Some fresh air

swivel said:
Seriously... anyone can prove almost any point with the Bible because it is so horribly edited. It stands on both sides of nearly every issue. So pulling out quotes from it is no way to prove anything.

More important than what some god thinks women should be is what WOMEN think women should be. Let's find our ethics within ourselves, and not from a horribly put-together and unevenly translated anthology of drivel.

I agree with that. That's one of the reasons I no longer follow the old or new testament ,although I still believe in God, it's more in line with the balanced (between male/female) approach of the Egyptian spiritual beliefs.
Wouldn't the world be better for all of us,believers and atheists alike if we could just follow a good moral code of conduct without all of the religous dogma and ramblings of bronze age tribesmen who created crazy personifications of God and "what god wants" in an attempt to monopolize themselves over over groups. Hasn't that brought the world enough grief and hell?
I personally TRY and follow the righteous code of conduct of living as desribed in the 42 precepts of MAAT.
I only mention MAAT as someone once asked in one of the forums here .."if we can't follow the code of conduct as in the 10 commandments, where else would mankind get his/her direction. Well, MAAT phiolosophy was laid down thousands of yrs before the OT was a 'twinkle' in a hebrew tribesmans' eyeball!
nova900 said:
I agree with that. That's one of the reasons I no longer follow the old or new testament ,although I still believe in God, it's more in line with the balanced (between male/female) approach of the Egyptian spiritual beliefs.
Wouldn't the world be better for all of us,believers and atheists alike if we could just follow a good moral code of conduct without all of the religous dogma and ramblings of bronze age tribesmen who created crazy personifications of God and "what god wants" in an attempt to monopolize themselves over over groups. Hasn't that brought the world enough grief and hell?
I personally TRY and follow the righteous code of conduct of living as desribed in the 42 precepts of MAAT.
I only mention MAAT as someone once asked in one of the forums here .."if we can't follow the code of conduct as in the 10 commandments, where else would mankind get his/her direction. Well, MAAT phiolosophy was laid down thousands of yrs before the OT was a 'twinkle' in a hebrew tribesmans' eyeball!

Great post. I agree. Upholding the moral sphere is the purest object of religion, why not cut out all of the tradition and confusion, and focus on the ethics?
swivel said:
Great post. I agree. Upholding the moral sphere is the purest object of religion, why not cut out all of the tradition and confusion, and focus on the ethics?
Because it wasn't just written for people that wants to do right, it was written for everyone.

It's better morally if there is a why. The Bible gives us answers that is unknown in the world. Answers which are shrouded, but clear if seen in the right light. Cause it was not for everyone to see, but we had to strive for it.
The bible gives us speculations of men who claim that the speculations are divine word. The "answers" are nothing more than guesses and the "morality" of the bible is dated. Humanity is fully capable of developing and maintaining morality without citing imaginary beings and pseudo-epistemology as its reason.

And to be clear, the bible was written for Bronze and Iron Age people of a minority culture. That the christian meme, that mind virus of faith that encompasses the various cults of christianity, has spread far and wide is testament only to the geographic fortune of that minority. They had a relatively stable band of climate in which to develop technologically and their superstitions were attributed as reasons for their success rather than the random chance that they would be able to migrate and disperse in a largely consistent climatic zone, giving rise to rapid developments in the technologies of agriculture and metallurgy as well as the advent of writing.

The bible is a wonderful source of ancient poetry and literature; beautiful in that sense. But as the doctrine of a worldview, it fails. Miserably.
swivel said:
Snakelord owns this thread while hardly trying.
Depends on which side you are on.
I didn't find it that impressive. He is good at discussing, but should that be impressive in a discussion board? If he can discuss in such a way that it ends the conflict, then that would be impressive.

How about the fact that if a woman is accused of not being a virgin on her wedding night, there are two outcomes of the trial: If the woman is found guilty, she is killed. If she is found innocent, the man receives a fine.
How about the fact that the law of the world is incomplete and we should trust the law in our heart. Jesus broke the law of the world many times without breaking the law in His heart. This is one of the great teachings of christianity, so that we don't follow the law of the world in such a manner that it breaks the law in our heart.

And god makes it evident that he thinks men are superior. When he wanted to hurt a large group of people, did he ever take their first-born daughter? Nope.
That doesn't imply that God thinks that men are superior, the firstborn son had a very special role in the society of those days, the second born son didn't have that special role. It had to do with a order in which disputes are settled, so that there would be less conflicts in the family, at least that is one of the reasons I can think of. That male gender has a special status, I think is also because it brings less conflicts.

But God see man and woman as equal.

Besides, men were made in god's image. Women were made when none of the other animals were adequate companions for Adam. So women are just cute pets, according to the Bible.
Man and woman are to be as one. Adam were created first, and he longed for a partner, Eve was in no way just a pet or in any way lower than animal, but to be as one with Adam.