Some Muslims say it's OK to beat your wife.

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I can only say, you are observing intelligence as it has learned. If you were watching Aztecs sacrifice a human life, I still would have the same reply.
When a couple live in love there is no room to violence . When there are marital problems violence just makes the situation worse .
Love and peace are the answers here and everywhere .
What a bunch of archaic ass backwards scoundrels.

I presume you’re referring to those particular people featured in the video montage and not all Muslims. Because, of course, only an uneducated idiot would impugn all the members of a religion for the views of an extremist subset. :bugeye:

As if there aren’t Christians who think it’s fine to beat women and who use the Bible to justify acts of extreme violence, bigotry, misogyny and racism. Why aren’t you making a thread about that? :rolleyes:

Perhaps we could change the title of this thread to "Some Muslim's say it's OK to beat your wife". That's much fairer and accurate, isn't it?
why not, westerners say its ok to beat your husband, infact its a joke so why should we care?
why not, westerners say its ok to beat your husband, infact its a joke so why should we care?

they do? I could have sworn assault was illegal, except when it came to children. What western country are you talking about?
What a bunch of archaic ass backwards scoundrels. He's a video montage of prominent muslims advocating the use of physical force against Women. And get this, and they the Koran say it's okay. :rolleyes:

It was interesting that the Mufti looking guy was saying that to suggest it's wrong to beat a woman is against the Koran. And therefor saying there's a fault with the Koran. Oh, can't argue with that can you! Checkmate, Bitch! She was like: It's wrong.
I thought the Mufti looking guy was going to get up and give the woman the back of his hand! I'm sure he was thinking: Bitch, I'll show you wrong *SMACK*
Luckily she's not married to that arsehole.

The Islamic apologists have their work cut out for them.
im sure sam will tell you its illegal in muslim countries to. However see if you can find a cop to take a complaint seriously and then a DPP who will actually take up the case, and then a jury who will actually convict and then a judge who will impose a decent sentance. Hell there are cases all the time which come up where women have been charged with MURDERING there husband and then not even been convicted of manslaughter. One case i actually herd of a women claimed (and got) justifyable homicide because her husband refused to have sex with her vaginally when she was on her period. Now tell me how many cases would be found to be "justifyable homicide" if a man killed his WIFE because she said she didnt want sex while on her period or not
You say that Islam is violent for beating their wives, think back to the starting of America. These "great people" raped aboriginals and beat their wives.
krazy said:
You say that Islam is violent for beating their wives, think back to the starting of America. These "great people" raped aboriginals and beat their wives.
If they also defended their wife-beating by invoking their highest morality and religious faith, then they were just as wrong as these particular Muslims.

And that is pretty bad.
You say that Islam is violent for beating their wives, think back to the starting of America. These "great people" raped aboriginals and beat their wives.

I'm thinking back and reply those were backward days, comparatively.

Beatings are not considered an assault rather discipline.

Qur'an 4:34: "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them."

Nearly 90 percent of Afghan women suffer from domestic abuse
im sure sam will tell you its illegal in muslim countries to. However see if you can find a cop to take a complaint seriously and then a DPP who will actually take up the case, and then a jury who will actually convict and then a judge who will impose a decent sentance. Hell there are cases all the time which come up where women have been charged with MURDERING there husband and then not even been convicted of manslaughter. One case i actually herd of a women claimed (and got) justifyable homicide because her husband refused to have sex with her vaginally when she was on her period. Now tell me how many cases would be found to be "justifyable homicide" if a man killed his WIFE because she said she didnt want sex while on her period or not

Can you support even a fraction of what you said? Or is this all PC speculation to juxtapose this ridiculousness out of Islamic nations.

If Westerners have to sit and listen to rants about how evil the are, and be willing to alter their behavior based upon those criticisms, then the very least these particular Muslims should do is stop acting like vile cave men.

You say that Islam is violent for beating their wives, think back to the starting of America. These "great people" raped aboriginals and beat their wives.
The British and the French killed the North American Aboriginals and forced Jesus on their throats with rifles and bullets .
You say that Islam is violent for beating their wives, think back to the starting of America. These "great people" raped aboriginals and beat their wives.

Practically everyone did when their country started. But we dont, and that was a few hundred years ago.
The British and the French killed the North American Aboriginals and forced Jesus on their throats with rifles and bullets .

So are you trying to blame us for the fact that they think its okay to ebat their wives?
no, I think he's saying 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks'
But I'm just guessing
I am blaming you for massacring the aboriginals.......and all your violence in the world ....:shrug: .

That is unfair mike, we didn't massacre aboriginals. We don't agree with the actions carried out by some people in the past.

Raise those violent from the dead and kill them a second time, if that justifies.
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