Some Basic Islamic Beliefs

Can we start a new religion from scratch? The answer I believe is yes. There is no way we'll all accept it before our thinking become homogenous. I can say every country's constitution is its religious book of sorts. When we will finally have a world government, that will be our religion. Religion here to mean way of life and not some middle ages superstitions.

George Bernard Shaw said and I quote:

"I have prophesised about the faith of Muhammed that it would be acceptable tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today."

Sadly this seems not to be the case today, not only for Islam but the idea of religion as a whole. But do we really need a revealed religion? Highly unlikely it seems. Since humans have been in the business of inventing religion, why not give it a try? We'll see how it will fare vis avis the alleged revealed ones.
But at the end of the day you will keep asking yourself. WHY WE ARE HERE.
THIS BEAUTIFUL WORLD IS A BEAUTIFUL CREATION.Then there must be created.Either by chance or intentionally created.
Then we must really into details at each and every corner of knowledge and daily infos. You coming to conclusion, what ever it is it is SO COMPLEX that this world can not come into materialised by chance and so it MUST be created.

This CREATOR either ONE or MANY, for common people will make a sense,
that indeed some POWER is behind all this.In this case the atheist have to admit CREATOR is exist... Will be continued...PT 2

Hi Takaryu welcome to the forum.

No I never find myself asking why I am here (I know why) nor do I ever look at this beautiful world and think it was created. So no, atheists don't need to involve a creator.
Your statement is fallacious. Beauty is purely a human concept. We evolved on this planet. It is our home and it makes us comfortable. So it's hardly remarkable that over millions of years we came to regard it as beautiful.

It's all relative. Consider food, a topic on which we are not the only animals with an opinion. We have evolved into a predatory, carnivorous species, so it's natural and logical that our taste buds should consider meat "delicious." But cows don't feel that way. Their digestive tract is not adapted to eating meat so they don't find it especially delicious. They evolved to eat grass, and grass tastes delicious to them. We think grass tastes terrible, a very good instinct to have since we cannot digest it.
You coming to conclusion, what ever it is it is SO COMPLEX that this world can not come into materialised by chance and so it MUST be created.
That is an utterly ridiculous statement. You should stop posting on this forum until you have more education. You're embarrassing yourself and making yourself look like a child who accepts everything he's told without questioning it. This is not how science works.

I doubt that you're an American because English is obviously not your native language, but you have the same weakness that many of my people have: a total inability to understand extremely large numbers. This planet is four billion years old. That's a very long time. So long that continents, which move at a speed of a few centimeters per century, have run circles around each other and bumped together. So long that mountains, which grow at a rate of a few millimeters per century, have reached heights of several kilometers. So long that dead trees, under the pressure of being deeply buried, have been compressed into coal, petroleum, natural gas and even diamonds. So long that mushrooms evolved with the ability to digest lignin, decomposing trees that have died more recently so there will never again be coal, petroleum, natural gas or diamonds on this planet. So long that DNA, which mutates so slowly that it's nearly impossible to watch it happen, has mutated into millions of species of animals, plants, fungus, algae, bacteria and archaea. Given this empirical observation of our world, it's not at all difficult to understand how, in all those eons, the complexity we see around us developed by chance and coincidence.

But what is difficult to understand, is how a creature can exist with the power to make mountains and create DNA. Where did that creature come from? Who created him? Where is he now? How does he do those amazing things? Where does he get the almost incalculable amount of energy that he has to have in order to do them? Does he eat? Does he breathe? Does he excrete waste? Or is he a giant plant that does it all by photosynthesis? You religionists never answer that question. If something like the Earth, which was originally nothing more than a humble blob of gas, could only have come into existence through the action of a creator, then how could the creator himself, a much more complex entity with a brain and a lot of amazing powers, have come into existence? Did he create himself???
This CREATOR either ONE or MANY, for common people will make a sense. . . .
No one here strives to be "common." The reason we're here is to teach and learn, so that we can be better than common. And the silly things you're saying make absolutely no sense to us. You raise more questions than you answer, for example:
. . . . that indeed some POWER is behind all this.In this case the atheist have to admit CREATOR is exist...
This is no explanation, this is no answer to anyone's question. We're trying very hard to figure out how the universe came into existence, and you make the question even more complicated by saying that some giant, powerful, intelligent creature existed who created it all. You don't tell us where he came from or how he gets his power, and these are basic, fundamental questions that anyone with a healthy level of curiosity will ask. If you can't answer them, the only conclusion we can draw is that you don't know what you're talking about, and you're just repeating some stupid crap that somebody told you because his daddy told it to him, and he got it from his daddy, and he got it from... and it goes back six or seven thousand years to the age when people hadn't discovered science yet. Those people could be excused for being so foolish and ignorant.

But you can't be excused for being so foolish and ignorant, because you live in the age of science and there are entire libraries and universities full of information that your Stone Age ancestors did not have access to, so they wrote silly fairytales like The Bible. If you insist on being foolish and ingorant, and ignoring and disrespecting all of this information and science itself, then it must be a choice you have made.

This is a place of science. If you have no respect for science, you should leave. You don't belong here.
Will be continued...PT 2
Your argument is anti-scientific rubbish. If you post any more of it you will be guilty of trolling, which is a violation of the rules, and I will see to it that you are banned. There are a lot of children here who came to learn, and they trust us. The last thing we need is someone like you sneaking in and telling them lies.