Some Problems With Atheism ( Part 2 )


“The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.”
But yes it is. The continuing absence of evidence for gods after thousands of years of baseless claims is indeed very good evidence of their absence.

What you really mean is that absence of evidence is not proof of absence, and that is a quite different issue.


Did u ever realize the bigger picture, religion is just something that is part of evolution, look at it in that perspective and U will realize nature in its role. We are result of that evolution; in the phase where we have started questioning it without realizing that.
Quite right, and in our current primitive state and ignorance religion was an inevitable event. As we gradually replace ignorance and religious superstitions with knowledge then we will be able to evolve forward and most certainly away from religion if we are to survive as a species.

We have a right to pray damit
i don't think so, but that is a topic for another thread.
atheism is NOT a cult, its a lack of belief in gods and supernatural.
is that right? i thought that atheism was more of an active disbelief in god, rather than a passive lack of belief.
give man a fish and he will eat for a day, give man religion and he'll starve while praying for food!
wow. that was stupendous. i fell out of my chair laughing.
instead of concentrating on their moral and ethical values defined by their religions.
wholly hell! i will grant you that religion does contain morals within it. however, what about the concept of your sins being forgiven you once you are absolved by a guy in a white collar? there are actually some decent concepts in that bible of yours. it is only a shame i do not see more christians following them. furthermore, if religion is supposed to teach people how to act, why do people confess their sins rather than not sinning in the first place?
Humans pray god, so can we count those who don’t as one of us? if not then should they be striped off all human rights ?

Lets see what Atheist are made of, because we must know who is right. Behold, Lets destroy here the foundations of atheism. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go

If they consider themselves so superior then how come they are so sure that they are incapable of one day create god themselves, if they do then god what will happen if god travels back in time here ?

I am not aware of any aliens who must have already created god in past, if they did then is there a god ?

If we continue to evolve they why is it so difficult for them to believe that after a zillion years we may have surpassed capabilities of god, if we can then why cant aliens from the past or future ?

Are they going to deny all these possibilities; because digital games in which we can play gods are already in existence which shows the direction we are heading to; If life is part of universe then why cant they comprehend gods possibility in it.

What makes them so sure that god did not created each one of them, we are all individuals due to genetic mutations, evolution is a result of random mutations, how are they sure that god cannot control random events in universe which can have no law to define them; When we create a virtual world we program history in it too, so why cant god create evolution for creating us. That makes biblical sense.

Being a Rationalist, I don’t like the way some are trying to inflate their ego here.
Rationalism can go beyond the barriers of beliefs and rule out any impossibilities unlike atheism, hence Rationalists are the logical next step in evolution.
RawThinkTank said:
If they consider themselves so superior then how come they are so sure that they are incapable of one day create god themselves, if they do then god what will happen if god travels back in time here ?

Would it be too much to ask you to make some kind of sentence that makes sense?

RawThinkTank said:
I am not aware of any aliens who must have already created god in past, if they did then is there a god ?

I believe this world must be teeming with gods considering the quite large amounts of religions; probably as many as there are people.

RawThinkTank said:
If we continue to evolve they why is it so difficult for them to believe that after a zillion years we may have surpassed capabilities of god, if we can then why cant aliens from the past or future ?

They wouldn't be supernatural if they had evolved now would they?
RawThinkTank said:
Are they going to deny all these possibilities; because digital games in which we can play gods are already in existence which shows the direction we are heading to; If life is part of universe then why cant they comprehend gods possibility in it.

Why can't you understand that this universe doesn't need a god to be explained?

RawThinkTank said:
What makes them so sure that god did not created each one of them, we are all individuals due to genetic mutations, evolution is a result of random mutations, how are they sure that god cannot control random events in universe which can have no law to define them; When we create a virtual world we program history in it too, so why cant god create evolution for creating us. That makes biblical sense.
Didn't know that the bible makes sense. But we might not want to believe that god is behind all randomness because it doesn't really bring anything to the world. He is invisible, his actions are invisible, he is not present because he is invisible.
Uh...maybe he doesn't exist?

RawThinkTank said:
Being a Rationalist, I don?t like the way some are trying to inflate their ego here.
Rationalism can go beyond the barriers of beliefs and rule out any impossibilities unlike atheism, hence Rationalists are the logical next step in evolution.

Those two sentences were devoid of logic and rationalism I'm afraid.
Its impossible to prove anything!
Guaging from differences in seizures based on what part of the brain is impacted, I assure you there is plenty of reason to read up on Neurotheology.

You sex, eat, starve, love, and hate with your mind so no reason to think the gods are immune to our neurons. Anway-


If they consider themselves so superior then how come they are so sure that they are incapable of one day create god themselves, if they do then god what will happen if god travels back in time here ?
You will forever and a fucking day go on asking your 'why nots' about atheists- people as religious as you- without realizing the only difference between the both of you: to an atheist, God, Marduk, and Allah are inconsequential.

They simply don't matter.
But atheists do have a religion. They're atheists. You (original person) said that it is human nature to have a faith/beliefs well atheists do. They believe we just are, stuff is cool and that we become plant food when we die. Life is worth living and death is natural. They ARE beliefs. I am aware that not all Atheists feel the same, but all do have some kind of belief. I am sure many ppl say they're atheists because they're just so unsure that they don't want to think anymore.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
But atheists do have a religion. They're atheists. You (original person) said that it is human nature to have a faith/beliefs well atheists do. They believe we just are, stuff is cool and that we become plant food when we die. Life is worth living and death is natural. They ARE beliefs. I am aware that not all Atheists feel the same, but all do have some kind of belief. I am sure many ppl say they're atheists because they're just so unsure that they don't want to think anymore.

Religion embraces the supernatural. That is what defines religion, not that people merely have opinions on how the world works.
But atheists do have a religion. They're atheists
Exactly, but not all.

Only those that have no other reason to contest the 'gods' other than defiance are religious in ther very opposition. If on can seriously divorce themselves from the subjective, take the matter into hand and then examine it like all specimens should be then you're halfway there. Completion comes by supplement the inquiry with one's own thoughts and opinions and through sheer discipline then would the atheism there not be a religion. Religion is the defence or praise of something withouth knowing shit about it.

This includes Goths.

Religion embraces the supernatural. That is what defines religion, not that people merely have opinions on how the world works.
But those that hold those opinions and defend them in their lazyness are
gendanken said:
But those that hold those opinions and defend them in their lazyness are

are what? lazy? prejudiced?

I fail to see how having an opinion and defending it, is the same as having a religion.

You would need to elaborate on this before I could understand this.