skeptical-yet ready to listen

Some words of advice


If you try the Chakra thing, chances are you <i>might</i> feel a warmth in your hand. If you try to envisage yourself with other people at the Eiffel tower, you'll probably have little trouble doing it, especially if you've seen lots of photos of the Eiffel tower, and even more so if you've ever actually been there.

The problem with both of these things is that the mind is a wonderful and strange thing. It can very easily trick itself into believing all manner of stuff. When I was younger, I spent quite a bit of time trying to awaken psychic powers, and in some cases almost convinced myself I had some. However, when I tried to collect real evidence (other than my own feelings and what other people told me), I found that no type of psychic power actually worked.

If you do try the Chakra thing above one of the seven "special" Chakra points on your body, please also try it somewhere that Chakra is not supposed to exist. Really try for it. Try to believe you have a special warm feeling when you hover your hand over your big toe (if that isn't a sanctioned Chakra site!). See if you can get the same feeling. I think you'll be able to do it if you try.

Be careful. It is VERY easy to fool even yourself. What you need to do is test things objectively. Vague feelings do not prove you have any powers. If you make a prediction or have a telepathic link to something or someone, write it down. Then check it in all details. Were you totally right? Partially right? Did the amount of correctness outweigh the wrongness? In other words, did you do better than if you had just guessed?

Remember, questioning is good. Accepting stuff which is backed up by nothing other than somebody's (anybody's) perceived authority is bad - even mine! :) Decide for yourself, but don't get sucked in.
Oh James R., You sound like an old, boring professor who never ever in his life has done something without THINKING...

Chagur, great reply...had a good laugh about it. Thank you.
Don't forget to come aboard of the big airplane in time please...(smilie)
Especially for James R.

'The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the Mystical.
It is the power of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead.
To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest Wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms.

This Knowledge, this FEELING is at the center of true religiousness' - Quote by Albert Einstein.
Banshee states:

Oh James R., You sound like an old, boring professor who never ever in his life has done something without THINKING...


'The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the Mystical. It is the power of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest Wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms. This Knowledge, this FEELING is at the center of true religiousness' - Quote by Albert Einstein.

How can you possibly equate the definition of 'mystical' proffered by one of the premiere rational thinkers of all time with your own irrational definition of 'mystical'?

You are not a rationalist, by any stretch of one's imagination. How can you claim authoritative familiarity with Einstein's meaning of 'mystical'?

Einstein's 'mystical' is the 'Unknown'. Your 'mystical' is what you think you know.

They are not, even nearly, the same thing.

Evolution, in the modern presence on Earth of mankind, amply demonstrates for all to see that 'thinking' really is far better than not thinking. Elsewise, rocks would rule the world.

Praise be to your High Gneiss.
Thinking is better then not thinking, interesting

If we didn't think about electricity awakaning by oild and gass fabriks and nuclear plants and faster transportation like cars, busses and planes, we would have been BETTER off, look how poluted the planet is.

Look at the opposit of what we accomplished.
So humans think and have every now and then a briliant idea.
So I had too, but I'm certain 90% rather live a fun live then making 1 invention and be a *non-stop head stressing* thinker for live...

What do you think about meditation?
To be honnest, meditation itself is already a big step, if you use it right.
Whitout it, we would still be in the dark, or whit feul lamps...

How can you meditate?
By first of al, not to think dozzens of things at a time.
When your relaxed, consentrated and COOLED OFF, you can do more logic thinking and wonders then all stressed out by never stopping to think.

If we did think good, we had a lesser poluted world right now.
They try to renew city's whit better transportation and lesser polutions.
But one of the main reasons is the economy.
They didn't want cars driving on water or sunlight...
Because the econemy would crash and burn...
I rather have a bad economy then an almost starved out planet...

So, what do you think (or NOT think)?
Exactly Psy-learner, that is the right way of Thinking.... ;)

And I am the Unknown to you Mr. Scientists...Thinking and Feeling in another way...less polluting and a lot more satisfying.

Don't have to deal with inventions made by humans because they are so bored and money loving that they make new inventions all the time and in doing so , bringing Earth and their own Feelings to doom.

Amused to death...down to the very last breath.

No Feelings left...No tears to cry...
Thinking and Feeling in another way...less polluting and a lot more satisfying.

So, why not truly forgo the advantages of thinking Human Civilization and find a remote island paradise to move to to get away from human evil-doing?

Oh, wait. If you interject yourself into a humanless paradise you will begin to impart your humaness upon it. You will change paradise in such a way that it will become, by your own definition, unacceptably less paradisical than it was before you arrived. You, then, will become exclusively The Problem.

So, the fact of your existence is part of The Problem you keep alluding to: environmental pollution, corruption of pre-human Nature.

What do you imagine might be your best option for saving the Earth, and her non-human population, from the deleterious effects of your human presence?

"Lead by example" is what you are saying, no?

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<i>Oh James R., You sound like an old, boring professor who never ever in his life has done something without THINKING...</i>

I have great respect for old, boring professors, such as Dr Einstein, who you quoted. When you stop thinking about things, you don't believe nothing - you believe anything.

As Mr G said, Einstein used the word "mystical" in a very different way to how you use it.

<i>And I am the Unknown to you Mr. Scientists...Thinking and Feeling in another way...less polluting and a lot more satisfying.</i>

....for you.

The universe is not necessarily here to make you happy, you know.
Paradise Island??

Like Avalon you mean? Is ok by me.:)

By the way, Chakra's are a very welknown manner humans use for years and years and years now to practise Yoga meditation and even some fight-sports. It is just a technic to relax and FEEL the connecting points inside your body.

Nothing strange or unexplained to it. Just a very common Yoga technic.

I am surprized that you well educated humans never heard of it.

Guess you have to do your homework some better then.

And you can try to feel it in your toes, fine by me. There is nothing located in your toes, but if you want to believe that...why not, go ahead. Have fun.

And I am human therefor I THINK...just in another way. Is that bad, because you want to give me your beliefs...

Don't you see how hard you are trying to force your theories to me??
I'm not trying to force anything onto anybody. I'm simply saying: Keep an open mind, but don't listen to arguments from authority. Demand evidence.
To jump in this thread from here, That Einstein quote to me as if he meant that Mystical was the way we percieve things that are unknown to us, and are what things continue to be as we voyage on discovery into that area, As we fund research and forward the human machines cognative into a form of enlightenment.

If you want proof, you'll just have to check an MRI scan if I get one done, and if I find any implants you might ask how they got there (Since I don't know the first thing about building nanotech architecture)

As for moving an object with telekinesis, simple:

two of the same magnetically polarised objects, repell each other.
If you matrix an object and it's surrounding area with a RF/microwave bombardment to create a polarisation (similar to the static that occurs to an area before a lightening strike, as the polarisation is what causes the lightening to strike)

If you can continue to matrix the object as it moves (and have prept it's flight path surroundings with the same polarisation) it is possible to throw things across a room at great speed.

(I know this is unrelated in some respects, but the magnetic belt that goes through the centre of England, that is always mentioned by the Corncircle and UFO fanatics, could be used in Magnetic propulsion/levitation craft)
Moving cursors of your PC via your thoughts is one of the most seriously researched field of neuro-science today(this is regarding physically disabled people)...This can be done with Alpha and Beta waves of the brain which can be manipulated easily...

Here's the official Announcement...

- Hey guys, after practicing and mostly find information...
(just say gathering information only for almost 2 years)
I have an announcement to make...

- Probably not all of you psychics are open about your powers, but a lot of you appeared to open up thanx to Banshee...
This post wil be posted in more then 1 thread...

- A few days ago, I seriously started to try telekinesis again, and very seriously...
Even whit a method (seeming boring and dificult) so simple and fun to try...
--- The psi-wheel technique ---
and I did it, whit more and sooner results then I even expected after long last...
I don't want to mis-guide people here, but I did it in even the first session...
Not on a big scale, but at least noticable...
Te day after went 3 times as better...

So I now pronounce myself, as Psychic controlled...

I'll practice more, to get very good, and try to encourage people to open up for it, and to learn it if they can be trusted whit it...

Cheers to you all and your sucesses on the same goals as I have...
The psi-wheel technique is simpelly prepared...

Tools needed:
A piece of paper, larger then 1/2 inch x 1/2 inch, or 1 cm x 1 cm.
1 scissor.
1 thumb-tack.

Make cut a square piece of paper to the about size I mentioned.
Now you have to fold the paper 4 times...

Once so that the top-left corner touches the lower-right corner.
Once so that the top-right corner touches the lower-left corner.

Turn the piece of paper around.

Then once so the left corners touches the right corners...
And then once so that the top corners touches the bottom corners.

Now, set the thumb-tack so the metal point is upward...
Now balance the piece of paper on it, and try not to let you or anything blow at it...
If it helps to make you sure, set a glas upside down over it.
(this could make it a bit more dificult, so it's your call)
Now it's set!

Sugestedly, meditate for minimally 15 minutes.
Other wise relax and clear your miind completely, and get a goood focus on what you are doing.
(Yes, goood, whit 3 o's, that's because you do have to focus good on only the method...)

Now, focus on one corner of the paper...
Focus on it whit all your energy, and (uhhm, how to explain it) *will* it to turn..
Try if it helps, that it spinns on the top of the tack...

Now what didn't work for me: when you get a good control, try knocking it off of the tack and see iff you sucseed...

And somethink that did woek for me: if you can't focus on it, try pushing is whit energy trough your hands...
If you can make invisible psi-balls, this will be a bit easier for you.
Set your hand about atleast 5 centimeters from it, and try to imagine energy from it and pushing against a corner.
Or point at the cornet, and try to imagine it comming out of your index finger...
now there is 1 little technique whit this too, but if you use it, it could spoil it, because you could get depended on it...
And that is what you don't want, limited results and limited Psycokinesis...

Some tips on the side:

1. When you focus on it, try to do it whitout nesseseraly thinking about it.
Sure you can let one or two thoughts slip trough, as long as you can recover it fast and get a good focus back.

2. Try to focus or imagining the goal instead of the task, to be honnest, that was a bit of a boost the second day I did it.

3. Try to fool your sub-consions, try and *tell it* "Hey, it moved, did you see it? You did that".
If your lucky, it does move, but don't depend on it...
[DISCLAIMER, this is a tip that didn't came from myself]

4. To read it again, go to:
and "Note that this site does have 2 working clips of the psi-wheel"

[DISCLAIMER] I will NOT take responsibility for any action that you did using this technique. You did it yourself, out of your own free will. If you where forced by someone that was NOT on the thread, then HE/SHE is responsible for your actions, and should take responsibility. I only post techniques here for you and others out of interest and/or to learn out of free will .
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Thankyou for your clear explanation. This is certainly a way to test if telekinetic powers are real or not.

Have you managed to get the thing to turn with a glass over it? (That would eliminate the possibility of air currents, blowing on it subconsciously, etc.)

If so, I suggest you apply to CSICOP for their $1 million prize. All you have to do is show them that you can do this under controlled conditions. It should be easy.