Socially accepted semi-paedophilia?

maybe it is the easy life in America (in general) that has destroyed the value system
I do not think it is only in the US. I remember a woman in the Netherlands who went through an ugly divorce and just to get back at her (ex) husband, she told everybody that he was being intimate with their 5 year old daughter. Up to him to proof it was not so.

Value's? Morals? They seem to fade away more and more. People seem to be looking out for number 1 as in their own egoistical self and let go of all the morals and value's thought to them...
hey all

well i dont want to sound like the grim reaper of christian conversion tacktics ... but...
the fall of rome is on the way!
with spiritual duality of double standards in the average "Christian" american/anywhere household
and the pedophillia peddeling "jews"
and the suicidal "muslims"


are there any hindu countries that are not shelling family homes?

whos left???

the satin (suedo christian) worshipping sadists. well we know they perform human sacrifice but on a smaller scale than most other religions.
is it still called holly war??? almost sounds like sick humour.

it seems the only people you can trust are the ones who dont seem to follow any religion.

*atheism is a religion incase you are wondering!!!
and homosexual teaching is anti family....(no kids cities... - on and on)

if hitler was not a sadist or biggot then his PUBLIC political asperations would be identical to george bush.

hows that for sour milk on ya breakfast.

radioactive cheese anyone? :D

ohh but keep that under your hat cos "they" dont want you to know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


peace ... and missery to all greed merchants.
Gee thanks, ripleofdeath. I'm not sure if that helped a whole lot.

True. Buddhism is the way to go. But so is anything else. Pick any true religious leader, put them tgether in a room and soon enough within 2 minutes they'll al be chums, friends for life. It's the novices, the damn noobs who misinterpret the whole purpose behind the religions and do retarded stuff like suicide bombing etc.

the fall of rome is on the way!

Explain. How is rome going to colapse? because of a few pedophiles? How can a church collapse? It's gonna suffer, but no religion dies out unless every single devotee is dead or gone. Which is extremely unlikely, check out history.

with spiritual duality of double standards in the average "Christian" american/anywhere household

How do christians have spiritual duality? Justify it with a cogent, logical argument. I'd like to see it.

and the pedophillia peddeling "jews"

wtf?? Jews? how are they 'peddling' pedophilia I would like to know. Explain and justify, you're making random statements that do not go anywhere.

and the suicidal "muslims"

so what if some self-proclaimed muslims commit suicide? does that justify your generalizing of muslims as suicidal maniacs? Or do the quotes mean something? Explain.

are there any hindu countries that are not shelling family homes?

Alright, so how come 'all' hindu countries are shelling out homes? BAck it up with some logical argument.

the satin (suedo christian) worshipping sadists. well we know they perform human sacrifice but on a smaller scale than most other religions.

So? how are they 'pseudo christian'? I see no resemblance whatsoever between christianity and the 'satin worshipping sadists'. You don't seem to bother to justify any of your arguments here.

is it still called holly war??? almost sounds like sick humour.

how is the word jihad sick humor? Explain.

it seems the only people you can trust are the ones who dont seem to follow any religion.

OK, you made a BIG attack here. You make this great big generalization that atheists are superior to believers. I would like to hear the reasoning behind that.

*atheism is a religion incase you are wondering!!!
and homosexual teaching is anti family....(no kids cities... - on and on)

Uh, okay. Why?

if hitler was not a sadist or biggot then his PUBLIC political asperations would be identical to george bush.

I'm not going to get tangled up inside politics. I'm not a great big fan of bush, but how he resembles hitler is something I will need some serious reasoning on your part to stomach.

hows that for sour milk on ya breakfast.

radioactive cheese anyone?

Ya, great :D

ohh but keep that under your hat cos "they" dont want you to know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what if gov't control stinks? Do YOU have a better idea? I'd like to hear it.


true. it is also with religion. It doesn't fucking matter.
at last the fisherman gets a bite!!!

so... who do you realy work for Zero?
no honestly!!! who?....
i hope im wrong in my guess on your vocational org!

rome = old rome(though the new rome is not far behind)

materialistic values eat at the core of any true religion!!!
soo if americans call themselfs christians and seek profit at all cost
it undermines the spiritual body.
u c ?

it seems that jews have some strange coming of age rituals involving human mutalation of the male genitals.
they also publicly foster young children into sexual thoughts RE marriage this in tern leads to miss guided sexual content in thier lifes and leads to pornography which is a college to pedophillia at a young starting age.
i.e dressing a small girl in lipstic and high heels.
(people are represented by thier television images in U.S.A)
this is spiritual duality as well.
just look at the teachings of the main core beliefes in the bible
and you will see that allot of people cal themselfs christian but are actualy not.

muslims are in a hopeless position in palistine and so use thier
people as weapons as they can only do :(
very sad not good for the mental health but niether is genocide which the jews are doing to them.

i was under the impression that india has a large hindu population!
they are bombing and shelling kashmear, inocents are being killed in thier houses. this has been setup by the english i understand...?
nothing like getting another race to commit religouse genocide for you so you dont even have to leave home. :(

SATIN is said to be a fallen angel so to worship him is to follow the bible from a sadistic position.

holly war= killing people for a religouse ideal

atheists are not superior to any life form im aware of!!!
they make it a religion by trying to create ideals around thier theory.
it is also anti community to have a lawless society.
the family unit is under attack from many things
what has sex got to do with family values?
nothing i say
so why teach sex(homosexuality) to children.
is it genetic or fashion?

you cannot devide religion and pollitics they are one in the same !!!
so i will not bother with that one its just too big for my chopstick typing

THATS tweeks my interest greatly!

false prophits claim that true love is only in thier religion!!!
i can only imagine you are not familiiar with it to make such a dismissive statement.

my point of that comment is that is does matter!

but i am not an english major so i must only assume that my preaching is not understood by any one individual... as such.

and refrane from personal attack because i do not need to place myself ahead of others, they will falter by themselfs!
and i enjoy trying to help them up!!!
sometimes that brings great rewards
sometimes that brings great lessons

thankyou for showing you care enough to question such things

groove on all missery to all greedmerchants.

sorry if i killed your thread :(

please continue the debate regardles of the raving looney i may sound to be like :)

just remember what is law in our country!!!
if a police officer asks you if they can do anything(search or what ever)
unless you actualy say "no" they then have the legal rite to do wtf they want!!!!!
so what exactly is freedom ?

freedom of expresion must be the start and atleast the point to call an end to a beginning.
that is amoungst people who accept the responsability to not lash out to cause harm if they feel embarrised by there lack of understanding... which is another social illness impossed on society!

keep grooving all we all count we all need to SHARE!!!

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yo banana bazookaka weilding potasium projectaliser


you like?

what does "WNDWAA" mean???

please remeber i have a sort-of pholosophy in regard to things that all things are "victim" to eath as much as all people are
just as much victims to the bending of will that others attemp to draw in clone copys of thier own ego.

i hold no disrespect or anomossety to people unless they choose a path of evil.


a bit like a banana feeling comfortable sitting amoungst icecream and chocolate sauce! :D
mmmmmmmm chocolate :D

groove on all :)

i guess i have offended you....
how much do you actualy read and retain???

i did not say that "buddhism is the way to go"
for a start!!!
that was Kmguru!!!

why is it ok for a peson (adult) to chop off body parts of a living (child) being and then claim it as thier own rite and give them no choice and then say it reflects some form of sexuality which then directly relates to a sense of self worth through cleanliness
and then ultimately , with no possibility of retorte find absolutism in it as a religouse ideal!!!???!!!

i gotta ask you
what about the inner mind of the poor child???
what about the protection of the child by the mother???

and if you say it doesnt matter at a certain age...
then i assume it is ok to kill the child up to that age.

when will people stop treating children like property and more like living, growing free thinking minds that

please dont turn your nose up in arrogant self protection of inner denial.
please try and understand the psychological difference in being a
caretaker to that of a farmer!

once you embrace your spiritual mind which you seem to refer to yet denie in a working example you will understand why and how the palistinians CAN be suicide bombers!

it is the western world that idealises youth and outcasts elderly
so it throughs away all the wisdom, ...
and then uses it as a subject of derrogitory humour in advertising while selling fear to those who might care but not know exactly what to do.

there is no better customer/client/tourist/guest
who is wealthy, female and IN A STATE OF CONSTANT FEAR!

i ask you this!?!?!?!?!...
"when you look at something you don't understand",
what is youre most common FIRST pre-epative psychological
preperation for rejection or persicuetion?
do you say
"where is the fault"?
"how grande the love! what more is there"?
or maybe just
"WHERE is what i want"???
it is hard to let go of materialism!!!
i realise this!!!
but atleast try and dont be sad for the effort!

keep grooving all :) missery to all greedmerchants
I think Ripleofdeath made an excellent post here!

I suggest that all of you who don't understand, re-read his post and LOOK at what he writes! That it may dawn on you people, 'cause this is one of the few better posts I've read lately.

It makes perfect sense!

Groove on, Ripleofdeath...
Originally posted by Banshee
I think Ripleofdeath made an excellent post here!

I suggest that all of you who don't understand, re-read his post and LOOK at what he writes! That it may dawn on you people, 'cause this is one of the few better posts I've read lately.

It makes perfect sense!

Groove on, Ripleofdeath...

i reread it and i was touched at the man's compassion
it was the method of delivery that initially threw me off

groove on ripleofdeath
ripleofdeath humbley thanks you for your kind remarks and takes a bow (to hide the chocolate he is eating off the floor)

the fall of a person is day by day
the fall of a nation is year by year
the fall of values is generation by generation
the fall of the earth is civilisation by civilisation.
"may this one be the one that finds the hand-brake"!


peace love and missery to all greed merchants