So Guys, What About Christian Terrorism ?



Christian Terrorism?
By Lowell Ponte | June 4, 2003

"IS HE A ?CHRISTIAN TERRORIST??" That is the question raised by Washington Post Staff Writer Alan Cooperman this week about just-arrested Eric Robert Rudolph, the alleged bomber of the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics and an Alabama abortion clinic.

"If Christians take umbrage at the juxtaposition of the words ?Christian? and ?terrorist,?" Idaho State University sociologist James A. Aho told Cooperman, "that may give them some idea of how Muslims feel" when hearing the term "Islamic terrorism."


Paul Hill, Christian minister was excuted for shotgun slayings of abortion doctor, bodyguard.......isn't that CHRISTIAN TERRORISM ?

Onward Christian Soldiers: The Holy War on Science
Christians denounced him publically as nothing more than a murderer, and they called for him to face punishment.

Has all of the islamic world denounced the suicide bombers and the hijackers of 9/11 as murderers? Have they wanted the other terrorists to be punished?
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Well, Many christian organisations in America praised this CHRISTIAN MARTYER because he killed for Jesus !!!

Show me.

And your sources cannot be anti-Christian hate websites since you refuse to look at any websites others post.
Originally posted by chalcedony
Christians denounced him publically as nothing more than a murderer, and they called for him to face punishment.

Has all of the islamic world denounced the suicide bombers and the hijackers of 9/11 as murderers? Have they wanted the other terrorists to be punished?

As I've said before, I work with Muslim physicians in a diverse academic environment. When 9/11 came, the Muslims I know were so sorry it happened. They took it upon themselves to apologize for the actions of the fanatics. Those terrorists hurt their own people, too. We have a very large community of Muslims in my city. The day this happened, they feared just as we feared. But then, communications opened up. They welcomed us to their homes and we welcomed them to ours. The horror of 9/11 does not represent all Muslims, only a fanatical few. As hard as it seems to do, we need to forgive those terrorists for what they did to our country and everyone in it including Muslims. That is the ONLY way we'll have peace. Forgiveness.
Peope use the term Islamic terrorirst because they are Islamic and are terrorirst. Until Islam can denounce someone and excommunicate them from true believers people will always use the term Islamic. There are, however, fewer christian terrorist. In fact, Paul Hill is not fighting for christian doctrin. No, he's trying to protect the right of the unborn to live and I think you would agree that fighting against murder is done not by just christians. The problem is that Paul Hill equated thought it was most effective to kill others to accomplish this. Not a sign of terrorist but of insanity.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
As I've said before, I work with Muslim physicians in a diverse academic environment. When 9/11 came, the Muslims I know were so sorry it happened. They took it upon themselves to apologize for the actions of the fanatics. Those terrorists hurt their own people, too. We have a very large community of Muslims in my city. The day this happened, they feared just as we feared. But then, communications opened up. They welcomed us to their homes and we welcomed them to ours.

As do I MW. I did not wait until 9/11 to get involved with the islamic community.

As hard as it seems to do, we need to forgive those terrorists for what they did to our country and everyone in it including Muslims. That is the ONLY way we'll have peace. Forgiveness.

When you say muslims, do you only mean those in the US who are not the extremists? Or do you also mean those who still plot our destruction? If the extremists are forgiven, would peace happen? Haven't they continued to threaten Americans? Do you honestly believe that they would stop killing Americans given the opportunity? Do you believe they can turn off the hate they grew up with so easily? There is a fatwa against Americans from the 1990's. As long as that is out there, they will continue to try and kill Americans.

I don't run from middle eastern looking people either. I willingly go into their places of business frequently. I'm not scared of them and think there are terrorists around every corner. I just don't like the intellectual dishonesty of those who claim that islam does not promote violence.
Originally posted by chalcedony
As do I MW. I did not wait until 9/11 to get involved with the islamic community.

When you say muslims, do you only mean those in the US who are not the extremists? Or do you also mean those who still plot our destruction? If the extremists are forgiven, would peace happen? Haven't they continued to threaten Americans? Do you honestly believe that they would stop killing Americans given the opportunity? Do you believe they can turn off the hate they grew up with so easily? There is a fatwa against Americans from the 1990's. As long as that is out there, they will continue to try and kill Americans.

I don't run from middle eastern looking people either. I willingly go into their places of business frequently. I'm not scared of them and think there are terrorists around every corner. I just don't like the intellectual dishonesty of those who claim that islam does not promote violence.
M*W: I didn't wait either for 9/11 to happen. My friendships were already established years before 9/11. I specifically meant forgiving the extremists with all your heart, even those who still plot our destruction. Forgive them! Forgiveness clears negativity from YOUR heart. It also works the opposite way and clears negativity from THEIR hearts. This is a start. Forgiveness HAS to happen. That is the only solution. Forgiveness would begin to release them of their negativity, so it doesn't really matter what is in their hearts, it's up to all of us "to turn the other cheek." The first step in turning the other cheek is to forgive them for what they do. Islam does NOT promote violence. Negativity of the soul is what promotes violence. When there is negativity in the soul, there is an absence of God. Forgiveness is the ONLY answer.
Islamic, christian, Jewish.. It doesn't matter! People kill people, people wage wars, just because a person of a group does it, doesn't mean that the whole group should be denounced! When people stoop to that level, it turns into bigotry at it's lowest.

Remember WWII? Internment camps? People cannot allow themselves to fall into the trap of bigotry. So what if they were islamic terrorists.. The US didn't do much better when they bombed Japan. Or Iraq, in more recent events. The terrorists killed a couple of thousand.... We killed millions in a japan. Because it was a war.. but we weren't waging war on the government, we waged war on the civilians. Which isn't much better than terrorism in my eyes.

Any body killing anyone for any reason is bad... Religious names don't need to be put on it, all it does is promote hatred. Especially since the few muslims I know are some of the nicest people you could ever meet, heck, one of them's my boss. In my eyes, they're about as close to the 9/11 terrorists as a serial killer is to, say, my mother.

Well, Many christian organisations in America praised this CHRISTIAN MARTYER because he killed for Jesus !!! (Proud Syrian)

Show me. (Chalcedony)
I, uh ... hope it's okay if I field this one.

(1) Army of God, which presently features a picture of Paul Hill on their frontpage: "Paul Hill - American Hero: Of whom the world was not worthy." (Hebrews 11.38)
(2) "Extremists for and against Paul Hill" offers links to writings and audio by anti-abortionists both in support and condemnation of Hill's actions.
(3) "Some said, 'It thundered'" is a link available at the above "Extremists" page, but I thought to point this one out, as it implies a connection between Jesus Christ and Paul Hill based on reports that there was thunder when Paul Hill was executed.
(4) "Could execution turn killer into 'martyr' over abortion?", a Miami Herald article, discusses some of the characters you'll find in the above links

I confess to a prejudice that seems relevant here: While we do not know exactly how many Christians these people actually represent, the case of Paul Hill is one in which the standard dismissals and condemnations of the murderous nonsense of the confessed killer's martyr-movement simply will not suffice. We see greater resistance to concerts by Marilyn Manson; in my high school days, it was Poison or Slayer or King Diamond. We see greater focus on shock rock than we do on murder in the name of God. It is time for a full-blown fight for the future of Christianity in which the moralists set their sights on the houses of Christ and demand reconciliation. While I do not support the suspension of the First Amendment guarantees to free speech, I do think that Christians need to stand up to this kind of diseased faith and make it very, very clear to everyone that these people are a scourge to the mission in Christ.

Because for me these guys aren't much farther out on the limb than the multibillion-dollar televangelism industry in the United States. They make Christianity dangerous. For as little contact as I have with the outside world these days, I can still say I've heard it from a human being to my own ears directly that Paul Hill is a hero. Didn't have to read the papers. Didn't have to watch television. Didn't have to hear it on NPR.

It's a dirty secret of Christian faith.
Because for me these guys aren't much farther out on the limb than the multibillion-dollar televangelism industry in the United States. They make Christianity dangerous. For as little contact as I have with the outside world these days, I can still say I've heard it from a human being to my own ears directly that Paul Hill is a hero. Didn't have to read the papers. Didn't have to watch television. Didn't have to hear it on NPR.
As you know, abortion kills millions of unborn babies every year. It is the modern holocaust and you seem to think there is something wrong with christians trying to stop it. The only mistake that Paul Hill made was believing two crimes make a right. Can't you guys tell from his eyes that he's completely insane? He does not have full mental functioning and this has nothing to do with christianity. We are, however, obligated to prevent crimes, even the crime of abortion.
I don't think it right to do bad things in the name of your religion and your gods in the same way as it is not right to do good things in the name of your religion and your gods.

Do things because YOU want to do them.

Stop passing the buck on to your gods.

This has been a public service announcement from your conscience.

Paul Hill, Christian minister was excuted for shotgun slayings of abortion doctor, bodyguard.......isn't that CHRISTIAN TERRORISM ?

Yes it is. But here in the U.S., instead of being praised as heros by the nation's leader, our terrorists are executed for their crimes. So what's your point?
(Insert Title Here)

As you know, abortion kills millions of unborn babies every year.
It's a tough debate.
It is the modern holocaust and you seem to think there is something wrong with christians trying to stop it.
I disagree with Christian methodology, which is exclusive, condemning, and divisive. Abortion to me is a tragedy of reality. If Christians dealt with it according to what we most often hear espoused as Christian principle, that would be one thing. But the politicking is as much horsesh@t coming from a Christian as it is from George Bush.
The only mistake that Paul Hill made was believing two crimes make a right.
Rather simplistic, don't you think?
Can't you guys tell from his eyes that he's completely insane?
You sincerely don't want my answer to that.
We are, however, obligated to prevent crimes, even the crime of abortion.
Always looking to judge instead of resolve.

Child abuse is a crime, too. The way Christians go about abortion in the US has little to do with what happens to the unwanted children put into the world.

Solving the abortion challenge is a much more complex than the petty political issue Christian advocates make it out to be. I find the reduction of the issue tragic and even a little offensive over the long run.

In the meantime, there is comfort to be taken in the Lord against the slings and arrows of a consience awake to the savagery of human civilization.
<i><b>Rather simplistic, don't you think?</b></i>
No, this was his mistake. Paul Hill would not be wrong to take action to prevent unborn, or born babies for that matter, to be killed. He steped over the line though. Even if that doctor was a serial murderer, Paul Hill would be wrong. Thus the issue has nothing to do with abortion or religion.

Child abuse is a crime, too. The way Christians go about abortion in the US has little to do with what happens to the unwanted children put into the world.
Is this a vague assertion? Do you have facts on how much money christian charities put into the well-fair of unwanted children. Of course this is biased christian well-fair but what do you expect?

Solving the abortion challenge is a much more complex than the petty political issue Christian advocates make it out to be. I find the reduction of the issue tragic and even a little offensive over the long run.
No, it's fairly simple and what people have done for thousands of years before 1970. Nevertheless, Paul Hill really felt that the doctor was committing murder. I can't blame him for that.

I don't really think that any Christian would be offended by the term "Christian Terrorist". He was a Christian. He was a Terrorist. Since I don't fall under the normal "Christian" label myself, I can't say that I represent all Christians.

I do agree with the main message of this thread, though. The ignorant, religious fanatics get the most coverage while the rest of the religion gets ignored. It is easy to not like the religion because you see so much violence from it, but you have to look at the ideas instead of the people. Christianity is, supposedly, the cause of the holocaust and the crusades (and the witch burnings and the inquisition and...) but you can't say all Christians are violence-loving freaks.

When going about your life, it is always courteous to think of others feelings.

I don't really think that any Christian would be offended by the term "Christian Terrorist". He was a Christian. He was a Terrorist. Since I don't fall under the normal "Christian" label myself, I can't say that I represent all Christians.

I do agree with the main message of this thread, though. The ignorant, religious fanatics get the most coverage while the rest of the religion gets ignored. It is easy to not like the religion because you see so much violence from it, but you have to look at the ideas instead of the people. Christianity is, supposedly, the cause of the holocaust and the crusades (and the witch burnings and the inquisition and...) but you can't say all Christians are violence-loving freaks.

When going about your life, it is always courteous to think of others feelings.
Proud Syrian & chalcedony....'re both missing the point in an attempt to establish whose religion is greater. This is foolishness. How is it possible for you to describe someone who does not follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ or does not serve God (Allah), someone who takes matters into their own hands, does not observe the law of the land, would take others lives just to make a point, as Christian or Muslim based on the teaching of these two great personalities?
Muhammad & Jesus, peace be upon them.

If i said to you I am a great man, would you believe me, or would you at least enquire why i say this? Would you want some kind of evidence that i am what i say? Would you accept the evidence "Because i say so?" Or would i have to have done something to prove i was right?
If someone says , "i am a servant of God," are'nt they required in some way to show this position? And is their position qualified if they act contrarily to their claim?

This kind of bickering is of no use, it just plays into the hands of those who seek to remove God from the minds of men. Or, in other words, remove Islam, Christianity and Judaism from the face of the planet.


Jan Ardena.
Re: Proud Syrian & chalcedony....

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
This kind of bickering is of no use, it just plays into the hands of those who seek to remove God from the minds of men. Or, in other words, remove Islam, Christianity and Judaism from the face of the planet.


Jan Ardena.

Amen to that Jan. We believers are much more similar than we think. It's no use to bicker over each other's nitty gritty detail. But believe me, the reason the christians and Muslim preach is because we know how to love others and we believe that everyone is entiteled to everything that we have achieved. Sometimes this generousity and love is confused for other negative feelings and of course it plays into the hands of those who wants to remove god from our life. I for one will abstain from all future christian bashing threads, I will also say what I have to christians by putting myself in their shoes. I never started a bashing thread, and I really hate participating in them. Whenever I have criticised a christian believe, like why they eat pork, and why do they believe Jeus is god, I had the christians interest in heart....of course that interest could be wrong, neverthless it's a geniune interest. I can't promise though that I would stop posting in thread that bash Islam, although it's no use, but maybe I'll cure over time and will realize that there is no wayt to make a dog to stop barking.
Re: Usurpation

Originally posted by tiassa
I, uh ... hope it's okay if I field this one.

(1) Army of God, which presently features a picture of Paul Hill on their frontpage: "Paul Hill - American Hero: Of whom the world was not worthy." (Hebrews 11.38)
(2) "Extremists for and against Paul Hill" offers links to writings and audio by anti-abortionists both in support and condemnation of Hill's actions.
(3) "Some said, 'It thundered'" is a link available at the above "Extremists" page, but I thought to point this one out, as it implies a connection between Jesus Christ and Paul Hill based on reports that there was thunder when Paul Hill was executed.
(4) "Could execution turn killer into 'martyr' over abortion?", a Miami Herald article, discusses some of the characters you'll find in the above links

Because for me these guys aren't much farther out on the limb than the multibillion-dollar televangelism industry in the United States. They make Christianity dangerous. For as little contact as I have with the outside world these days, I can still say I've heard it from a human being to my own ears directly that Paul Hill is a hero. Didn't have to read the papers. Didn't have to watch television. Didn't have to hear it on NPR.

It's a dirty secret of Christian faith.

WAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I am speechless at the high quality of this excellent answer........WELL DONE.