead of immaturely endowing athiests with your irrational perspective, you will learn for the first time how a logical argument is made and tested.:rolleyes:
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seems like they are deluded into thinking that the world's problems are caused by christianity

their argument about the mormons is basically this - since wonderful narratives exist in the form of fairy tales all incidents that are beyond current paradigms of understanding are fairy tales (its not clear how one could enable new knowledge to be assimilated under this general principle, since it would also appear wonderful)
-kind of a delusional argument, particularly with the added confidence statement "we all know it is true (that religion is a fairy tale)" which smacks of the same thing a philosophically limp religious fanatic might say ("we all know it is true")

seems like the makers of the film get painted by the same paint brush with their definiton of delusion, especially as the premises for "an actual fact" seems to be determined by the number of times per minute you can repeat the word "delusional" followed by confidence statements such as "we can all agree on this" (its not at all a philosophical presentation - its a persuasive one)

same with their assertions of "normal person" etc etc - they don't clearly establish why a theist exists in a bubble of delusion and they do not (except of course that because a theist has a different view than them they must obviously be delusional, which is itself a delusional concept)

and what is remarkable is that they use the same delusional argument regarding the muslims and christians - their general principle seems to be that if something is beyond the average person's scope as normal it can be labelled delusional - you could do a presentation on why physicists are also delusional in the same fashion ("Now do you believe that there are magical things which are invisible called electrons that make up the physical nature of existence. Physicists exist in a bubble of delusion and if they step outside that bubble they will find that it is only physicists that make these claims of electrons")

if you insist that the nature of reality can be determined by appealling to what the average joe can conceive of as believable, then I guess that leaves you with football stadiums, grunting, and turfing out over 90% of what we have in the way of advancement (and interestingly it is the upper 90% - how many people listen to classical music and how many listen to rap) and all that is left is sleeping, eating, mating and defending and other animal propensities that draw an equal consensus across the board - and its terrifying that the producers suggest that this is the platform of sanity

as for the 4 billion people being at odds with the christians or vice versa, that is not the case - its obvious to many that the many varieties of religion indicate different aspects of the absolute according to time place and circumstance.

as for their valid scientific study on the nature of prayer, I guess if we are willing to swallow their confidence statements we will swallow anything.

In short what is most tragic about the whole presentation, is that it doesn't actually inspire persons to be introspective by appealing to reason - I agree that there should be a means to inspect the claims of theism, but this production borrows from the saem tub of poison it is seeking to eliminate - it operates on the exact same principles that a suave charismatic pseudo religious leader would use to fleece persons of their money - its all persuasive and full of confidence statements

Nice long reply of non-seguirtus bull shit!

You have a defenition of delusion, and it fits to a T on religious beliefs:

Although non-specific concepts of madness have been around for several thousand years, the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the three main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his book General Psychopathology. These criteria are:

certainty (held with absolute conviction)
incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)
These criteria still live on in modern psychiatric diagnosis. In the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a delusion is defined as:

A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. **Wiki..

belief in the assertions of non-existents entities, supernaturalism, mysticism, are a form of delusion. When you can't present evidence, of the existence of your assertions, i.e. souls, gods, heaven, and hold these beliefs as fact, this nothing more then delusion. You are my friend deluded, to believe that such a thing as a god exists, who is wathcing your every move, who is the judge and jury of your soul? wether you will go to heaven or hell, and such nonsese is delusion.
Religious belief clearly falls under the definition of delusion. If people treated it as they do santa or the easter bunny, then it would be a playful fantasy. People actually believe religion (gods, afterlives, etc.) to be factually true with no evidence to support it.

This is technically known as Delusion.
Perhaps if you listened instead of immaturely endowing athiests with your irrational perspective, you will learn for the first time how a logical argument is made and tested.:rolleyes:
you mean like saying "you are delusional" repeatedly until you are blue in the face?
(at which point one might try an array of ad homs)
Religious belief clearly falls under the definition of delusion. If people treated it as they do santa or the easter bunny, then it would be a playful fantasy. People actually believe religion (gods, afterlives, etc.) to be factually true with no evidence to support it.

This is technically known as Delusion.

which brings us to that delightful question - is evidence self evident or does it require a standard of knowledge as a foundation before it becomes perceptable?
(it doesn't matter whether you apply this general principle to scientific, theistic or even adolescent claims of knowledge)
No I dont mean like youre delusional and ad homs insue. Man even for a thiest you take impertinent retort to whole new levels.
Nice long reply of non-seguirtus bull shit!
I thought the same thing of the video link you provided, but rather than write "that was total bullshit" I thought it would be more progressive to examine why i thought so,in case I came across as a fool who just kept making relentless confidence statements

You have a defenition of delusion, and it fits to a T on religious beliefs:
Although non-specific concepts of madness have been around for several thousand years, the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the three main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his book General Psychopathology. These criteria are:

certainty (held with absolute conviction)
you seem certainly convinced there is no god

incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
you have no proof god doesn't exist (abiogenesis would be sufficient)
impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)
you claim that abiogenesis is evidenced
These criteria still live on in modern psychiatric diagnosis. In the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a delusion is defined as:

A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. **Wiki..
seems like you are deluded - maybe you should seek professional help
belief in the assertions of non-existents entities, supernaturalism, mysticism, are a form of delusion.
agreed - thats why I assert that god is not non-existant

When you can't present evidence, of the existence of your assertions, i.e. souls, gods, heaven, and hold these beliefs as fact, this nothing more then delusion.
if you could establish how you are qualified to perceive evidence in the given field of knowledge perhaps we could progress down that line of thought

You are my friend deluded, to believe that such a thing as a god exists, who is wathcing your every move, who is the judge and jury of your soul? wether you will go to heaven or hell, and such nonsese is delusion.
more delusional ramblings I am afraid
No I dont mean like youre delusional and ad homs insue. Man even for a thiest you take impertinent retort to whole new levels.
then why don't you break the cycle and present an argument from the point of coherency and logic instead of "Its all in your head - see i just proved god is an imagination because I said you imagined it"

I will give you a hint

First you have establish the means (ie general principles outside of a mere theistic or non theisistic claim) that you utilize to determine what consctitutes reality - for instance is it sufficient for something to be real if enough people assert it to be real? or is something real if you see it withyour eyes? etc etc
If only you could remain lucid long enough you may just see that I have already done so. If only your grasp of logic was have as good as your tenacious defence of any contradiction to your faith, you might realize the difference between fable and education.
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which brings us to that delightful question - is evidence self evident or does it require a standard of knowledge as a foundation before it becomes perceptable?
(it doesn't matter whether you apply this general principle to scientific, theistic or even adolescent claims of knowledge)

Alright. If the evidence of god is so ethereal and requires such a level of mystical/spiritual enlightenment, then why do over 95% of humans claim to "believe" in a god? If they all are this enlightened, why then are they so wrapped up in the petty BS of ordinary life?

Or are they supporting a cultural delusion?

What say you LG of the 95%+ of the population who "believe" yet clearly have not gotten past their inability to react like assholes under even the most benign of circumstances?

Are they examples of what enlightenment of perception leads to?

Or are they delusional?

Or are you saying that they are indeed delusional, but the few (like you I assume) have reached the proper level and can unequivocally state the reality of god and that you are not experiencing a delusion?

"The way is shut. The way is shut and the dead keep it. We do not suffer the living to pass."

will suffer me!"
If only you could remain lucid long enough you my just see that I have already done so. If only your grasp of logic was have as good as your tenacious defence of any contradiction to your faith, you might realize the difference between fable and education.

thats ok but I was asking specifically for general principles since swapping opinions, confidence statements and tentative claims (and even ad homs) doesn't seem to achieve much

If you think you have indicated general principles in some other post you can link it
Whether soul is one among many OR part of one?

Whether god is one OR one overall?
Alright. If the evidence of god is so ethereal and requires such a level of mystical/spiritual enlightenment, then why do over 95% of humans claim to "believe" in a god? If they all are this enlightened, why then are they so wrapped up in the petty BS of ordinary life?

Or are they supporting a cultural delusion?
some could be deluded, but I would argue that many of them accept the claims of god not in terms of direct perception but perceiving the claims of a person who claims direct perception of god as credible - this doesn't necessarily have to be your stereotypical misanthropic cult leader but is mostly accepting the statements of jesus (in the case of the xtians) as authoratative - In other words its more a case of "I have not seen god, th epriest has not seen god but jesus has"

the same general principle operates in regards to the general public's perception of electrons too, since hardly 95% of persons who are scientists have performed the necessary proceedures to confirm the existence of an electron - so for the average joe its a case of "I have not seen an electron, my science teacher has not seen an electron, but the scientists whom the science teacher is talking about have"
What say you LG of the 95%+ of the population who "believe" yet clearly have not gotten past their inability to react like assholes under even the most benign of circumstances?
therefore accroding to the vedas there are 81 varieties of religiousity (and I don't mean (1) xtian (2) buddhist (3) Muslim etc etc) according to the quality of teh performer

Are they examples of what enlightenment of perception leads to?

Or are they delusional?
for the most part they (meaning the assholes you mention - although I wouldn't put their number anywhere near 95%) are stabilized on an unsatisfactory level of performance - such a stagnantation occurs (ie spiritual life is curtailed) when one is bereft of the favourable association of spiritual practioners more elevated than oneself (until one crosses a certain threshold of purity in regard to material contamination - eg lust anger, wrath etc)

Or are you saying that they are indeed delusional, but the few (like you I assume) have reached the proper level and can unequivocally state the reality of god and that you are not experiencing a delusion?
not sure exactly who we are talking about here - if you mean can a person who displays grossly inappropriate behaviour lay claim to credible notions of god?
On the whole, no.

NoI 1: A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.

"The way is shut. The way is shut and the dead keep it. We do not suffer the living to pass."

will suffer me!"

BG 6.20-23: In the stage of perfection called trance, or samādhi, one's mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practice of yoga. This perfection is characterized by one's ability to see the self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the self. In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness, realized through transcendental senses. Established thus, one never departs from the truth, and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact.
Whether soul is one among many OR part of one?

Whether god is one OR one overall?

katha Up. 2.2.13
The Supreme Lord is eternal and the living beings are eternal. The Supreme Lord is cognizant and the living beings are cognizant. The difference is that the Supreme Lord is supplying all the necessities of life for the many other living entities.

Mukunda Up. 3.3.1
The Lord and the living entity are compared to two birds sitting in a tree. While the illusioned living entity eats the fruits of the material world, the Lord as Supersoul and best friend witnesses these activities.

Within each body there are are two souls
jiva (the living entity - who desires) and paramatma (god as a witness/controller in the heart)
thats ok but I was asking specifically for general principles since swapping opinions, confidence statements and tentative claims (and even ad homs) doesn't seem to achieve much

If you think you have indicated general principles in some other post you can link it

.......My rough principle against theism and agnosticism(which IMO wrongly alludes theism is equally as logically valid because "we cant prove there is no god") aswell, pretty well damn it.
some could be deluded, but I would argue that many of them accept the claims of god not in terms of direct perception but perceiving the claims of a person who claims direct perception of god as credible - this doesn't necessarily have to be your stereotypical misanthropic cult leader but is mostly accepting the statements of jesus (in the case of the xtians) as authoratative - In other words its more a case of "I have not seen god, th epriest has not seen god but jesus has"

the same general principle operates in regards to the general public's perception of electrons too, since hardly 95% of persons who are scientists have performed the necessary proceedures to confirm the existence of an electron - so for the average joe its a case of "I have not seen an electron, my science teacher has not seen an electron, but the scientists whom the science teacher is talking about have"
It may be that 95% of all scientists are not out proofing the model of an electron, but the evidence presented is convincing enough. Moreover, the remaining 5% who do, are doing it critically, so that their papers may hold up in the arena of peer review. Science operates on a self-correcting system; if someone conjures up a bogus theory based on fabricated evidence, given time, a competing colleague will take notice and expose it.

Compare this with a mainstream religion. Criticism is not invited. Their holy scriptures do not present evidence. Some of them just state that if you don't believe their true word, you'll be punished for an eternity.