Some really scary shit!

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:D Oh!!! come on please!!

How can you take this crap seriously?, next thing you be telling us is that there's another group yea, the Illuminatis, than there's the Skull&Bones, of which Bush and Kerry both belong, and to take it a step further, I have proof that Bush is the anti-christ ok!!.

Come now, I'll take you on a trip of weird!!. Bush and Hiltler have lots in comon!

How's that for weird?


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Preacher_X said:
This is some stuff about Freemasonry.


go to and then click on SIDE A.



firstly i would like to say that the existence of Freemasonry is not a religious debate like the afterlife which you can argue if it exists or not, it is a FACT that Freemasonry exsists (but hardly ANYONE knows about it and most dont know to the extent that it RULES THE WRORLD). the reason i put it on the religion forum is because firstly both Islam and Christianity warn us and prophesise about it (especially Islam which tells us in ALOT of detail about this) and also Freemasonry is a religion.

now find out about the truth of the worlds only superpower, the truth about technology, credit cards, the European Union, the UN, the AIDS virus, the worlds most popular shows/singers/films etc. drugs and crimes and why there is a current warn on "terror" which really means a war on Islam which really means a war on anti-freemasonry. find out why the Freemasonic west does not want other forms of energy (non oil), why America/west supports the idiotic dicators of the Muslim World and why the state of Muslims is soooo bad.

to all the Americans, you need to realise who is REALLY running your country and to the Europeans beware of the European Union and the single currency (euro) and to the Britain’s (me included) beware of the plans to implement ID cards and tracking systems.

was that a THX intro i heard?