Some really scary shit!

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Registered Senior Member
From the shadows: Some really scary sh*t!

This is some stuff about Freemasonry.


go to and then click on SIDE A.



firstly i would like to say that the existence of Freemasonry is not a religious debate like the afterlife which you can argue if it exists or not, it is a FACT that Freemasonry exsists (but hardly ANYONE knows about it and most dont know to the extent that it RULES THE WRORLD). the reason i put it on the religion forum is because firstly both Islam and Christianity warn us and prophesise about it (especially Islam which tells us in ALOT of detail about this) and also Freemasonry is a religion.

now find out about the truth of the worlds only superpower, the truth about technology, credit cards, the European Union, the UN, the AIDS virus, the worlds most popular shows/singers/films etc. drugs and crimes and why there is a current warn on "terror" which really means a war on Islam which really means a war on anti-freemasonry. find out why the Freemasonic west does not want other forms of energy (non oil), why America/west supports the idiotic dicators of the Muslim World and why the state of Muslims is soooo bad.

to all the Americans, you need to realise who is REALLY running your country and to the Europeans beware of the European Union and the single currency (euro) and to the Britain’s (me included) beware of the plans to implement ID cards and tracking systems.
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Freemasonry is only one branch of the satanic world government. We Christians know about the mark of the beast we know who is the prince of this world. freemasonry is not the only servant of satan in this world.

Satan tempted Jesus while He was fasting in the desert the last thing satan offered was all the kingdoms of the earth. why because all the kingdoms of the earth are under his control.

I believe the USA was created for a purpose. That being to provide for the anti-christ his false battle of Armageddon. The USA will be sacrificed to provide a victory for the anti-christ to seemingly for fill prophesy.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I haven't got time to listen to the tape. Can you please summarise the interesting parts for me, briefly?

You seem to be hinting that there is a world-wide Masonic conspiracy. Is that right?
Freemasonry is only one branch of the satanic world government.
Freemasonry, Satanic? OK there... Freemasons are more like Christians than Satanists.

What James said.

Also, FYI, (dunno if this is in the tape) the USA was founded by Freemasons. Interesting, eh? ;)
Right James, im not too good at summarising things but the tape is just saying the truth about the world we live in. the tape does not really say what Freemasons are but it does say their origin in the time of the Crusades and how they went from country to country. Basically Freemasons control and are responsible for every single war and major revolution and the crime in the world since the time of the Crusades. it also names a few freemasons (George Washington, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Mr Mcdonald are just a few) it also says the TRUE puropse of the European Union, the UN, films, music, technology, loyality cards, credit cards, what America is really doing to prevent crime,the nazi origins of the CIA and its true puropse, the "round table", the puropse of the world bank, the plot to kill Islam and so on. It also says about the plans that were proposed in the late 80's to eradicate the world of 2 billion people in 3rd world countries and how AIDS is a man made disease to do commit this genocide (the 21st cnetury style of doing genoicde, chemcial warfare)

Freemasons DO actually run the world at this moment and the tape also explains its final goals (which it is very close to)

(the tape does not mention the following...)
btw, Islam said in almost perfect detail about this secret society and the major world events that happened at this time and what the Masons (and it also predicted what their symbol would be, the one eye) will do and it also says it will never win (although it will appear so). Also in Islam it is believe d that the Dajaal society came in true power the 19th century, the country (America) became a super power in the 60's, Islam becames seriously corrupted in the 19th century (although it started to decline slightly before), next up there will be a man called the Dajaal
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James, could you change the poll question to, "have you listend to the tape or not?". its okay if you cant but it would be helpful. thanks
Alpha said:
Freemasonry, Satanic? OK there... Freemasons are more like Christians than Satanists.

Freemasons are NOT christians but they have attached themselevs to the church for reasons i dont know but at the end of the day they are not Chritstians and want to eradicate religion. The Brotherhood”, by Stephen Knight & “Satanic Voices”, by David M Pidcock) say that 60% of Archbishops are Freemasonic. If you want to know if a church is being used as a Masonic-Temple, then look on the stained glass windows for a Masonic symbol such as ‘a snake and a dagger, or a star of David ‘. If the church is in the shape of a Greek Temple, then it is definitely used for Masonic purposes. In Liverpool, the Roman Catholic cathedral has many Pyramids, Masonic symbols. but remeber Freemasonry is NOT Christianty.


"The Templers (who later changed the name to Freemasons so it apperaed as if they had died) who had escaped Europe were finally laid to rest in Rovelin Chapel Scotland (as shown in picture above) which stands to this day as sign of their presence in Britain." there are roughly 700,000 Freemasons in Britain but hardly anything is know of them.

however, as a Muslim, i believe that the Jewish and Christian holy books were once correct but have been altered by man. Although Jews and Christians are warned about Freemasonary, as there religion has been corrupted, they will follow the Freemason person (the Dajaal) and unite with him anlong with atheists to destroy Islam (that is starting to happen now). the Messiah jews are waiting for came 2000 years ago, he was Jesus but many Jews rejected him and also the completeion of the Temple is really Al Aqsa Mosque. for this reason many jews will follow the Dajaal and think he is the Messiah when infact he is the "imposter".
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What's really scary is the fact that there is no one controlling the world!

The Nike logo had absolutely nothing to do with hatred against Islam.
Spider, that has nothing to do with the ruling of the world thing, ok ill take the pics of they're kind of distracting. the tapes not even about that.
This is absurd and foolish. I'm sorry to be critical but... If anyone has ever seen a ghetto then you know that where crime occurs most of the people can hardly spell Freemason. It is true that many prestigious and influential persons are attracted to freemasonry. It is also true that they are often in positions of power and influence long before they are familiar with Freemasons or their cult. (Freemasonry and the practices associated with it are by definition a cult. Its just a descriptive word and not an insult or a slam.)
The truth is most masons are masons because they are successful. They are looking for a way to give something back. The fundamental principle behind Freemason practices are nothing more than good deeds.
"They go around all day doing good deeds. They are called good deed doers." (wizard of oz)
You know running around looking for someone to blame for everything and then convincing a nation that you have found the scapegoat worked one time in recent history. And, by his ability to sell such a foolish idea I'll bet Hitler could have sold anything.
Yes! Hitler was in the same game. Find a group and sell the world on the idea that every evil on earth can be traced to them. If you connect them to everything evil then even our own wickedness is only the result of the evil world they have created.
Admittedly most of the people or persons who are searching for a scapegoat won't take it to the extreme of Nazi Germany. Nevertheless, the underlying philosophy is still the same.
Freemasons are not the only group under attack. In fact, that same verbiage (attack) is used on another thread involving Mormonism. The same efforts are used even on this board to attack all religionists. In turn the religionists attack the intellectuals. And both groups hate the spiritual intellectuals.
The greatest threat to any one group is growing indifference among its own members. Younger Islamic children (substitute any group here) just don't care anymore. They are one generation further from the zeal that drove the generation of the cult. These cults became churches or nations or philosophical collectives. Now further removed the youngest generations are less connected, less driven and less zealous. That is how these bodies stagnate or decline. Never as the result of outside conspirators. Until just a couple of years ago it was legal to kill "Mormons" in the state of Missouri. But, that group is still growing exponentially.
If your concerned about the fate of Islam the best thing to do is be the best citizen of that nation that you can be. Then your accentuating the great things about Islam and promoting the healthy zeal among the membership.
ok your opinions are respected but i still think Freemasonary is a real and powerful threat and not becasue of my religion. however, my religionf further soldifies my belfiefs as Islam fortells in a lot of detail about this subject. and as for the fate of Islam, i am not concerned about it. i know that it will get a lot worse in the coming years and i wouldnt be supriesed if actual holocausts on Muslims begin. alot more Islamic countries will be attacked and the next generation of Muslims will be even worse. however, i know this will reverse and get better and for many reasons i think there will be a majpr revival of Islam in less the 100 years and yes it may sound crazy but Muslims will be ruling the world in less the 150.

anyways did you listen to the tape which sides?
the nation of Islam can only fail. the murders committed by its people will continue to force the hand of freedom. the peaceful Muslims, if they don't want war must convince the few who do to live in peace. The attitude seems to be don't blame us all. It is only the few who are bad. but, they still hesitate to condemn the few. suggesting that even though the few went about it the wrong way they were not unprovoked. When in recent history has a Muslim nation been attacked by a non-Muslim nation. It has been a defensive effort against the Arab nations (not the same as the Islam nation). The Arabic people don't understand the idea of peace for the sake of peace. They attack Israel and the united states then weep when they get slapped around. I would like all people to live in peace. But, I am not so stupid that I believe the lies.
eventually the bastard children of Hagar will ask to be eliminated. And, they can blame no person or nation except themselves.