soon males wont be needed for reproduction.....


Registered Senior Member
soon males wont be needed for reproduction due to progresses in cloning, And what about sperm banks women who want children can just get artificial insimination done, will that leave some kind of mark on our society? will men still be considered equal?
Wouldn't continuing a species through cloning be iffy? If an entire family were all clones from a single mother, wouldn't whatever the mother was prone to kill them all?
I imagine men would have to be enslaved eventually to build up huge sperm reserves until some far fetched alternative is created. Then there'd be rebels, then there'd be a real battle of the sexes.

Anyway, why would cloning eliminate the need for males? If cloning took over, after the end of the last sexually produced generation, where would the variation come from? And the sperm banks would only last so long.
thats true but through artificial insimination males will be born to replenish the sperm banks and technically even if we were to clone this generation the clone generation would be identical to this one whats genetically wrong with this generation the gene pool doesn't shrink any
Yes, the gene pool wouldn't shrink any, but it would be an end to variation and mutation... the gene pool would no longer grow, and humans would no longer evolve.
...that aside I imagine socially, men would grow farther and farther apart from women, until the new male-supremecy cults/religions appear and extrememists try to take back what they thought was theirs, only to be put down very quickly and cause mankind to from that time on to be confined from production to sperm-factory jars, with tubes milking them constantly, and their minds diiiiieeiiingg away.
i doubt anything that extream would happen but at least this should make more people believe males and females are equal
You suggested that women won't need men eventually. If this happened this would show that males and females are absolutely unequal...:confused:
Well if it happened it'd be a natural progression, so fair enough :rolleyes:
..Ah, but who OWNS the sperm banks? of wich gender are most doctors that do the procedures for artificial pregnancy ? Who are the politicians that regulate this technology

You don't have to study statistics to make an estimated guess that males still control the alternative routes...

Things would get more interesting/stirring if sperm banks are fully female owned/staffed and are offshore based to avoid control by male politicians.
Yes, men do run most of those facilities because this is still a man run world women though by law are equal are not truelly treated equal and probably never will, but the fact that the spermbanks are run by males might soon be changing. There was a pole taken not long ago about if women would rather deal with a male or female doctor when going through artificial incimination almost all of them chose women even though there was an option stating that they don't care. Would that mean women are sexist to? :confused:
The answer to sexism is to not recognize by sex at all, of course that not possible, hum unless we made everyone into hermaphrodites yes yes that would work well, no more sexism, no more homophobia and no more wrong ways of doing it in bed!
If we are going to talk of such extremeties of the future then maybe we could say that sperm banks won't be needed at all. Who knows how science will progress. Cloning may mean we'll only need a single cell from the body, and this can be male OR female. So males and femaes would remain in well balance as we all know that we would benefit from having both sexes...why would we remove such a luxory?

Of course this is being a bit optimistic and I'm not saying that I think this is going to happen. i just think this whole thread is a bit much ...people do dream/worry of a crazy world in the future
poor men, to be enslaved and attached to milking machines. why would there be gender wars? are non-breeders useless? plenty of people do not contribute to the next generation but they don't wage war on the breeders. men would be worthwhile as individuals who can contribute to society if not the gene pool. milking machines hahaha. i dated a bloke who would add that to his list of fantasies if he ever heard it.

anyhoo, this is so two years ago but if you haven't heard it, it is possible to fertilize an egg with the dna of another woman rather than from a sperm cell. genetic mixing would be taken care of by genetic counselors. when this was published, it was offered up as a possibility for lesbian couples to have a child that is both of theirs in the future.
oh im sorry in that case let me correct myself in reproduction men will be useless, but with all these scientific break throughs shouldn't certain religions and political parties stop preaching this women are unworthy and inferior bull.
unless they have a penis that is... then they would be a hermaphrodite, or just like in Junior where they only turn gurly for a while then go back (sort of)
no it would be a man with uterus implant, a hermaphrodite would look like a women but have a man cannon instead of a clitoris… lucky bitch.
The men could always have thier clones grow in vats, or other mammals. It may not be the perfect solution, but surely it is workable. Cloning goes both ways.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever heard of a fully fertile human hermaphrodite? One that has both parts fully functional? And theoretically would they be able to self fertilize and naturally clone themself? There probably were a couple that were surgically "corrected" post natally that may have been, but we'll never know about those.