Some Problems With Atheism ( Part 2 )


It has been proved that God is genetically programmed in human brain. All atheist at some point will circumvent and pray due to this whether god exist or not, trust me.

I am a Rationalist and do not let myself get into cults of atheism. A new bible can be written by them on the subject as they are so attached to it and that would become a religion itself. Who knows after thousand years God will be portrayed as source of all chaos if our life. I hope instead of uniting the world it doesn’t create a global rift between believers and nons.
Since there is no evil as such in non believer they may go to any extent to propagate what they believe is perfect like Hitler but without consequence of hell in after life.

In science “The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.” Period; If U don’t believe that then U r irrational. It will be very sad if people discover after their death that they are in heaven and they were wrong all their life; What a waste ?

Personally I choose when to pray and when to not, when I become very sure that the unpleasant things are absolutely out of my capacity to correct even though it’s a possibility, then I pray. Hey anybody has a problem with that. We have a right to pray damit. But then those blind believer never curse God for the unfair world of his and that p***** me off.

Did u ever realize the bigger picture, religion is just something that is part of evolution, look at it in that perspective and U will realize nature in its role. We are result of that evolution; in the phase where we have started questioning it without realizing that.
RawThinkTank......... What about Buddhists, Shintoists, Communists, and others that don't have Gods that they worship? Since they weren't "programed" from birth to believe in any God how can you say such things?
Perhaps praying has a benefit that has nothing to do with god, but with the power of positive thinking, quieting the chaotic mind, or a placebo effect.

In science, it is important to keep an open mind, but they also subscribe to the notion of occam's razor- not to multiply explanations unnecessarily. They look for explanations inherent in the systems they observe. Since god cannot be observed, directly or indirectly, it is an unnecessary complication. Not that the absence of god can be proved conclusively.

There is, in the east, the concept of Tao. This is explained as the principle in the universe that leads to harmonious balance. It is very different than the concept of god, in that it is seen as passive in nature, inherent within the basic structure of things. Taoists are atheist, as well as buddhists, and many others, you can't prove conclusively that they are wrong either.

As you suggest, religion had an important evolutionary role in the past of maintaining social order, a kind of intellectual software that gave people hope in an uncertain world. But the evolution of thought continues, and new ideas generated by science challenge the old orthodoxies.

Welcome to sciforums, do not underestimate the philosophical sophistication of the members here, and please avoid text messaging abbreviations.
and please avoid text messaging abbreviations.

Huzzah to that. It detracts from the seriousness of your message and can make you seem much less mature than you are.
RawThinkTank said:
It has been proved that God is genetically programmed in human brain.
oh really?proved how and by whom?
All atheist at some point will circumvent and pray due to this whether god exist or not, trust me.
and you know this how?
I am a Rationalist and do not let myself get into cults of atheism.
atheism is NOT a cult,its a lack of belief in gods and supernatural.
If U don’t believe that then U r irrational. It will be very sad if people discover after their death that they are in heaven and they were wrong all their life; What a waste ?
and if you believe in something that you have no way of proving it exists makes sense right? :rolleyes:
btw do you believe in Santa claus,leprechauns,tooth fairy,devils and angels?
Personally I choose when to pray and when to not, when I become very sure that the unpleasant things are absolutely out of my capacity to correct We have a right to pray damit.
pray all you want,who gives a shit,if you think there is some supreme being siting on the cloud who will change your fate if you pray hard enough,you are so mentaly unevolved its rather quite sad.
Did u ever realize the bigger picture, religion is just something that is part of evolution, look at it in that perspective and U will realize nature in its role. We are result of that evolution; in the phase where we have started questioning it without realizing that.
thats true,now how about if you evolve just a litle bit like the rest of us.

give man a fish and he will eat for a day,give man religion and he'll starve while praying for food!

this is how your religion looks from atheist pov;
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RawThinkTank said:
It has been proved that God is genetically programmed in human brain.

that must have been either a nature or a science paper then. Maybe you could give a reference. I can't find it with Pubmed.
RawThinkTank said:
Period; If U don?t believe that then U r irrational. It will be very sad if people discover after their death that they are in heaven and they were wrong all their life; What a waste ?

Wouldn't it be more rational to think these devil worshippers go to hell instead of heaven?
Did u ever realize the bigger picture, religion is just something that is part of evolution, look at it in that perspective and U will realize nature in its role. We are result of that evolution; in the phase where we have started questioning it without realizing that.
Then why the hell do you pray then?

Why do we find you with your head down mostly when you feel things are so unpleasent and, I quote,.....".... absolutely out of my capacity to correct even though it’s a possibility".?

Answer: unstable, insatiable WEAKNESS. Your locus of control lies eleshwere.
Now fix your horrible spelling.

RawThinkTank......... What about Buddhists, Shintoists, Communists, and others that don't have Gods that they worship? Since they weren't "programed" from birth to believe in any God how can you say such things?
Buddhism is dripping with mythology, much like any other religion. There are if I remember correctly, 12 or 14 classes of god the highest being the Brahmas.

There's a reason why men, all men of all walks of life, take to mythology and its centered on the temporal lobes.
maybe rawthinktank got his proof from marco's thread about proving god exists. he really put together an ironclad proof and i could easily see how this absurdity could be extrapolated from that pile of nonsense.
It has been proved that God is genetically programmed in human brain.

Yeah right, I can also prove that god is a pain in the ass, but does it make him real? As for me, I never had the urge to pray because I do not believe in any religion and the various gods listed in these convictions. :bugeye:
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I want to know about people who were brought up by Atheist parents. Logically if atheism is so superior then those people should be next step in human evolution. And hence most superiorly capable people today must be atheist in ratio compared to theist, if not then …..

“What about Buddhists, Shintoists, Communists, and others that don't have Gods that they worship” , here Important question is, do they worship anything? if they do then lets not continue discussing about those naïve souls instead lets evolve in the direction of the statement “The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.” which is used in discussions of alien life, and here for GOD.

Can atheism be defined as deficiency of ability to believe in some possibilities? One of the problems is atheist look at theist as some shit, instead of concentrating on their moral and ethical values defined by their religions.

To believe or not to believe is our decision but that has nothing to do with our urge to pray, its hardwired in our brain, if it is not then it is a possibility that these people had a completely different route of evolution or may be they are aliens but they are not aware as their forefathers came here hundreds of years ago OR they are simply denying the truth in order to convince themselves to continue evil as there wont be a afterlife. Yes there is another possibility that they are mutant who lack some of the genes that make us humans.
RawThinkTank said:
Logically if atheism is so superior then those people should be next step in human evolution.
You've never taken a class on logic or biology, have you?
RawThinkTank said:
Can atheism be defined as deficiency of ability to believe in some possibilities? One of the problems is atheist look at theist as some shit, instead of concentrating on their moral and ethical values defined by their religions.

You are making a lot of a priori assumptions without relying on any empirical data to back it up. It is true that there are some atheists who are actively opposed to theism, but I think it more likely that the vast majority are never heard from and simply choose not to "believe" in traditional human superstitions.

RawThinkTank said:
To believe or not to believe is our decision but that has nothing to do with our urge to pray, its hardwired in our brain, if it is not then it is a possibility that these people had a completely different route of evolution or may be they are aliens

You still haven't cited any sources to this claim, but you have changed from "it is proven" to "if not, then it is a possibility." It is true that there have been several works that suggested that religion (or more specifically, the predisposition to believe) is "hardwired" to the brain. Pascal Boyer and Vilayanur S. Ramachandran are two: the former set out to do so, the latter noted a region of the brain that, when disconnected or affected, influanced religious belief.

But these two are far from providing conclusive proof that "religion is hardwired" in the brain.

RawThinkTank said:
OR they are simply denying the truth in order to convince themselves to continue evil as there wont be a afterlife. Yes there is another possibility that they are mutant who lack some of the genes that make us humans.

Very speculative without supporting evidence. Not to mention it shows a clear bias against atheism for not willing to share your beliefs.

I'd be willing to bet that if a study was conducted, atheists would be found to have and maintain higher moral standards than the average theist. This, I would attribute to the world rejection and salvation motifs found in post-axial religions. To be blunt: this life is worthless, its the next that matters. Whereas atheists live with the assumption that this is all you get: therefore, it pays to do it right. storm front.

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RawThinkTank said:
I want to know about people who were brought up by Atheist parents. Logically if atheism is so superior then those people should be next step in human evolution.
You clearly understand neither logic nor evolution.