Sinning, or being a good believer.

Originally posted by Mithadon
You seem to talk about God as a person more than the "spirit who created the universe and us all". If God is so forgiving and understanding, then why can't he read my brain (for that is all I am for now, matter) and give me a chance to know that he exists without being told by fools who simply follow the wave without asking a question?
I have reasons for doing that. And who says He can't (and doesn't) read your mind? You have the chance to know that He exists. But it is evidently not the kind of knowledge that just appears (is there any kind of knowledge that just appears?).

May I quote something in this regard?

Romans 10
13... "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Joel 2:32)
14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15And how can they preach unless they are sent?

Christianity is evidently not a "wave" I follow, since it is not the predicatble, rational, acceptable mode of thought a person is expected to follow, is it? It is a message that has originated in Jerusalem at around 40AD. The only "wave" seems to be that God does not exist, or that Jesus was deluded.

Have you ever considered you might be wrong, Jenyar?
Frequently. But I also question the the question, if I could put it that way. Their is nothing that indicates I should be wrong. One of my reasons is that nowhere have I ever found anybody who was undeniably right. I certainly am not "right". But I have reason to believe in the credibility of those of who claim to have heard and experienced, because I see the same truth around me everywhere I look. It is something I take hold of, not something I own or thought out.

Who said "spend time with people who are looking for the truth, but flee from those who claim to have found it"? Truth can still exist even when people doubt it.

The truth is, there is no proof that God exists. And since I dislike the idea of saying "God has created us all, praise God" without asking a single question because I'm too afraid to look for the truth, I'd rather stick to science and do what I please (I'm not the kind of person who's going to steal anything from the shop, or insult people for fun or anything) instead of giving my life to a spirit (who, as you say, created us all) without even having a good reason to.
Is that really the truth? What made you believe it? What is the nature of the god you have disproven? The only god I have ever seen undeniably disproven is the scientific one - the god who is subject to the abilities of his creation.

The God I believe in has a history that goes as far back as humanity itself. He is a God who has made choices, has shown no favouritism, and has a record of being merciful. To deny that He exists, you have to deny everything those who know Him and those who He revealed Himself to have ever believed. On what grounds do you do this? Does reason really prevent you from believing in God, or is it just an excuse?

You are an honest person, and it would be a bad idea to stop asking questions. But make certain you do not ask only the questions you know the answers of. If you want a sign or wonder, why wouldn't Jesus resurrection be suffiecient?
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