

Registered Senior Member
A while ago I was on these boards a fair bit trying to push the Christian view point etc... Since then I've done a lot of study at college, and at another University, and all I find everywhere I look is problems with Christianity. Soooooooooo many problems with the Bible. And whenever I try to raise these problems for intelligent discusion with my Christian friends, all I get is 'God loves you, love God, walk with people that love God, you'll find the loving answers, just love, and love will guide the love that you love and love love love love love love'. Bah enough love to make you want to blow your brains out! Seriously if all I wanted was love I'd pop a few ecstacy and go to a rave. What I want is answers to serious questions about the validity of the Christian religion.

My thoughts right now are basically, yeah I think there is a creator, don't think everything happened by chance. But besides that I have no idea about anything else. So I guess that would make me semi-agnostic.

But with all that said, I want to appologize to anyone on these forums I gave the shi*s to as I tried to push Christianity all that time ago.
Wow, Refreshing.

But besides that I have no idea about anything else.

Guess what , nobody else does either. Not really :)

So I guess that would make me semi-agnostic.

Not sure if the semi part should be included. Me I'm agnostic, why??
Because like you I really don't know for sure and I am very skeptical of
those who say they know for sure.

Tho, you never got on my case. I think your offer of a olive branch is to be commended

Regardless of what one thinks of your current beliefs and your statement above, I don't think anyone can deny that you've demonstrated great humility and courage by publicly admitting a revision of your position.

I can only hope to show similar traits should the need arise.

Thank you for sharing this.
Yeah I left Bible college after 1 year. And now I'm starting my second year studying Psychology at University. I figured that most problems people have and go to church for, are simply emotional/psychological problems. So why not tackle these problems using proven scientifically tested methods, rather then say 'lets pray about it'.
I figured that most problems people have and go to church for, are simply emotional/psychological problems

People don't go to church to solve their personal problems as much as they go there to be with others who enjoy the same kind of spiritual feelings and general gatherings for commonalties.
A while ago I was on these boards a fair bit trying to push the Christian view point etc... Since then I've done a lot of study at college, and at another University, and all I find everywhere I look is problems with Christianity. Soooooooooo many problems with the Bible. And whenever I try to raise these problems for intelligent discusion with my Christian friends, all I get is 'God loves you, love God, walk with people that love God, you'll find the loving answers, just love, and love will guide the love that you love and love love love love love love'. Bah enough love to make you want to blow your brains out! Seriously if all I wanted was love I'd pop a few ecstacy and go to a rave. What I want is answers to serious questions about the validity of the Christian religion.

My thoughts right now are basically, yeah I think there is a creator, don't think everything happened by chance. But besides that I have no idea about anything else. So I guess that would make me semi-agnostic.

But with all that said, I want to appologize to anyone on these forums I gave the shi*s to as I tried to push Christianity all that time ago.

Good for you ! No need to apologize though.
Good luck on your 'journey' :)
Yah, like Enmos says. Life is a journey. A spiritual walk, either leaving, entering, or in, takes time to arrive at some answers. Unfortunately, most of the time answers lead to more questions, so that is why the search for truth is a journey.

I was like you, I became an agnostic theist. Now I am agnostic atheist, but I still like to learn what theists think about things. I am willing to debate theology from any perspective in order to learn the truth. I still go to church sometimes even. But, I don't go because of my conscience anymore. I go to find others like me, but are trapped in Christianity's doctrines like I was. I go to connect to people and find out if they have anything to add to the discussion God.

And sciforums is my other place to learn if any non-agnostic atheists have anything to add to the discussion.

Keep at it, it is really liberating once you stop trying to kid yourself. I think you will be a better contribution to society, I know am now that I'm not focused on myself and my need to get to heaven.
YAY! Another person see's the light (or lack there of) lol.

Glad you were able to come to your senses and mature out of the fairly tale state of mind.
You won't find God in a book.

That aside...since I wasn't around to miss out on the..."fun" need to apologize, heck, even if you tried to push the bible into my mind, I'd likely feed off of it for some amusement, so again no need to apologize. I am guessing you meant well and that counts for something...even if it is very very very little...
The power of bible is unlike any other, it unites people, unlike any difference between them. Blind unison, just like love.

Why bother look for answers that are just going to separate us all apart? Why not just accept the reality on how different we are and step into the blind comfort of religion.

We dont live long, 120 years at most, so lets not waste those years.
And by the power of God and the holy bible...let us find another continent of Indians whom we can 'love' and slaughter for their resources and land, leaving them stranded on barren wasteland reserves to ponder how we took their land from them...

A while ago I was on these boards a fair bit trying to push the Christian view point etc... Since then I've done a lot of study at college, and at another University, and all I find everywhere I look is problems with Christianity. Soooooooooo many problems with the Bible. And whenever I try to raise these problems for intelligent discusion with my Christian friends, all I get is 'God loves you, love God, walk with people that love God, you'll find the loving answers, just love, and love will guide the love that you love and love love love love love love'. Bah enough love to make you want to blow your brains out! Seriously if all I wanted was love I'd pop a few ecstacy and go to a rave. What I want is answers to serious questions about the validity of the Christian religion.

My thoughts right now are basically, yeah I think there is a creator, don't think everything happened by chance. But besides that I have no idea about anything else. So I guess that would make me semi-agnostic.

But with all that said, I want to appologize to anyone on these forums I gave the shi*s to as I tried to push Christianity all that time ago.
Great post :)

Read the Jesus Mysteries, that's a short, easy and fun book to digest. I think it'll answer some of your questions.
So I guess that would make me semi-agnostic.

But with all that said, I want to appologize to anyone on these forums I gave the shi*s to as I tried to push Christianity all that time ago.

I applaude your honesty.

Despite the scare tactics endemic to religion, don't sweat the god question. No good god is going to care if you get that one right or wrong. A good god won't be worse than good people and good people are tolerant, loving and forgiving of mistakes.

Only a bad god is going to act like the religious threaten people with and it would be an honor to oppose such a being.

So test out agnostic, try atheist, look into other beliefs but mostly have fun with it and be not afraid.

And when some one brings out the fear, you know what they are selling isn't the god you seek.
Thanks for the replys, I appreciate the encouragment. Just spent ages tonight poking holes in the Bible talking to Christians. It really is useless to argue or debate with them, they'll agree with your questions not being answered, but then still hold onto their faith.... how can you have fundamental questions unanswered yet still believe?

What makes humans survive is their questioning mind. You don't open up a pack of panadol for headaches and take every single tablet in the packet. Take enough and you die. Instead you question, look for information, then make your informed decision. With Christianity it is like they make their decision then look for information that supports it.

It just doesn't make sense.
Thanks for the replys, I appreciate the encouragment. Just spent ages tonight poking holes in the Bible talking to Christians. It really is useless to argue or debate with them, they'll agree with your questions not being answered, but then still hold onto their faith.... how can you have fundamental questions unanswered yet still believe?

What makes humans survive is their questioning mind. You don't open up a pack of panadol for headaches and take every single tablet in the packet. Take enough and you die. Instead you question, look for information, then make your informed decision. With Christianity it is like they make their decision then look for information that supports it.

It just doesn't make sense.

It does does make sense from an evolutionary perspective. Humans are genetically inclined to accept what the group accepts. In the past this ment gaining their support and resources. To question what the group accepts places you outside that support / resource circle and in a different time would decrease your chances for survival.
With Christianity it is like they make their decision then look for information that supports it.

That is very similar to the pseudo-scientific methods of crackpots and kooks, who make specious conclusions and then go out looking for what they believe best explains those conclusions.
Just spent ages tonight poking holes in the Bible talking to Christians. It really is useless to argue or debate with them, they'll agree with your questions not being answered, but then still hold onto their faith.

It's hard for them to let go of their warm and fuzzies. It does keep them quite "comfortably numb"... but then you've been on both sides of the fence and should know that ;)
A while ago I was on these boards a fair bit trying to push the Christian view point etc... Since then I've done a lot of study at college, and at another University, and all I find everywhere I look is problems with Christianity. Soooooooooo many problems with the Bible. And whenever I try to raise these problems for intelligent discusion with my Christian friends, all I get is 'God loves you, love God, walk with people that love God, you'll find the loving answers, just love, and love will guide the love that you love and love love love love love love'. Bah enough love to make you want to blow your brains out! Seriously if all I wanted was love I'd pop a few ecstacy and go to a rave. What I want is answers to serious questions about the validity of the Christian religion.

My thoughts right now are basically, yeah I think there is a creator, don't think everything happened by chance. But besides that I have no idea about anything else. So I guess that would make me semi-agnostic.

But with all that said, I want to appologize to anyone on these forums I gave the shi*s to as I tried to push Christianity all that time ago.

It is always propper to offer appology if offense is perceived.
I'm sure it will be recieved well.
Thanks for the replys, I appreciate the encouragment. Just spent ages tonight poking holes in the Bible talking to Christians. It really is useless to argue or debate with them, they'll agree with your questions not being answered, but then still hold onto their faith.... how can you have fundamental questions unanswered yet still believe?

What makes humans survive is their questioning mind. You don't open up a pack of panadol for headaches and take every single tablet in the packet. Take enough and you die. Instead you question, look for information, then make your informed decision. With Christianity it is like they make their decision then look for information that supports it.

It just doesn't make sense.

Out of curiosity, is there one question that your Christian friends could not answer that you care to share? Time an again, it seems that non-believers of Christianity actually have problems with particular religious practices or personalities.