So, who's right - Jesus, Mohammed or Budda?

They can't all be right. Jesus said he was the way, which therefore must exclude Mohammed as a redundancy. Jesus also didn't say, "oh, yea... by the way there is this Budda guy . . . you can follow him too." Mohammed, as the "final" prophet, certainly wouldn't place Jesus or Budda above himself. The leaders of these religions have excluded eachother, therefore they can't all be right.
They can't all be right. Jesus said he was the way, which therefore must exclude Mohammed as a redundancy. Jesus also didn't say, "oh, yea... by the way there is this Budda guy . . . you can follow him too." Mohammed, as the "final" prophet, certainly wouldn't place Jesus or Budda above himself. The leaders of these religions have excluded eachother, therefore they can't all be right.

You got it all wrong man, Jesus was not talking about himself as a person. He was talking as Himself as the whole, as God. Buddha said the same.

"Oh all you sentient beings of this threefold world [i.e. the entire universe, both visible and invisible]! Because I, the All-Creating Sovereign, have created you, you are My children and equal to Me. Because you are not second to Me, I am present in you ... Oh all you sentient beings of this threefold world, if I were not, you would be non-existent. ... Because all things do not exist outside of Me, I firmly declare that I am all - the All-Creating One."
Samantabhadra Buddha - "Kulayarāja Tantra"

Jesus was a Buddha, he had no ego, he wished not to be followed by us, like Buddha, like all the enlightened masters.

A teacher that does want to be followed and praised at, is a fake teacher, beware of those who seek only self-glorification. But a Buddha is non-existent in body, Jesus never existed, Gautama never existed, but Buddha/Christ is within us, as well as it was within Jesus and Gautama.
Of course, Jesus was talking about himself. Why else would he call himself the "son of God"? Also, people mostly teach for self-gratification. They have a classroom full of novices who will worship them because they literally don't know any better.
Of course, Jesus was talking about himself. Why else would he call himself the "son of God"? Also, people mostly teach for self-gratification. They have a classroom full of novices who will worship them because they literally don't know any better.

Jesus called himself the "Son of Man" also, like the true human he was.

"The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life." (Luke 9:21)

"The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men." (Luke 9:44)

"Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." (Luke 9:58)

And he called himself the Son of God, he called us all brothers and sisters. He told us to pray in example:

"Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name." (Matthew 6:9)

OUR father, not only His father.
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They can't all be right. Jesus said he was the way, which therefore must exclude Mohammed as a redundancy. Jesus also didn't say, "oh, yea... by the way there is this Budda guy . . . you can follow him too." Mohammed, as the "final" prophet, certainly wouldn't place Jesus or Budda above himself. The leaders of these religions have excluded eachother, therefore they can't all be right.

what of time place and circumstance?
for instance if it is not advised that people in alaska subsist off rice based agriculture, is that advise diametrically opposed to advise that people in bengal should?
Christmas is also widely known and widely celebrated - does that mean Santa Claus exists?

Jesus. More than 2000 of the estimated 2500 Bible prophecies have been fulfilled. It's fascinating stuff.

Please cite for us the single most convincing of these 2000 allegedly fulfilled "prophecies."
Then we can take the silence of Sandy et al as concession? If so, prophecy is now tossed out as the B.S. it is.
It is impossible to tell; the Buddha was a philosopher, so there is no right answer in that regards. As for Muhummad and Chrsit, they both preached of one supreme being (the core concept), and we don't know if there really is something beyond, something greater.
Of course, Jesus was talking about himself. Why else would he call himself the "son of God"? Also, people mostly teach for self-gratification. They have a classroom full of novices who will worship them because they literally don't know any better.

He callede himself the Son of God because he was deluded. He was also into self-gratification; look at all the tricks he performed to impress the ignorant masses.
Jesus. More than 2000 of the estimated 2500 Bible prophecies have been fulfilled. It's fascinating stuff. ;)

"Unique among all books ever written, the Bible accurately foretells specific events-in detail-many years, sometimes centuries, before they occur. Approximately 2500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible, about 2000 of which already have been fulfilled to the letter—no errors. (The remaining 500 or so reach into the future and may be seen unfolding as days go by.) Since the probability for any one of these prophecies having been fulfilled by chance averages less than one in ten (figured very conservatively) and since the prophecies are for the most part independent of one another, the odds for all these prophecies having been fulfilled by chance without error is less than one in 102000 (that is 1 with 2000 zeros written after it)!" :)

Why didn't Jesus teach evolutionary theory ? I like your avatar; it's the Pope, isn't it ?
There's not a good answer as to which is right because they all are right to those who follow their teachings. Depending on where you live has allot to do with which one is right to follow also. I only follow my heart and common sense about the way I live and get along with people. ;)