So Guys, What About Christian Terrorism ?

Originally posted by okinrus
As you know, abortion kills millions of unborn babies every year. It is the modern holocaust and you seem to think there is something wrong with christians trying to stop it. The only mistake that Paul Hill made was believing two crimes make a right. Can't you guys tell from his eyes that he's completely insane? He does not have full mental functioning and this has nothing to do with christianity. We are, however, obligated to prevent crimes, even the crime of abortion.

BLAH BLAH BLAH........when a christian commit a crime, you call him insane and he alone goes on trial, but when a muslim commits a crime, ISLAM goes on trial.....

Originally posted by Nehushta

Yes it is. But here in the U.S., instead of being praised as heros by the nation's leader, our terrorists are executed for their crimes. So what's your point?

This is BS, your terrorists are considered heros, look at George w Bush, isnt he terrorist responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent IRAQI MUSLIMS ????
Originally posted by LostInThought7

I don't really think that any Christian would be offended by the term "Christian Terrorist". He was a Christian. He was a Terrorist. Since I don't fall under the normal "Christian" label myself, I can't say that I represent all Christians.

I do agree with the main message of this thread, though. The ignorant, religious fanatics get the most coverage while the rest of the religion gets ignored. It is easy to not like the religion because you see so much violence from it, but you have to look at the ideas instead of the people. Christianity is, supposedly, the cause of the holocaust and the crusades (and the witch burnings and the inquisition and...) but you can't say all Christians are violence-loving freaks.

When going about your life, it is always courteous to think of others feelings.

Well said, You cant blame the whole religion for the actions of some, but when it comes to Muslims, they blame ISLAM for everything muslims do, nowadays, if there are two whales fighting in the ocean, they blamed it on ISLAMIC TERRORISM !

Originally posted by LostInThought7

I don't really think that any Christian would be offended by the term "Christian Terrorist". He was a Christian. He was a Terrorist. Since I don't fall under the normal "Christian" label myself, I can't say that I represent all Christians.

I do agree with the main message of this thread, though. The ignorant, religious fanatics get the most coverage while the rest of the religion gets ignored. It is easy to not like the religion because you see so much violence from it, but you have to look at the ideas instead of the people. Christianity is, supposedly, the cause of the holocaust and the crusades (and the witch burnings and the inquisition and...) but you can't say all Christians are violence-loving freaks.

When going about your life, it is always courteous to think of others feelings.

This reminds me when I was a young child in Appalachia, my hard-shelled Baptist grandmother, my ideal, taught me a song called "Onward Christian Soldiers" the first verse went something like this:

"Onward Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before...." (I don't know if this last line is correct),

but we sang it everyday of my early childhood. Now I realize that this was terrorism in the making, and I was a little Christian soldier (but was NEVER taken to a church in those remote hills of West Virginia!) My grandmother believed and made it known everyday that she was a "hard-shelled Baptist" from East Tennessee. Yes, she was a Christian terrorist, but her little soldier defected.
BLAH BLAH BLAH........when a christian commit a crime, you call him insane and he alone goes on trial, but when a muslim commits a crime, ISLAM goes on trial.....

No, but the motive for Paul Hill commiting the crime is different from the terrorist who blow themselves up with suicide bombs. There are several differences that make Paul Hill a common criminal. Paul Hill attacked the perpetrator abortions, the abortion doctors. On the other hand, terrorists attack innocents in order to create widespread terror. Paul Hill motive to kill the doctor has nothing to do with religion, rather his motive was the murders perpetrated by the doctor. Terrorist, instead, hardly ever even know who they are killing. I'm confused by what you mean by Islam goes on trial. If you want to eliminate Islam before terrorist then you'd want to eliminate all of the good connotations correct?
Originally posted by okinrus
There are several differences that make Paul Hill a common criminal. Paul Hill attacked the perpetrator abortions, the abortion doctors. On the other hand, terrorists attack innocents in order to create widespread terror. Paul Hill motive to kill the doctor has nothing to do with religion, rather his motive was the murders perpetrated by the doctor.

That is not true. Why do you liken two evils. Just say they're both evil, what is so hard about that? Paul Hill have attacked the institution of medicine with his attack. He attacked a legal innocent practice that have been allowed to exist by the government. He attacked a family and deprived sons, a wife, parents, friends from their companion and lively hood. The doctor he killed is an innocent citizen who have saved many lifes in his career and has been part of one of the most noble professions.

Jehova wittnesses believe that blood transfusion is wrong and destroys humans by mixing up spirituality.

So what is the difference between Paul Hill and a crazy Jehova wittness who might decide one day to bomb an entire hospital full of patients and doctors alike because blood transfusion is occuring. Where is the respect for the law of the land?

Both Paul Hill and the hijakers are terrorists and evils.. There is no lesser of evils here... no ifs or buts, although I'm sure you'll get blue in the face ifing and buting. Come on for once and admit the truth so we can live happily ever after.
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The doctor he killed is an innocent citizen who have saved many lifes in his career and has been part of one of the most noble professions.
The doctor was not innocent because he was an abortion provider.

Both Paul Hill and the hijakers are terrorists and evils.. There is no lesser of evils here... no ifs or buts, although I'm sure you'll get blue in the face ifing and buting. Come on for once and admit the truth so we can live happily ever after.
Paul Hill is a common criminal while a terrorist is someone who wishes to spread terror. The difference, as you can see, does not affect who is more or less evil. The abortion providers are likened to terrorist than Paul Hill was ever.
Originally posted by okinrus
The doctor was not innocent because he was an abortion provider.

Abortion is legal and his practice was licensed by the government. Taking matters into your own hand is illegal. This is like me killing a person that have not be put in trial because I have no respect for the law. The man is a damned criminal no ifs or buts.

Originally posted by okinrus
Paul Hill is a common criminal while a terrorist is someone who wishes to spread terror. The difference, as you can see, does not affect who is more or less evil. The abortion providers are likened to terrorist than Paul Hill was ever.

Abortion doctors are needed and they provide a needed service by the society. There are many parents who don't wish to continue a down syndrome pregnancy or a joined at the head twin birth. Many people need to abort for good reasons including safety for the mother and fatal condition for the embryo. There are many mothers who are not supposed to get pregnant because they're terminally ill, have AIDS, are on long term medication that can kill a fetus, ect..Paul HIll is a murderer who spread terror in the heart of doctors and women who have to do what they have to do because of a bad situation. An abortion doctor is a doctor who is legal and providing a service. Paul Hill is a terrorist who terrorise mothers and innocent civilians.
Abortion is legal and his practice was licensed by the government. Taking matters into your own hand is illegal. This is like me killing a person that have not be put in trial because I have no respect for the law. The man is a damned criminal no ifs or buts.
There's a distinction between a criminal and a terrorist.

Abortion doctors are needed and they provide a needed service by the society. There are many parents who don't wish to continue a down syndrome pregnancy or a joined at the head twin birth.
So you don't believe that God made someone be born with down syndrome for a reason? This is a very narrow viewpoint. Perhaps God gave someone down syndrome so that we could be mercifull to them. Nevertheless, the actual number of cases is dwarfed by abortions due to cosmetic reasons.
Originally posted by okinrus
There's a distinction between a criminal and a terrorist.
Indeed, and Paul Hill qualifies as a terrorist.

A terrorist is one who employs terror as a political weapon.

Paul Hill himself admits that indeed his motivation was political.

"I realized that many important things would be accomplished by my shooting another abortionist in Pensacola. This would put the pro-life rhetoric about defending born and unborn children equally into practice. It would bear witness to the full humanity of the unborn as few other things could. It would also open people's eyes to the enormous consequences of abortion—not only for the unborn, but also for the government that had sanctioned it, and those required to resist it. This would convict millions of their past neglect, and also spur many to future obedience. It would also help people to decide whether to join the battle on the side of those defending abortionists, or the side of those defending the unborn."

Thus, Paul Hill is a terrorist.

It doesn't get much simpler than that.

Further thoughts:

We might then assess what it means to be a "Christian Terrorist" or an "Islamic Terrorist". IMO, the categorization would be dependant not upon the religion of the perpetrator but the motivation behind the terrorist action. If the religious identity is incidental to the act I don't find that it can rightly be called an act of religious terrorism. However, in the cases of Paul Hill, Eric Rudolph, and 9/11, religion was indeed the primary motivation.

The consideration to keep in mind is that religious labels are quite broad. Interpretative differences can be so extreme that that beliefs and practices of people falling under the same categorization (Christian, Islamic, etc.) can be in diametric opposition to one another. The danger lies, as it often does, in categorical generalizations.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
This reminds me when I was a young child in Appalachia, my hard-shelled Baptist grandmother, my ideal, taught me a song called "Onward Christian Soldiers" the first verse went something like this:

"Onward Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before...." (I don't know if this last line is correct),

but we sang it everyday of my early childhood.

Perhaps this might explain the imagery of the song. (Although given your severe antagonism regarding Christianity, I doubt it.) The imagery of amor and weaponry has to do with God's word, truth, righteousness and nothing to do with killing or maiming people. So you see, the song wasn't teaching you about being a Christian terrorist.

Ephesians 6
13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Originally posted by okinrus
No, but the motive for Paul Hill commiting the crime is different from the terrorist who blow themselves up with suicide bombs. There are several differences that make Paul Hill a common criminal. Paul Hill attacked the perpetrator abortions, the abortion doctors. On the other hand, terrorists attack innocents in order to create widespread terror. Paul Hill motive to kill the doctor has nothing to do with religion, rather his motive was the murders perpetrated by the doctor. Terrorist, instead, hardly ever even know who they are killing. I'm confused by what you mean by Islam goes on trial. If you want to eliminate Islam before terrorist then you'd want to eliminate all of the good connotations correct?

No, NOT CORRECT, it is utter nonesense, Paul hill KILLED because he is CHRISTIAN MINISTER, otherwise how do you explain christians are most of the time are the ones involved in the abortion murders and clinics bombings ???

Second, I listened to his words before he die, he said, he killed for JESUS and when he will die his soul will be with the LORD !! so his motive was purely religious.

Arent the doctor and his assistant INNOCENT PEOPLE AS WELL ?
So, this CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS killed innocent people.

you see, some christians find it hard to accept their terrorism.
No, NOT CORRECT, it is utter nonesense, Paul hill KILLED because he is CHRISTIAN MINISTER
He was a presbyterian christian minister. I don't think this was the source of his belief that abortion was wrong. I don't think presbyterian's have been as vocal on this issue as others.

otherwise how do you explain christians are most of the time are the ones involved in the abortion murders and clinics bombings ???
There have only been a few abortion bombings.

Second, I listened to his words before he die, he said, he killed for JESUS and when he will die his soul will be with the LORD !! so his motive was purely religious.
No, it is belief that Jesus represents all truth. Replace Truth with Jesus and you will get a equivalent statement.

Arent the doctor and his assistant INNOCENT PEOPLE AS WELL ?
So, this CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS killed innocent people.
No, surely no one is completely innocent but the fetus. We must conclude though that the abortion doctor knew what he was doing and also made a fair profit doing so.

you see, some christians find it hard to accept their terrorism.
Well you could pick a better example. Perhaps the catholics in Ireland?
Originally posted by chalcedony
Perhaps this might explain the imagery of the song. (Although given your severe antagonism regarding Christianity, I doubt it.) The imagery of amor and weaponry has to do with God's word, truth, righteousness and nothing to do with killing or maiming people. So you see, the song wasn't teaching you about being a Christian terrorist.

Hey, FYI - I was only 5 years old when my hard-shell Baptist Granny (my idol) taught this song. My "severe antagonism regarding Christianity" did not come until I was in St. Peter's Basilica itself, long after I became a staunch Catholic soldier scorching the earth with the cross of Jesus.
okinrus said:
Paul Hill is a common criminal while a terrorist is someone who wishes to spread terror. The difference, as you can see, does not affect who is more or less evil. The abortion providers are likened to terrorist than Paul Hill was ever.
Paul Hill, and others of his ilk spread terror. They spread terror through the bombings of family planning clinics. They spread terror through the murder of doctors, nurses and other staff members who work in family planning clinics. By committing such acts, people like Hill are only spreading terror to the other clinics to shut down and to the women who attend these clinics for a range of reasons. Not every woman who goes into a family planning clinic gets an abortion. Some go there in the bid to help them get pregnant. Some go there for valid medical reasons. Why should these women fear for their lives? By going into such clinics, they are in danger of being shot or blown up, simply because a bunch of religious zealots know not of what they speak. Okinrus, the doctor who performs an abortion is also the doctor who helps women get pregnant. They work in family planning clinics which deal with a wide range of issues, not just abortions. How can a doctor who provides the services of terminating unwanted pregnancies be likened to a terrorist? Is that doctor roaming the streets looking for pregnant women and aborting their babies? Hardly. They aren't forcing their beliefs on all pregnant women. They are merely providing a service on a range of medical issues to the women who need it. A terrorist takes up their own beliefs and tries to impose it on others through the use of force. Hill fits such a bill. He tried to enforce his beliefs on others by killing them, thereby acting as a warning to other doctors, nurses, staff and patients of other clinics.

I've seen footage of pregnant women going into family planning clinics and being harrassed and abused by the so called Christian pro-life protesters outside. Some of these women were over 4 months pregnant and were in tears as they were pelted with rotten food. Why? Because they were going to see their doctor who also happened to perform abortions. Not all women go into these clinics for abortions. It disgusts me at the hypocrisy of these so called Christians who liken the murder of someone as an act of God or as a directive of Jesus. How dare they! People such as Hill are no better than the abortion staff they kill. They rant on about the innocent lives of the aborted fetus, yet they feel no qualms at killing and maiming the people who work in and attend those clinics. They carry on about innocent lives lost in those babies, yet they have been known to throw aborted fetus' at people going into those clinics. Yeah, that's a real Christian ethos. They will protest at the killing of a baby, but feel no remorse at throwing the remains of that baby at someone to prove a point. Such behaviour reeks of instilling terror. I've heard of women who suffered so much stress after being abused and harrassed by so called Christian protestors outside of a family planning that they ended up miscarrying their child, when they were only there to get a check up by their doctor. People like Hill are no better than the terrorist who blows up people. Both think they're right and both think that their God supports them in their own personal beliefs and both think that their cause is given to them by God.

And Vienna

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That's rich coming from you. Aren't you the one flaming every thread with your anti-muslim hate? Aren't you the one who's attributed all of his problems on Muslims? The only thing I ever see you type is anti-muslim hate. Maybe it's time you took your own advice.
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