Single Marriage?

Jealousy comes from someone wanting a partner to be mongoomous while they have a happy life of polygamy. That's why I said "polygamy for all". If we all did it, and it was accepted as the norm, then jealousy wouldn't be a factor.

These strange and weird ideas come from looking at nature.

Penguins mate for life. Do you ever look at them in nature? Many other animals mate for life as you well know so because you want everyone to have two or more wives is why you choose to neglet these other animals?
Monogamy is the established practice in modern society but whether it's the ideal state is highly debatable. Divorce seems to run at about 35% of marriages.

Does increasing divorces not suggest reversal/correction of wrong or unnatural selection? Whether Monogamy is not just a social practice instead of natural practice?

100 years ago there were far fewer divorces mainly because of religious and peer pressure and because women had defined and limited roles as wives and mothers. Most women were uneducated, had very limited freedoms, little personal wealth and were not allowed to vote, therefore it was far more difficult for them to instigate divorce proceedings even if they had wanted to. Men on the other hand, ruled the roost in the home, had most of the wealth, had extra marital sexual liaisons and were reluctant to divorce because of the social stigma and the very practical reasons of their children needing their mother and of them needing their shirts ironed and their food on the table.

We may be having a "Manmade society". Probably, natural force in males be for a natural purpose of getting strong generations in view of "survival of fittest. There can be a choice of selecting strong partners, naturally just for this purpose but it had taken otherwise.

The trend in complex modern societies is for more divorce and for many people to avoid marriage altogether. Polygamy is a concept that appeals to a minority but which is illegal in any case and it would be impossible to quantify the ramifications of such a practice as there is no precedent for it in said societies.

In view of "balance" there can be an aversion to previous excesses. Anyway, what is the purpose behind making monogamy mandatory?
Polygamous societies tend not to treat women very kindly. I don't know why any free and educated woman capable of making their own decisions would want to be in a polygamous relationship... would you want to be in a polyandrous marriage?

Divorce rates tend to rise as women become more equal to men, so I wouldn't suggest polygamy or arranged marriages necessarily ensure a stable, long term marriage.

We may be empowered by nature to choose right partner/s. Whether it is as per nature to remain bonded for whole life, with our without liking?
Whether monogamy or mandatory one wife in hindus and more wives in other communties is due to religion or due to society?
Penguins mate for life. Do you ever look at them in nature?

Aye, same with dolphins. I do however think you're reading a little too much into what I'm saying. I would simply like a polygamous society - no major reason.
hey having 4 wives seems pretty good from a mans point of view. personaly i wouldent want that though. i could just have 4 girlfriends though who live with me. wich is not much different.

imagine the 5 families all getting down together at the wedding, that would be weird huh.

The contributing results can be to know;

Which out of monogamy and polygamy increases or decreases population & problems?
big apes have a harem. They are not monogamous. Haven't you ever been to a zoo??

You´re right, I guess I got it messed up. Some monkeys are monogamous though, this makes the fathers take care of their genetic offspring. In poligamous species, like chimps and apes, the mothers do all the child work, the males don´t even look at the little fellows.
Jealousy is found in a polygamous marriage also, it just doesn't vanish because there's more people. Where do you get these strange and weird ideas from?

I've never been jealous, but I am known to be competitive. The woman would probably be someone I picked, not him.

There is no way in hell I could be in this kind of setup. You see how Orleander said she would pick the woman? Obviously she would pick someone she felt she was better then and there would be no competition. I bet if her husband was able to pick any woman he wanted there is no way she would go for it.
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a new study done recently found people in stable intimate relationships (ie defacto or married) live longer than single people. unlike previous studies this one found that it was true for BOTH sex's not just the one.

they were speculating as to why on the radio last night and i disagree that they got the compleate reason. there best guess was biological, ie there is someone to care for you when your sick, someone to tell you to lose weight if you start geting a little pugy and someone to tell you the mole on your back (or your but) needs to be looked at.

thats all well and good and definitly part of the answer but they missed the other side which is that even people with pets live longer, companionship of any kind lowers levels of mental illness, especially depression and stress increases cadiovascular disease and cancer rates

then there are the health benfits of sex itself