skeptical-yet ready to listen

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
I'm steadily becoming more skeptical of specifically psychic phenomena, so I have a challenge for people here like banshee and psy-learner. Prove to me that you have psychic powers with physical evidence. Of course you don't HAVE to do this but I'd like to somehow see this phenomena in action. Thanks for reading.

You've already made the decision. It's not necessary to ask for more personal guidance. You obviously no longer need it.

The reason for asking the question no longer has anything to do with you, only with others like you used to be.

I'm not asking for guidance, mr. g, just asking for proof. Parts of me doubt the existence of telepathy etc and parts of me say that I've already done it myself. I've dreampt of a friend the night before he left us forever, and I also dreampt (if that's a word) of a girl that never came on our school bus the night before she came on because the other one missed her stop the first time ever. But the problem is: those could be coincidences.

If I move something with my mind before my very eyes without the possibility of it being something else moving it, then I will be convinced. I haven't really been trying, I've never meditated before, I guess I'm just too lazy. All these sites I go to say to meditate, to meditate. Maybe I should. I dunno. Guess it's just too tempting to turn on my new beatles cd while I'm lying on my bed, trying to meditate.
From my experience the "paranormal" is just everyday life.
The only times I become a skeptic is when a "psychic" sells himself as one.
Living in the realms of freeform also means turning your back on the games of
self-promotion and material gain. These things loose meaning.

But, big but, most ppl who are aspiring to live as "enlightened" are feeling that there is a conflict going on. Materialistic life is as guided by some scary parasite like being. It is like a disease clouding judgement, creating fear and paranoia. "Flakes" are getting fed up with ridicule and having to conform to the idiotic drudgery of the bureaucratic system.
It is anti-life slavery, not by choice. By default.

So many are coming forth and demanding the right to choose how to percieve life for themselves. It has become a "holy mission". The right to live as one intuitively feels is right. Kids grow up without any sense of belonging. Schooled into a system that feels utterly pointless and dumb.
Do this, do that, and don´t ask why.
Buy more stuff.

It is a simple thing of evolution, to spiritually, as well as physically, aspire to leave the boundaries of momma earth and the puppets who claim to rule her.
Same below as above :)
Well, that is a wonderful reply Muliboy.:)

It is exactly what is going on and all the asking for proof is irrelevant. It is a matter of how you live your life. On what base.

What kind of proof do you want then? Here at the Forums?
And in what way? And why? Just because you are curious to see if it works?

Guess you know better then that Shrike. Didn't you tell me yourself you had these 'foresights' and what you write above is not natural to everybody. Bet most of the humans never have such dreams as you describe. Not dreams which come true.

Live your material lives and drown in your skepticism, for at this way you never get your 'proof'...

And you can meditate and relax to open up your mind with Music, even the Beatles...;)

Just take your time...and listen to yourself.
I need to understand (probably through self-discovery) how this all works, but I was thinking that maybe a picture of some sort :confused:

I wanted to leave the choice up to anyone who accepted my challenge, not only should they prove it to me they should also figure out <i> how </i>.

Hope that helps.
Yeah, I wish I could help Shrike.
I´m not putting down anyone that wants to have confirmation. That´s understandable. But all I can prove is that nothing can be proved.
Nothing can be objective as long as one is subjective :)
I'm not subjective-the thread says I'm ready to listen. I won't just ignore obvious evidence, yet I'm still waiting for it (even though this thread is about two days old). I just want to see SOMETHING. Or hear something. Or even FEEL something.
You want to feel something Shrike?

Go lay down and hold your hand 10 centimeters above your belly button. There is a Chakra located. Calculate it into inches yourself please.
Hold your hand a little above that place in the middle of your body...

You feel something yet???
The only proof that is worthy for the doubter is the self-experienced one. You are always subjective because you are your personality now and with all the limits that go with being human. To cross those perceptive boundaries there must be faith in life and an honest intention to remember more of the life beyond physical reality that you have always belonged to. Where communication is instant.


Don't bother the calculation...
I'm not sure if 2.1 or 2.3 centimeters is an inch...
It's 4.7 or 4.3 Inches, so keep ik around 4 and a half inch.

Banshee and I did the Chakra practice a little bit just 4 hours ago.
I felth some of the chakra's...

I would like to accept the challange, but I have to advance my skills a little bit.
As far as I know, I'm just a little psychic, but need some time to develop further...
Our cases is probably the same, we are lightly psychics, doubt it on some level (whit is the past for me), but still listening and searching to achieve it...

I belive whit my powers I am limited to telepathicly find someone random, at the highest our small country.
So the U.S. is out of range for me.
Maybe an Astral Projection will do the trick, it's more fersatile and less limited as far as I know.

My first goal from here is better maintainance on telepathy and start on Astral Projection.
I, too, am sometimes lazy to try it, but I will try to find the time to develop.
So maybe you'll notice me in a short time, maybe longer...

Good luck for further proof :).
Maybe we all can astrally project togehter at a specific date and hour to a place that is well know for all like the Eiffel tower perhaps? Have a sciforums meeting in another dimension? Anybody?
Saturday at 12.00am CET in the Eiffel tower ?
Is it a date?


More probably a wash. That's my prediction.

Now, let's see who's prediction actually materializes -- or not, as the case may be.

It's a good Idea to project to the Eiffel tower or some other famous place :)
But I wander why Mr.G always has in his mind about predicting and locating, instead of asking proof being astral projection or any other kind of psychic power...

Don't hold on to predictions alone Mr.G, that wouldn't even get you close as far as I know :D.
I'd like to join your excursion to the Eiffel Tower-someone instruct me please. Banshee, what should the chakras feel like? I haven't done it yet and I shouldn't go about touching my chest in the middle of school so I'll have to wait until I get home.

Like I said I'm ready to listen.
Alright, I'll answer it...
You have to hold your hand a little above your chest, an inch or 2.
You have to feel some special warmth beneath your hand, just your hand.

Some chakra's are harder to feel and locate in the beginning.
It'll be easier to spot them later on, but just try to feel, and don't doubt... :)

Banshee can fill in the rest *if needed*...
It is a large explenation all together, but let's keep it a little simple for this time...
The information will grow in time.
I made a special forum for A/P whit Banshee, you'll finds things there...

There are 7 Chakra's located in your body, which are connected with your hormon system.

It is not so hard to do. In yoga meditation they use the Chakra's to make it easier on you to go into a good contact with your body and relax completely so your contact with Cosmic Energy will have more chance to come to you.

More information on the Chakra's will follow at the right thread.

See you there.;)
Bebelina ...

Saturday at 12.00am CET in the Eiffel tower

December 15th, 2001 ... Yes?

Don't want to miss it. I'll be wearing a white carnation. ;)

(So glad the Concords are flying again! Wouldn't have been able to fit it in otherwise.)

Take care.
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