Something is Wrong.

Well for me order in the universe is common sense and the universal symetry found in the physical laws points to an organisation for me, not mere accident.

Do you mean symmetry?

What symmetry do you see, btw? Matter in the Universe has a non-uniform distribution, and we are severely lacking anti-matter in our region of space.

If the laws of physics were different, would it still require organisation? There may have been previous Universes, with unstable laws, that self annihilated, until there was this stable version. Were they 'organised' too?
But you can accept that there is no beginning to God? That is where the contradiction lies. 'Everything must have a beginning' is the premise. Except you argue things can't regress for ever, so there must have been an event without a beginning, you call that 'God' and then your initial premise is proven to be false, thus falsifying the conclusion that God created everything.

Get it? Aristotle's logic was flawed. Even if it were sound, it still doen't prove anything! It's abstract, not real.
Yes that is the premise. But regression forever sounds non-productive and against the conservation of energy.
Do you mean symmetry?

What symmetry do you see, btw? Matter in the Universe has a non-uniform distribution, and we are severely lacking anti-matter in our region of space.

If the laws of physics were different, would it still require organisation? There may have been previous Universes, with unstable laws, that self annihilated, until there was this stable version. Were they 'organised' too?

Yes I mean symmetry which I see the periodic table as having symmetry also pure maths and much of the quantum world.
Yes i totally agree with the possibility of there having previously been trial and error universe. As to were they organisated, a resounding yes.
Organize. Organization.

Look, Elemental, and measuring are two different fields. Quit just looking at the words that jump out at your face. My, you sure are BOLD.

Also, for what it's worth, symmetry happens to be used predominately in Geometry. Describing in general, parallelisms.

So, let's see what you've done. Macro/Micro+Element Yielding Everything...

Now, I'm supposed to think you're smart, right, no.