SOUL - Who? What? Where?

Who has a soul?

  • Only humans and their evolutionary counterparts

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


There are a lot of corruptions of language that opens this up in ways I don't intend ....

Children have more soul than adults
This music has soul
He is a happy soul
etc etc

While obviously the word "soul" is a theistic reference to that which bears reference to our identity it also has other definitions that take it outside of such colloquialisms (such as the soul bears witness or receives judgement and is held accountable etc etc)

In other words it is greatly influential, if not integral to our existence, seeming to be subject to some law of result beyond the laws of result that pertain to the body. If the soul exists then obviously it is a uniform substance, and its being is not constituted as that of a christian soul or a jewish soul etc etc (that said - feel free to offer scriptural evidence if you think otherwise)

Generally speaking it becomes impractical to refer to the soul (or even to deny the soul, as in the case of Buddhism) without reference to scriptural authority, since we could very well slip in to identifying the mind with the soul (which is generally how the word "soul" finds its usage in common english).

So the topic of discussion here is the offering of interpretations of scriptural evidence that can establish many of the points raised in the poll or other issues such as the plurality/oneness/duality of the soul.
There's no such thing as a soul. first you need to stablish some premises. What is it? If it exists do you have emperical evidence? If you got nothing above, why do you believe so much BS, or is just so easy to get gullible dimwits like yourself to believe just about anything. I got a Green Leprechan in my garage! It's true.
Godless said:
There's no such thing as a soul. first you need to stablish some premises. What is it? If it exists do you have emperical evidence? If you got nothing above, why do you believe so much BS, or is just so easy to get gullible dimwits like yourself to believe just about anything. I got a Green Leprechan in my garage! It's true.

I have a subconscious. :)
samcdkey said:
I need empirical evidence of that. :D

No problem, I'll sign up for scientific tests and come back with a little certificate that states that I am a thinker. At least I hope it will? :(
Godless said:
There's no such thing as a soul. first you need to stablish some premises. What is it? If it exists do you have emperical evidence? If you got nothing above, why do you believe so much BS, or is just so easy to get gullible dimwits like yourself to believe just about anything. I got a Green Leprechan in my garage! It's true.

Let me guess .... you voted for the last option on the poll right?
So the topic of discussion here is the offering of interpretations of scriptural evidence that can establish many of the points raised in the poll or other issues such as the plurality/oneness/duality of the soul.

What does scripture have anything to do with this? We have already established that your epistemology thread was based on faith that the Bible is true because it says so. It offers no evidence or calculations on any of it's obviously far-fetched imaginary claims.
Every living breathing organism has a soul. I don't know about plants, but definitely humans and animals.
KennyJC said:
What does scripture have anything to do with this? We have already established that your epistemology thread was based on faith that the Bible is true because it says so. It offers no evidence or calculations on any of it's obviously far-fetched imaginary claims.

Sorry -I wasn't informed that this was the conclusion reached by examination of that thread -I wasn't even aware that you had contributed to it - but we can take it up here if you wish
Sgal said:
Every living breathing organism has a soul. I don't know about plants, but definitely humans and animals.

So why do you say this - in otherwords what is the connection between breathing and a soul - is there any scriptural body of work you can quote or is it something you arrived at through some other means? Why wouldn't a tree also have a soul since they are also evidenced to respire?
I couldn't answer the poll. There is no such thing as a soul, but I am interested in the topic. It is probably one of the most important since without the soul concept all significant religions fall apart.

I need empirical evidence of that.
Simply look at the massive evidence found through clinical studies of brain damaged patients. Everything you've listed can be shown to be affected or lost when the brain is damaged. The conclusion is overwhelmingy simple and transaparently obvious. All these things including thoughts are derived from the brain. There is absolutely no reason to suspect there is anything else.
I created my brain.

Cris, if your brain dies, it doesn't have to mean that you (consciousness) die. The body and soul just lose connection with each other. Think of the body as a tool, like a hammer, and the soul as the user. Without you, the hammer can do nothing, but you can continue to live and do many things without the hammer.

The soul is a "less material" body inside the material body.

Sgal said:
Every living breathing organism has a soul. I don't know about plants, but definitely humans and animals.

Soul is the one who feels, right? That's why we say to cruel people: "don't you have a soul!?"
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