social services, court judges!!

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
Well it looks like blackpool council have screwed up AGAIN!

comments on this video please! and what can they do about miscarrages of justice like this one, it is not only this family but others aswell, its about time people should stand against social services and they're whacked out rules!!

come on social services sit back and think about YOU ARE doing to families!
occassional miscarriages of justices - im sure courts have sent innocent people to prison for murder robbery all sorts of things they havent committed. you can never get a perfect system that gets all the bad guys and leaves all the good guys, there are always going to be overlaps.

unless you don't care if children are getting beaten abused and raped at home as long as the odd innocent person doesnt run the risk of being accused.
occassional miscarriages of justices - im sure courts have sent innocent people to prison for murder robbery all sorts of things they havent committed. you can never get a perfect system that gets all the bad guys and leaves all the good guys, there are always going to be overlaps.

unless you don't care if children are getting beaten abused and raped at home as long as the odd innocent person doesnt run the risk of being accused.

what if though, that those children are NOT being abused?
what so of the 15k applicants none of them are abused? my mums a social worker. they dont like to take kids away, its a last resort, they try for up to 2 years to make it work at home but sometimes it just can't. Children get abused, its not a conspiracy.
what so of the 15k applicants none of them are abused? my mums a social worker. they dont like to take kids away, its a last resort, they try for up to 2 years to make it work at home but sometimes it just can't. Children get abused, its not a conspiracy.

your mums a social worker? then she knows all about the hypocrisy that goes on in the social services department all over the country, they make mistakes and somtimes those mistakes can cost children they're lives, children are being raped in care, they are being abused in the care system and the social workers themselves abuse the system aswell.
what so of the 15k applicants none of them are abused? my mums a social worker. they dont like to take kids away, its a last resort, they try for up to 2 years to make it work at home but sometimes it just can't. Children get abused, its not a conspiracy.

and for you to sit there and say its not a conspiracy then your mistaken, social workers lie to cover up they're mistakes, take the family in the clip i posted they didnt deserve to have they're children taken away they did nothing wrong, and there are kids who social services know about and they are being abused by family members and otehr people
yes this does happen, but unfortunately as i have said before - you cannot have a perfect system, the majority of children placed under care need it and benefit from it. thats pretty much as good as a system like this can get in my opinion. What would you suggest he rules be and the plan of action for social workers faceing abused children?
and for you to sit there and say its not a conspiracy then your mistaken, social workers lie to cover up they're mistakes, take the family in the clip i posted they didnt deserve to have they're children taken away they did nothing wrong, and there are kids who social services know about and they are being abused by family members and otehr people

THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY - mistakes and conspiracies are different, my point is, social workders are not conspiring to take away children from innocent families juyst for a laugh, why would they ? it give the social workers a hell of a lot more papaer work to do.

You say social workers know about abusive families and do not quickly react. when an abusive family is recognised, their children are put on the child protection register and the family is assigned a number of workers from different agencies to first of all make sure it is an abusive family, then try to right the families wrongs and then if needs be take the child away. The reason they do this, the reason this takes so long is because they need to constantly check the family to reduce the amount of mistakes they make and thus reduce the anger they gain from morons trying to say there are conspiracies etc.

there are problems like this in all sorts of systems, the justice system, the benefit system, all sorts, why are you not drawing attention to those?
THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY - mistakes and conspiracies are different, my point is, social workders are not conspiring to take away children from innocent families juyst for a laugh, why would they ? it give the social workers a hell of a lot more papaer work to do.

You say social workers know about abusive families and do not quickly react. when an abusive family is recognised, their children are put on the child protection register and the family is assigned a number of workers from different agencies to first of all make sure it is an abusive family, then try to right the families wrongs and then if needs be take the child away. The reason they do this, the reason this takes so long is because they need to constantly check the family to reduce the amount of mistakes they make and thus reduce the anger they gain from morons trying to say there are conspiracies etc.

there are problems like this in all sorts of systems, the justice system, the benefit system, all sorts, why are you not drawing attention to those?

the only differance between a social worker and a rottweiler is you got more chance getting your kids of a rottweiller.

kids are taken away every day, and again i repeat myself they leave some of the kids with abusive perants and they die at the hands of they're perants.

they only see the bad in people and never the good, they sit in your living room and cause arguements for no apparent reason, they make up things, i know that because it happened to the family in the clip, the family in the clip were treated disgustingly, and social workers only care about each other.

and has for me not saying about anything about other miscarraiges i do i speak up,
It is a vey delicate subject. But what is becomming increasingly known, is that perhaps these agencies are given far too much power.

Recently, i was arrested for missing a court date, and even the court date was a trivial matter.

It wasn't being the arrested that really pissed me off, but the damn bastards wanted to strip search me... I don't know if anyone has ever had that happen to them, but i was embarrased to say the least.

I was so annoyed, i attacked the police for about three months, after which i finally gave up. Gave up because there wasn't any way i would have won anything legal.

My main incongruity was that authorities, may that be police, social services or the courts have far too much power, and are usually led by members who are power-drunk.

If there is a fixed system that runs anything, there will be faults. The next job is to get around the faults. Fix them. So that nothing happens again.
and has for me not saying about anything about other miscarraiges i do i speak up,

Instead of just complaining, bitching and moaning, tell us what you'd do to solve the problems? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but this social services issue has been going on for a gazillion years, and they can't fix it for some reason.

Kids are taken from "seemingly" good parents are left in the care of "seemingly" good parents are put into the care of "seemingly" good foster parents ...and sometimes any or all of them can go wrong.

What would you do to fix the problems? How would you go about administering to the care and safety of the kids?

Baron Max
The system is far from perfect, but it exists for a reason.

Yes mistakes do occur, and sometimes with horrendous results, but I would imagine the greater majority of the cases they have to administer are valid. They are operating with decreasing funding and social workers are being stretched beyond their ability to monitor families where abuse has been reported.

There are some damn good people who are working for a pittance and they are doing a wonderful job at ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children. There are also some who fail miserably as social workers. But the majority are doing the best they can, in a failing system and in a society where people like you (Luci) call them dogs and state there is a conspiracy. It is a horrible job and a very dangerous one. Social workers are sometimes killed in their attempt to remove children from abusive households. Some have their lives ruined and have people threaten themselves and their families while doing the job they do. So instead of calling them "dogs", why not demand extra funding from your Government to ensure that the mistakes and the faults in the system is fixed, to ensure the protection of children.

I have to agree with Baron (scary I know) when he asks:

How would you go about administering to the care and safety of the kids?
what if though, that those children are NOT being abused?

You don't think "those children" are being abused? Surely you are not suggesting that of the thousands of reports filed with the police and social services, that all of them are false?
You don't think "those children" are being abused? Surely you are not suggesting that of the thousands of reports filed with the police and social services, that all of them are false?

The problem, of course, is the idealistic "civil rights" of the people can't be violated which would assist in the investigation of abuse cases. So, ...while the ACLU and civil rights groups tie the hands of the cops and investigators, the kids are being abused and there's nothing that the cops can do.

The solution is to get rid of the civil rights of all parents and/or caregivers of children so they can be monitored and videotaped 24/7.

Don't need them damned bullshit civil rights anyway! If you ain't doin' nothing wrong, then you ain't got no need for them stinkin' civil rights! Right?

Baron Max
Kids are taken from "seemingly" good parents are left in the care of "seemingly" good parents are put into the care of "seemingly" good foster parents ...and sometimes any or all of them can go wrong. What would you do to fix the problems? How would you go about administering to the care and safety of the kids?
This seems like another one of life's little situations that cries out for risk analysis. What percentage of children were abused back in the days when what went on inside a home was considered private? What percentage of children are abused now--including those who are mistakenly taken away from loving families by bungling bureaucrats, and those who are sent to foster homes run by clandestine pedophiles and sadists? Life in a large impersonal country can be just as simple as choosing the smaller number and saying, "That's the best we can do and it's good enough for today."
You don't think "those children" are being abused? Surely you are not suggesting that of the thousands of reports filed with the police and social services, that all of them are false?

what are you talking about the kids in the clip?

if you are i know for 100% fact that they were not abused by the perants but abused by social services! like i said i know for fact!
the point is that is ONE CASE - this doesn't mean it happens the majority of the time, and governments have to work with majorities, nothing is perfect.

By the way you are still avoiding the question of what you would do?
what they should do is over haul the entire social service system and do away with the trainee rottweilliers that work amoungst them, and make sure they cannot rip families apart and keep the ones safe that need real help.

i will never let a social worker in my house, they cause arguments and heart ache