Something wrong with sunbathing next to the victims of tsunami?

Is there something wrong with sunbathing next to the victims of the tsunami?

  • No

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Yes

    Votes: 12 66.7%

  • Total voters
I'm with you Xev. I have watched all the tsunami videos. It's the force of nature that mainly fascinates me. It must appeal to a lot of others too because the media does not choose their video and pictures willy-nilly, but to sell the media. People who say they won't look at the pictures still get satisfaction from the articles or discussion of the tsunami.
C'est la Vie.
Some die, other's live. There's nothing wrong with enjoying your life while you're still alive.
I'd have no problems sunbathing there.
Ah, just watched TV, the news had something about tourists travelling there to see the misery, no, not even for sunbathing, just for watching and filming the misery of the people and the dead bodies. They are titulated "Catastrophe Tourists", and in my opinion those are far worse that those sunbathing on the beaches, and from the look of the natives, those people are also far less liked.

Furthermore, politicians in Thailand thanked sunbathing tourists for staying there since the tourist industry needs income. And if that is not a strange picture, officially dressed politicians thanking overweight tourists for their stay on a debris-covered beach with people still searching for the bodies of family members in the background...

To Avatar's post: Well, I would not be bothered that much by the dead, more by the living and would tryto help them while being there, instead of just sitting in the sun.
Actually, the real reason why "tourists" are hanging around sunbathing is not at all because they are the blasé rich but because they are the penny-pinching middle class -- mustn't waste that no-return discount, must we?
an>roid.v2 said:
Actually, the real reason why "tourists" are hanging around sunbathing is not at all because they are the blasé rich but because they are the penny-pinching middle class -- mustn't waste that no-return discount, must we?
And these are probably the same peons who'd then appear on shows called "Holidays from hell", complaining about how their holiday was plagued by the smell of rotting corpses out on the street outside their hotels. And complain about how the hotels did not get their act together to ensure that corpses did not wash up on the very beaches they were sunbathing on or how the pool had not been cleaned when they got there, etc.

Yes life does go on, but to sit there under copious amounts of sunscreen on the beach while a human tragedy surrounds you reeks as badly as the still unburied dead. Yes their tourist dollars will come in handy, but where will they spend said dollars aside from inside their hotels, where the corporations who own said hotel would be the ones profiting more from their tourist dollars? I'd have thought that the resources in place to ensure that the sunbathing tourists get clean water and fresh food could be put to better uses at the current moment, principally to feed the locals who have none. I'd have thought that the hotels still standing could be put to better use in the immediate to house the people made homeless from this disaster.

But silly me for disregarding the need for some middle class brute to tan.
Bells -- with _quite evidently_ global warming affecting more and more "natural" disasters, latter 21st century will see the super rich soaring into space while the vulgar middle class will go "watch" the super poor be dragged into the inferno of modern man's "delight".
You know, people who work get like 4 weeks of holiday a fucking year. It's ok for you to sit here telling them to spend that 4 weeks digging through rotting corpses and feeding moaning gangrenous victims gruel, but they have no obligation to do so. And yes, they do have a right to complain about the stank about the place, that wasn't on the brochure.

When a few eccentric jews came up with the idea of being messiahs and defying the world by helping the less fortunate, it was a cute little concept, one they practiced for their own sense of self satisfaction and brownie points with the lord.
Why has it snowballed into this obligation for all of humanity? Why are people being ridiculed and visciously criticised for not-helping? For not-wasting their hard earned holiday on backbreaking and nauseating labour?
Jesus christ, it's completely unreasonable to ask that.

And who are you to deny catastrophe tourists of their hobby and passion? They don't come around to your place and stomp all over your elf and dragon figurines.

I must say I was rather smitten when I saw that cute girl on the news posing next to the dead baby with a silly face for a photo. :eek:
an>roid.v2 said:
Heh... Very true..

Exhibit A:
Dr Lou Natic said:
You know, people who work get like 4 weeks of holiday a fucking year. It's ok for you to sit here telling them to spend that 4 weeks digging through rotting corpses and feeding moaning gangrenous victims gruel, but they have no obligation to do so. And yes, they do have a right to complain about the stank about the place, that wasn't on the brochure.

Ahhh... one of you is a trannie and the other's a dyke, ever blurted that out over a glass of champagne at the equestrian club? Monacles will drop "ladies".
Don't talk to me about class.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Ahhh... one of you is a trannie and the other's a dyke, ever blurted that out over a glass of champagne at the equestrian club? Monacles will drop "ladies".
Don't talk to me about class.
Hey, it'd make my boyfriend overjoyed if I admitted to being a dyke over champagne at the equestrian club Lou. ;) I can assure you his monacle would probably rise instead of drop at such an admission. :rolleyes:

And no one was talking to you about class, dear boy. We were talking about you. That distinction, while ever so subtle, is present.
