

Registered Senior Member

Best season's greetings.

The soul, according to many religious and philosophical traditions, is a self-aware ethereal substance particular to a unique living being. In these traditions the soul is thought to incorporate the inner essence of each living being, and to be the true basis for sentience. In distinction to spirit which may or may not be eternal, souls are usually (but not always as explained below) considered to be immortal and to pre-exist their incarnation in flesh.

Pls tell me;

1.Whether soul exists?

2. Whether every living being, smaller or bigger has one soul?

3. If so, how one human with millions or trillions of living cells can
have one soul?

Best wishes
you should check out 'the christian soul' thread i made in this religion forum.

whether soul exists?

i can see that if it is a spirit, and has pretty much nothing to do with me,
except that it has to do with carrying karma from past lives...
yes, i can accept the soul.
but in most cases, i really can't see the soul... simply because i can't see it with my current knowledge, and every else i learn.

2. whether every living being, smaller or bigger has one soul?

3. if so, how one human with millions or trillions of living cells can have one soul?

i agree with you, it's kinda weird.
i sorta mentioned that with my other thread.

i suppose i should ask the dalai lama.

ps im not buddhist,
but to be frank,
many parts of it seem to make sense to me. :)
As such, how there can be one soul of a human, when million or trillions individual living cells are there in human body? All individual living cells should also have their individual soul/sprit?

Can human soul be a combination of millons or trillions of souls of cells?
As such, how there can be one soul of a human, when million or trillions individual living cells are there in human body? All individual living cells should also have their individual soul/sprit?

Can human soul be a combination of millons or trillions of souls of cells?

to further add to that,
the immune system,
and the individual cells reacting to the point of infection for example.

it would seem like they're thinking.
they act reasonably.
they do things with life.

we know they can't think like we can merely because of the loss of the brain.
process thinking like us humans is so crazy because of our development of the forebrain.
the presence of something greater than you, isn't god, but a part of the brain; if one cuts it out... you lose that presence!
so how can we prove the soul exists?

so the whole soul thing may seem to go whacko.

how does the soul not apply to the cells, and only the the organism as a whole? what is the rule behind this?

Best season's greetings.

Pls tell me;

1.Whether soul exists?
Yeah, I think so

2. Whether every living being, smaller or bigger has one soul?
Every living being has a mind which is immaterial, this causes experiences, sensations, etc.....this is not the actual soul though, in reality there is no individual, the soul is unborn, unchanging, and eternal, at no point did I not exist nor did anyone else not exist

3. If so, how one human with millions or trillions of living cells can
have one soul?
This question doesn't really make much sense, thats like saying how can one human have one brain or how can one car have one driver.....why do you phrase like its a mind-boggling question?
Yeah, I think so

Every living being has a mind which is immaterial, this causes experiences, sensations, etc.....this is not the actual soul though, in reality there is no individual, the soul is unborn, unchanging, and eternal, at no point did I not exist nor did anyone else not exist

Whether individual cell in body is not an individual living being?

This question doesn't really make much sense, thats like saying how can one human have one brain or how can one car have one driver.....why do you phrase like its a mind-boggling question?

Human body is not individual living being but is a combination of many living beings i.e. millions/trillions cells?
This question doesn't really make much sense, thats like saying how can one human have one brain or how can one car have one driver.....why do you phrase like its a mind-boggling question?

because one can ask, who drives the human? the soul? but it seems that, if you connect the great collection of existence out there...
it travels along the timeline, and every action leads to a reaction, which leads to another.
a whole perfect chain of events which leads us to be moving in highly improbable happenings to us, but in the picture, the chain is inevitable,
the physical of actions will have a finished and thus have a predictable conclusion (although this conclusion is highly unprobable for us), and we're just in the middle of the whole big schemable action.
so now one can ask, who drives the whole thing?
how can there be free will, if there is fate?
if we believe we have free will, and thus it's free will that god gave us...
but there's a consistent fate which we cannot change, is it really free will?

so on top of who drives the car? who drives the human? and then, who drives the human?
it seems time drives the human?
and it goes on,
who drives time?
this question is almost rhetorical!

and if you were to place a soul in that position...
the soul puts itself in a position destined for sin or not!
it's like putting itself in chance, by putting it into a destined fate!

why would the soul choose eternal suffering?
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Every living being has a mind which is immaterial,
absolute rubbish, firstly, If it is immaterial then it can have no connection with the material. as we cannot sense it or detect it, then it is effectively non-existent, as far as we are concerned, therefore we would not be able to use it.
secondly, if you wish to see the mind in action, test someone in REM sleep. we know the brain is functioning and the mind is active, however, what we cant do is know what the subject is dreaming about, we could never know someones thoughts they are totally subjective.
thirdly, how can they be separate, when the brain dies as does the mind, the mind and the brain are one and the same, changes in one will cause changes in the other. when we learn, it causes the growth of new connections, and which develops the mind. Neurons pass on signals to nearby cells that have the ability to replicate the chemical and electrical activities. when totally new information is recieved (possibly by a slight voltage increase, or even more or less neurotransmitters) variations happen.
the condition of these points is crucial to the brain's ability to think, information and experiences that we store inside our brain are all connected with each other, some more stronger than others.
If we put many people in one atmosphere, where they all can survive or die on change of that atmosphere can't mean all have one soul.

Alike it, we can't say all our living cells living under one environment(our body) are single unit living being.
absolute rubbish, firstly, If it is immaterial then it can have no connection with the material. as we cannot sense it or detect it, then it is effectively non-existent, as far as we are concerned, therefore we would not be able to use it. immaterial I mean not made of matter....hey isn't there somethings called "gravity", "electromagnetism", and "time"...that aren't made of matter.....and wait don't they have a connection to the material???

Another typical atheist thinking they know it all already and everything else is rubbish besides what they think...

geeser said:
thirdly, how can they be separate, when the brain dies as does the mind, the mind and the brain are one and the same, changes in one will cause changes in the other. when we learn, it causes the growth of new connections, and which develops the mind. Neurons pass on signals to nearby cells that have the ability to replicate the chemical and electrical activities. when totally new information is recieved (possibly by a slight voltage increase, or even more or less neurotransmitters) variations happen.
How can they be separate? Well how is it that radio waves and a cell phone are separate? How is it that a car and a driver are separate? How is it that gravity and an object are separate? Changes in one causes apparent changes in the other....but they're still separate

As for your neural-correlate works well in classical physics...but not quantum...
There is no evidence of such a thing as a "soul." The religious will confidently say there is, see the post above, but will fail to provide any verifiable or testable evidence for one every time. Instead, they'll attempt to make speculative analogies of other things they can explain which work in their fallacious appeals to ignorance and personal incredulity. They may even use the word "quantum" since they expect that this means "that which cannot be explained" in science.

In the end, the religious will nearly always fall back to the position that the "soul" is just something that is outside of the ability for science to explain, and this is why they can offer no evidence that can be tested. But you can best believe, if science were able to offer some evidence, the religious wouldn't hesitate to wave it around like a banner.
As such, how there can be one soul of a human, when million or trillions individual living cells are there in human body? All individual living cells should also have their individual soul/sprit?

Can human soul be a combination of millons or trillions of souls of cells?

Or another question could be; can the human body possess millions of trillions of separate lifeforms, each with an individual soul?

1.Whether soul exists?

There is no evidence even remotely supporting the assertion 'souls exist' and there is plenty of evidence contradicting the very same assertion.

2. Whether every living being, smaller or bigger has one soul?

3. If so, how one human with millions or trillions of living cells can
have one soul?

Without existence of a 'soul' these questions aren't applicable.
Another typical atheist thinking they know it all already and everything else is rubbish besides what they think.

This coming from a deluded theist thinking that they know the answer to everything. "godidit" the old cop out of unanswerable question! :rolleyes:
In the end, the religious will nearly always fall back to the position that the "soul" is just something that is outside of the ability for science to explain, and this is why they can offer no evidence that can be tested.

yes it is something like the nature of the claim for abiogenesis - except the difference is that there is a claim for a process of direct perception
If we put many people in one atmosphere, where they all can survive or die on change of that atmosphere can't mean all have one soul.

Alike it, we can't say all our living cells living under one environment(our body) are single unit living being.
It doesn't appear to be dissmilar from the eg of a person carrying a cage full of ten mice - obviously its just 11 individuals

the only difference, regarding the cellular situation, is that one living entity is carrying countless millions of living entities within their body - those millions of living entities regulate their bodies and the host living entity regulates their bodies requirements (we all put food in our mouth, or equivelant, try and avoid unfavourable circumstances, and life takes its course)
This coming from a deluded theist thinking that they know the answer to everything. "godidit" the old cop out of unanswerable question! :rolleyes: atheists never surprise me....I don't know ANY theist who say "god did it" fact thats just a western Judeo-Christian thing anyway....and again the atheist thinking he knows it all already knows that I'm a deluded theist...amazing!!!
There is no evidence of such a thing as a "soul." The religious will confidently say there is, see the post above, but will fail to provide any verifiable or testable evidence for one every time. Instead, they'll attempt to make speculative analogies of other things they can explain which work in their fallacious appeals to ignorance and personal incredulity. They may even use the word "quantum" since they expect that this means "that which cannot be explained" in science.

In the end, the religious will nearly always fall back to the position that the "soul" is just something that is outside of the ability for science to explain, and this is why they can offer no evidence that can be tested. But you can best believe, if science were able to offer some evidence, the religious wouldn't hesitate to wave it around like a banner.

Actually the Quantum double-slit experiment does constitute as evidence...if the electron that makes up the brain is in superposition when not observed how can the brain be the cause?

The atheist can say nothing to this, they'll just say its BS or something speculative....many physcists support the many-minds intepretation and the consciousness causes collapse theory...both which require some type of immaterial mind.....the atheist is speechless and will try to deny this in order to hold on to their atheistic faith...because atheism requires sooo much faith...