So you ladies and gents are the experts...


That counts, oh yes!

Bebelina, the poem is part of 'The Sphere' made by the Canadian Rock Band Rush. I guess I've mixed up one or two words in it though. It's been a long time since I heard it.:)

The song is to be found at 'Hemispheres' - an old album made by Rush, way back in the '80's...

(this for the record, on behalf of James R's evidence);)
I usually never seem to find time to meditate but this morning I woke up at around 4 AM, 2 hours earlier than when my alarm goes off, and just kind of slipped in and out of consciousness. I probably had five or six dreams in that time. It was wild! But if I just laid in my bed half an hour before I had to get up would it 'count' as meditation?

I tried the watch thing. I have one gorgeous watch. It's going to be my family heirloom. But that's besides the point. I stared at it for 10-15 mins and felt pretty relaxed but not really ready to start bending spoons. Plus I did it at the end of study hall.

Oh and get this: I played one Beetle's cd so much that I melted it! I can hardly hear their voices anymore!!
As i told you it takes time,and dont expect to become Neo in small duration,keep on trying.but remember the most difficult part is keeping a void mind. the mind should be cleared or just concentrate on one thought, then only you"ll be successful...

But what should I be striving to accomplish? What is the point of staring at a ticking watch for fifteen minutes?
Consentration is a hard one for me.

For some reason my concentration easely breaks.
I can focus on something, but after half a minute I always seem to get distracted.
By sound or movement, even if I sence movement in an other room :bugeye:

I did read that the goal must be *pure hearted*.
Not for a cheap victory or show-off, or some profit.
I had something like it in the beginning.
I held on sice the beginning, and my goal has faded.

I want to learn it, and use it, but the reason is unknown.
Not for a victory or abusement, nor for good.
I know that I can't give up, because I don't feel even to be able to give up.
It's just a feeling of *I'll get there some day, any day...*.
As if I don't have anything to gain or loze.
It's more a life disire whitout any haste for it.

Maybe I'll start this week spending all the time on it.
I won't say I can't find the time, a lame excuse for most people.
I say, I never bother to make time for it *as I told Banshee once*.

I'll send some more messages this week for sure, I've cept myself to long from this site.

But does it help me work towards something? Whaaaat?
I can concentrate if I know I'm doing it for a reason, I just imagine I'm in a bright white room and I keep repeating a single word to keep from thinking about anything else.
Concentration?... Meditation does not require concentration, just dedication.
Doing it with effort and straining to focus is taking a aggressive stance and will not be worthwhile.
The only thing you need to do mentally while meditating is to not partake in the drifting thoughts that have a tendency to make you stray off target :)

The idea is to become removed from the ego and relinquish hold on the material and thereby become aware of higher levels of cognition.

It´s not supposed to be hard :)
Originally posted by MuliBoy
on the material and thereby become aware of higher levels of cognition.

Could you elaborate on higher levels of cognition please Mul.

Originally posted by Pollux V
But does it help me work towards something? Whaaaat?
concentrating towards clock with Complete Voidity,is not so simple,no thoughts at all,and if some thoughts come in between you must stop.

the purpose of above thing as i said earlier is multiple.but it depends.however after doing the stuff as i mentioned(Exactly as i told)you"ll find a greater control over your emotions,you"ll learn to manipulate your brain to project yourself as something else.
you"ll be able to tackle horrifying situations without getting slightest concerns,believe me effects are numerous.

when i started learning Katas,in my Karate classes in summer camps,i was told the same exercise by my Karate teacher for incresed concentration and alertedness.

Broadening your field of perception. Sharpening the tuning. Grab hold of the texture screens that shield the information space behind. See all in one. Hold existance in your mental hands and see all options undreamed of in the "real" world.

Material existance is slow. The etheral mind acts and the material take years to follow. Inertia.
What the material try to accomplish, the etheral have already achieved.

You excist in the wake of your soul.

*The only thing you need to do mentally while meditating is to not partake in the drifting thoughts that have a tendency to make you stray off target*
Uhhh....any advice for those of us incapible of restraining our mind??
One thing you can do is to visualize the thought you want to let go of as in a framed picture, and then make the picture smaller and smaller in your mind, until it disappears. And if it turns up again, most likely will, then repeat the procedure.
Or make up your own routine. I have made a habit out of visualizing thoughts burning up in a fire for example, that works too. :)

It would be nice to be able to read someone's mind. Man the fun you could have! I wish I was the one that could answer your questions, but if I could read minds I'm not sure I would share the information with you or anyone else. I did have an experience when I was in high school, well I should say a series of interesting experiments. My friends and I lived in a small town, I.E. not very much to do, we were bored. We started to use the standard ESP flash cards square wavy lines etc. at first we got the occasional correct answer as one would expect, but as we kept doing it the amount of correct answers went up. It got to the point that we didn't get any wrong. I'm not saying this to impress anyone, I mean it got scary. Its when we started to just draw random pictures of anything we could think of, and got those right that we really started to freak out. I'm not sure if I could still do that I don't practice It anymore, but I found it a little weird. here is one for you, go out side on a cloudy day and fine a low hanging cloud pick a point on the cloud and concentrate on putting a hole in it. It might take a while but it can be done. you'll know its not normal evaporation because its the spot your staring at. My first post forgive any spelling errors.
With Mind Uploading the Mind reading has become a great scientific possibilty.
