sleep paralysis


Registered Member
as a teenage i had a recurring dream...i would wake up and be able to see the entire room and move my eyes, but the rest of my body was frozen. also present was the sensation of choking. i would try to scream for what seemed hours and nothing came out. then i would wake up. later on i was in a psychology course and it seemed i wasn't the only one that had this dream. a few other students (all female) had this dream. anyone got any more info on this? its really scary......
When you enter REM sleep your brain blocks signals to your muscles (to keep you from acting out what you dream) and sometimes when you wake up your brain doesn't unblock them and your paralyzed for what seems like hours but is actually only about 30 seconds to a minute. This is my understanding of it anyway. If im wrong please correct me.

Happens to me occasionally and it's pretty terrifying.
no, im very sure it wasnt astral projection (out of body) an out of body experience, it is the experience of leaving the body after experience was like the process of being murdered. ther ewas no happy floating to oblivion here.
i know this but the experience is an "after death experience" or an experience of floating or leaving the body. the experience i had was of being held down and strangled.....
Originally posted by ayumi
when i say experience i mean "the feeling of"...sorry i have poor grammar i guess

No worries, I understand what you mean, take into consideration this though. Right before leaving the body in an OBE, one usually feels the sleep paralysis, they are aware of what is going on which can make it a terrifying experience, these experiences are not umcommon to have a feeling of being choked or as if something is sitting heavily on your chest preventing you from movement. Its just a suggestion, but did you feel any sense of vibrations with it? I've had the sleep paralysis that you are speaking of (at least from what I gathered ). This is a half dream/awake state. Sound familiar?
yeah i cant realy recall any vibrations...but yes it was a half awake half dreaming feeling...the absolute most frightening part to me was every time, i could look around the entire room like it was fully illuminated (everything was there in place, exactly like it was upon waking) but i conciously knew that it was night. it was even scarier than the choking and frozen sensation...

Here I was starting to think that I was the only one. I've talked to people who have heard of such things, but that was as far as it went. I've gotten a variety of possible answers but nothing really concrete. In any case, I believe my experiences vary slightly, in that I am usually wide-awake when it happens, and there's the fact that I usually feel like someone's there. I can breathe just fine but I just can't move or speak. Since I've moved it hasn't happened. But when it did, the Lord's Prayer always seemed to help.
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Re: WOW!

Originally posted by maureece howell
Here I was starting to think that I was the only one. I've talked to people who have heard of such things, but that was as far as it went. I've gotten a variety of possible answers but nothing really concrete. In any case, I believe my experiences vary slightly, in that I am usually wide-awake when it happens, and there's the fact that I usually feel like someone's there. I can breathe just fine but I just can't move or speak. Since I've moved it hasn't happened. But when it did, the Lord's Prayer always seemed to help.

Lord's prayers work very well for me. THere's a lot of people who practice this, check out a book called "Soul Traveler" its an amazing book on astral projection, and filters out all the hippie crap that seems to make the subject totally non scientific and silly.
This post almost made me cry because I woke up this morning so scared that I was dead or something. Read my post (please please please) to understand my experiance better.

I have a question though - could you see yourself in you bed. Did you try and move but could not?
my god! i thought there was something wrong with me, i was too scared to tell anyone! so other people go through this too?? who else does?
I sometimes scream in my sleep and then i wake up but into another dream, so i wake up again and realize that im still sleeping, so i scream and scream but not enough to wake me up.
This happened to me lots of times.
I like those “waking up” dreams within dreams, except when they make me late.

OverTheStars, search Google for out of body experience. Or astral projection.

You’ll find all about the vibrations too. I thought I had a brain tumor or something when they started happening to me. I think the vibrations are a combination invitation/gateway. When I relax they build to a crescendo and then I can usually sit up and leave my body. Or sometimes I can’t and then some minutes later I get transported somewhere.
what do you mean you sit up and leave your body? where do you go? can you still see? or do you see things different? thanks for the google search link, i'm going to look it up now...
I'm pretty sure I've never had an OBE yet, or I can't recall having one, but I've had a vibration sense once. It wasn't that long ago. I was sleeping and in my dream I felt heavy, like I was aware of my body weight, and then my right hand felt a little free but at the same time stuck, like i couldn't pick it up. I didn't feel that stuck feeling for very long at all, maybe a second or less, but then it started vibrating like your feet do on one of those machines. I felt a little scared but can't remember much of how I felt at the very moment a lot. I felt my hand "tickle" a little but was a vibrating tickling kind of. Then I felt like I was waking up aadn just when I realized I was sleeping I tried to go back into deep full sleep again because the hand thing ws very interesting and I was curious what would have happened next. I felt anxious and right after or before I started realizing that I was sleeping I felt a little "what's going on?" kind of scared. Overall I was very interested in it and hope something like this happens to me again but not anything that feels like choking and stuff. I wish I could have an OBE some time.
Originally posted by OverTheStars
what do you mean you sit up and leave your body? where do you go? can you still see? or do you see things different?

The links will also fill you in on these questions. When I leave my body I sit up in bed and stand up just like you normally do, but I'm weightless. The room usually looks just like it should. The first few times I couldn't leave my room because the walls were solid. I've figured out now that it's all illusory; I can ram through the walls and even jump through my closed 2nd-story window and fly around outside. Sometimes I am blind because if I try to open my eyes, it's my real eyelids I'm trying to lift and that will end it. Other times I can get them open only a little, like tunnel vision. The best out-of-body experiences are completely realistic, like waking life, with all the senses in working order and those are the ones that blow you away. At the other end are OBEs that dissolve in dreams with sub-par realism. Or things may be only subtly different, like my bedspread might have a different pattern.

Sometimes the vibrations come and go and nothing happens right away. I may be disappointed by that, fully awake lying in bed and then wham! I'm in somebody else's house. I can even see the occupants sleeping and I reboot their computer and check out their mail and stuff (can never read; it's always blurry).

Another time I was transported to a 50s-era car with me driving, down a country road with the radio playing and a woman, I knew I had a history with, as the passenger. While driving I analyze the situation; I know the girl and yet I know I'm also lying in bed.

I haven't had a lot of the super-good OBEs, maybe a dozen, but I count those among the most interesting experiences of my life.