So what do all of the theists get out of it?


Registered Senior Member
I've seen all the discussions and debates about what religion has done for the world blah, blah, blah; but that's not what I'm looking for here. I'd just like to know what you, as an individual and theist get out of your religion; self-fulfillment, imposement of morals, whatever.

The reason that I want to ask this is because I want to know if there's anything that you think you get out of religion that couldn't be shown to you just from being nice out of the goodness of your heart or just because you are being logical.

P.S. I don't want to get any replies that imply that there is or isn't a god or some supernatural power overhead, like, 'oh, well if i don't do this I'll go to hell'. I suppose that's all, discuss away.
firstly atheists wont listen to your request sadly. and they will start bashing on religious folk.

believing in god and an afterlife makes you happy.

I've seen all the discussions and debates about what religion has done for the world blah, blah, blah; but that's not what I'm looking for here. I'd just like to know what you, as an individual and theist get out of your religion; self-fulfillment, imposement of morals, whatever.

The reason that I want to ask this is because I want to know if there's anything that you think you get out of religion that couldn't be shown to you just from being nice out of the goodness of your heart or just because you are being logical.

P.S. I don't want to get any replies that imply that there is or isn't a god or some supernatural power overhead, like, 'oh, well if i don't do this I'll go to hell'. I suppose that's all, discuss away.
Well, what I get out of my own personal religion is happiness, freedom, high-energy, a sense of fulfillment, enjoyment, knowledge, a cessation of all suffering, freedom from problems, solutions to all problems, an escape from suffering, freedom from fear, anger, and sorrow and other forms of suffering, etc...

firstly atheists wont listen to your request sadly. and they will start bashing on religious folk.

believing in god and an afterlife makes you happy.


Yeah, its only a matter of time before an atheist comes in here and says "I don't believe in God or any other fantasy or delusion" or something like that imposing their own beliefs onto others and insulting theists at the sametime
I don't mean to be intentionally dense, but some of the things you listed I have a hard time understanding based on some of the previously stated comments I've read, or just because I personally don't get it. Maybe you could help enlighten me:

Happiness and Enjoyment- Out of reading a book, or because of knowing something is in store for you after you're dead or something else?

Freedom- To me, this seems like it contradicts the whole 'God has a plan for me and, no matter what, that plan will happen.'

Knowledge- I dunno...I can't really think of any possible examples of this...

Freedom From Problems- Please don't tell me you are never late to work due to unforeseen circumstances...or did you mean something more figurative by this?

Solutions To All Problems- In that eventually you're going to die and go to Heaven anyway?

Escape From Suffering- Same as above^.

If you could just clarify that stuff I think it would help me alot... I'm not one to argue one side blindly without even hearing from the other, so I'd at least like to hear from you.
we... humans dont need to get anything... from our religions.

we are religious.. because we KNOW... all the smart preaching athesits, and even the brilliant scientists... dont know.

they dont have all the answers.. and they fail in making un-argueable arguements for their lack of belief.

the simple fact of the matter is...

something.. somehow made the universe..... we dont know what.

this lack of knowing what... has led to all religions.


Every single time I tell a Theist that I am Atheist the first thing almost all of them say is: What happens when you die? I always say, the same thing that happens to you, we end. Sometimes the Christians and Muslims say: Not me, I'm going to go to heaven because I believe in God.

Funny that,

Every single time I tell a Theist that I am Atheist the first thing almost all of them say is: What happens when you die? I always say, the same thing that happens to you, we end. Sometimes the Christians and Muslims say: Not me, I'm going to go to heaven because I believe in God.

Funny that,

perhaps this life is different for all...those who want heaven get it. Those who want hell get it. Those who need God...see it. Those who need just life get it.

If I was God...or designer of this life, I would make it so. It is fair.
I don't mean to be intentionally dense, but some of the things you listed I have a hard time understanding based on some of the previously stated comments I've read, or just because I personally don't get it. Maybe you could help enlighten me:

Happiness and Enjoyment- Out of reading a book, or because of knowing something is in store for you after you're dead or something else?

Freedom- To me, this seems like it contradicts the whole 'God has a plan for me and, no matter what, that plan will happen.'

Knowledge- I dunno...I can't really think of any possible examples of this...

Freedom From Problems- Please don't tell me you are never late to work due to unforeseen circumstances...or did you mean something more figurative by this?

Solutions To All Problems- In that eventually you're going to die and go to Heaven anyway?

Escape From Suffering- Same as above^.

If you could just clarify that stuff I think it would help me alot... I'm not one to argue one side blindly without even hearing from the other, so I'd at least like to hear from you.

happiness= because you accept death as a positive thing and it does not hinder your subconscious.

freedom- you are free from negative emotions that no life after death brings, you think your friends and family are in a better place, so you dont feel so sad for them, and you accept death of others better,

knowledge- you have greater understanding of another way of life.

freedom from problems- not freedom from all problems, but you have a more positive outlook on life and dont dwell on the smaller problems in life as much,

solutions to all problems - i dont know about that

escape from suffering- the suffering and pain that death brings to you and your friends and family,


Every single time I tell a Theist that I am Atheist the first thing almost all of them say is: What happens when you die? I always say, the same thing that happens to you, we end. Sometimes the Christians and Muslims say: Not me, I'm going to go to heaven because I believe in God.

Funny that,
in other words you just said "god doesent exist".

Yes, I realize that I'm generalizing, but most of the stuff you replied to, Chi, had something to do with death and the afterlife that there may or may not be. Could it be safe to say that the one thing that really the theists are in for is the afterlife and everything that comes with it?
Everyone has some sort of belief. A 0 or lack of thereof, has a value on an outcome.

the only outcome for an Atheist... is to rot underground.

they dont even want an afterlife.. and refuse to accept the possibility..

therefore... they are likely to get what they ask for....

which is nothing.

the Theist... hopes for more... and maybe... maybe he gets it.

Yes, I realize that I'm generalizing, but most of the stuff you replied to, Chi, had something to do with death and the afterlife that there may or may not be. Could it be safe to say that the one thing that really the theists are in for is the afterlife and everything that comes with it?

i think religion is mostly to do with life and death, dont you?

Well, to be honest, what I think religion is, is a way to make sure that people do what is morally correct at that time and religion scares people into doing this with threats of a bad afterlife, etc.

I personally don't need this kind of fear to make sure that I live my life in a good, morally correct way, so maybe that's why I'm an atheist, just because I don't need a religion to prop me up.

My reply to you, Mosheh Thezion, is that,yeah, there are some things that you said that I agree with, but then there are some things that I don't think you know or interpret correctly about atheists, and it is probably a two-way street also.

Yeah, I agree with you, when we die, we rot in the ground, or have our ashes scattered into the wind, etc. I don't however agree with you entirely when you say that we don't want an afterlife, I think that it is more accurate that you say we don't need an afterlife. I say this because of the reasons I stated above and because, I don't know about you, but I know that I will have one shot at life, and, to be honest, I'd would rather focus on now and make the best out of my life that I have, then wait for a controversial thing that we don't even know exists. I know that one thing we can agree on is that we are living and breathing right here, right now. Right now, I'm sitting here typing this because this is something that I enjoy doing.

Summary: Instead of waiting for something that is questionably existent, I would much rather make the best of my time here on Earth because, a) I know that I'm not ever coming back even if there is an afterlife, and b) because if there ends up not being a heaven or hell, at least I can look back at my life and say that I enjoyed it.
the only outcome for an Atheist... is to rot underground.

they dont even want an afterlife.. and refuse to accept the possibility..

therefore... they are likely to get what they ask for....

which is nothing.

the Theist... hopes for more... and maybe... maybe he gets it.



Atheist seemPly means one does not believe in God.

It doesnt mean he/she/it doesnt believe in Afterlife or greatergood.

Buddhism 4 ever.
he who believes... has a chance.

he who does not... has no chances.. at all.

You just made that up. And why the two categories. It may well be:

he who believes... has a chance.
he who does not... has no chances.. at all.
he who believes the wrong thing ... has no chance.
he who believes nothing ... has a chance.
he who believes... has no chance.

perhaps this life is different for all...those who want heaven get it. Those who want hell get it. Those who need God...see it. Those who need just life get it.

If I was God...or designer of this life, I would make it so. It is fair.
Perhaps. Perhaps you are the only "real" conscious entity alive in the entire universe - this was all made simply for you - just to test your faith. As God can do anything - this is a snap. The Universe was created the day you were born and will end the day you die. We are all just autonomous entities here to test you.
