So you ladies and gents are the experts...

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
Lets put it plain and simple. I'd like to learn how to move things with my mind, see other peoples thoughts, have OBE's and even travel back and forth through time. Banshee, Bebelina, MuliBoy(I believe) and anyone else, tell me, a newbie, how I can do these things in simple and easy-to-follow terms. Thanks a lot.
The only thing, exept OBE´s, I can in your wishlist is explain things in easy to follow terms :)
Oh, I also can move things with my mind, imaginary things that is. Oh, yes, I can also use the force :)

Having out of body experiences is easy. That is real newbie stuff.
Just lie down. Relax and breathe rythmically. Let your thoughts drift away without making any effort to be involved in them or trying to push them away.
Make it a normal part of your everyday life doing this at least 30mins/day.
It is called meditation.
When you have done this many, many times, or once if you´re very lucky or very gifted you will be sucked out of your body and experience stuff.
Good luck :bugeye:
Start now...someday, you will get there....

Join a is worry about food and shelter, you know....

ok then... ill ask the question!

to what ends and motivation do you seek to have power over those around you?

to be one
to be the one

"The problem of leadership is inevitable: who will play god?"
Leto II
^^^^ are you aware that this is a self defeatist statement of intended direction??? !!!cyclic!!!

or am i the one missing the big sale sign?

groove on dude! and good luck to ya if you are keen to be what most are not!
my greatist advice for you is that which i have been told is a quote from Eistien
"once you label a fact, you stop thinking of all the possibilities of what it could be"
too scarry for most people to be able to manipulate in fluid cognition!!!

Perhaps you should work out whether Banshee, Bebelina, or MuliBoy can actually <i>do</i> the things you want to learn before asking their advice. Otherwise, you might be wasting your time.
I know I should but there's really no solid reason for them to say that they have psychic powers over the internet. They don't profit from it.

Thanx for the tip, muliboy.

Rip, are you asking why I'd want this? Well there are a flurry of reasons-knowing if someone is lying or not (I assume), traveling the world (maybe), not having to get up and grab the remote. Rest assured I wouldn't use it to hurl people around or anything.

Does this answer your question?

A monestary has never sounded like too much fun for me. Sure you don't have to worry about food or shelter but the food and shelter you get isn't exactly top notch.
<i>there's really no solid reason for them to say that they have psychic powers over the internet. They don't profit from it.</i>

Don't they? They seem to be gathering a bunch of adoring followers...
I have zero adoring followers :(
I know Bebelina has a whole bunch of them but so far isn´t profiting from it...
unless freaky stalkers is currency in some alternative universe.
Trying to make others understand the wide range of possible realities is not a self serving task. As far as one doesn´t propagate the one universe where one is the head honcho of course :D

I too fail to see what anyone might gain from being a deceptive person online. I prefer to be trusting until proven wrong.
No danger in that :)
hey all :)

Pollux v
to assume the good nature in others is to be labeled as a fool in
this life time.

to treat all as an enemy is considered "experienced" in some countrys!

and yet if i was standing infront of you with a loaded gun you might feel 'in danger'.... ?
if such weird powers were true do you think if someone looked into your private memories and thoughts you might seem like
an un-judgemental, pro active empathic, sociataly focused
UN-FAULTERING (once would be too much) credit worthy citerzen???

most people thow good at heart may not mesure up to such perspective perception.!!!
if ya no wat i mean? :D
yet may lead an exemplified life style.

its all very complicated!
in the assumption that its 'all very real'... :)

good luck :)
Instead of focusing on proving others to be liars, focus on what you want with your life. :)

Meditation is the best method that I´m aware of that gives you a larger perspective on reality and how to find alternative ways of interacting within the physical reality, and get access to other dimensions.

But the point is that you already know all this, what meditation can do is to help you remember. :)

And yoga is also always. :)

Trust life to be good, because you get what you give.

If you call somebody a fool, then the same disrespect will be given to you.
If you want to have power over others, you will experience losing power.


Start with a it ticking...go on and on...for a quite a time...about 15 minutes...dont close your eyes for god sake,try not even or blink eyes with less frequency...

hope that helps.anyways remember one thing,when you do this dont do it with intention that"ll you"ll become Neo in one day.;)
do it for yourself.utilise the whole thing in your proffession,it"ll will increase your concentration power towards your goals...


I assume your post was aimed at me.

<i>Instead of focusing on proving others to be liars, focus on what you want with your life.</i>

Can't I spend a bit of time on each? ;)

<i>Meditation is the best method that I´m aware of that gives you a larger perspective on reality and how to find alternative ways of interacting within the physical reality, and get access to other dimensions.</i>

Yeah - meditation can be good. I don't know about the other dimensions stuff, but it's good for self-awareness and relaxation.

<i>If you call somebody a fool, then the same disrespect will be given to you.</i>

I rarely do that, unless the person repeatedly reveals themself to be a fool.

<i>If you want to have power over others, you will experience losing power. Karma.</i>

Doesn't seem to apply to a lot of world leaders I know. Perhaps in the next life...
Try a little self gratification...........:D

I feel an "out of body experience" every single time.........

Ill follow Muli, Where ya wanna go?????:bugeye:

Remember-There is no spoon...............
You can´t follow me. You already pray at the altar of the false prophet, Neo! :D

The karma of hierarchy is being big one life and small the next. The scope of karma expands several lifetimes. Oh, I hear you, you´ll worry about that later then. Prefer to be big now since you don´t care ´bout incarnation anyways....
And that´s how concsiousness stays status quo...
(although i see karma as being where you are, you live in what you put out)
Be careful if you follow MuliBoy, he is known to get smurfs stuck in uncanny places. :D

James R...

The way you look and feel toward other humans and their feelings, is a reflection of your own 'intentions'. So can I conclude by this that you are an evidential liar?

We can walk the road together, if our goals are all the same
we can run around and gain, if we persue a different aim
Let the truth of love be lighted, let the love of truth shine clear
Sensebility, lit by heart and liberty
With the heart and mind united in a single, perfect Sphere

Wherever that Spere may be...:)
I can levitate myself, and do so regularly as part of my meditation regime.

Does that count as anything useful?

Beautiful poem Banshee, did you just make it up ?

Cris, that is pretty extraordinary. Do you levitate with your physical body???
