Single Marriage?


Registered Senior Member

Whether single marriage is desirable as per religion, need, society or nature? How?

Best wishes.
Monogamy is the established practice in modern society but whether it's the ideal state is highly debatable. Divorce seems to run at about 35% of marriages.

100 years ago there were far fewer divorces mainly because of religious and peer pressure and because women had defined and limited roles as wives and mothers. Most women were uneducated, had very limited freedoms, little personal wealth and were not allowed to vote, therefore it was far more difficult for them to instigate divorce proceedings even if they had wanted to. Men on the other hand, ruled the roost in the home, had most of the wealth, had extra marital sexual liaisons and were reluctant to divorce because of the social stigma and the very practical reasons of their children needing their mother and of them needing their shirts ironed and their food on the table.

The trend in complex modern societies is for more divorce and for many people to avoid marriage altogether. Polygamy is a concept that appeals to a minority but which is illegal in any case and it would be impossible to quantify the ramifications of such a practice as there is no precedent for it in said societies.
Polygamous societies tend not to treat women very kindly. I don't know why any free and educated woman capable of making their own decisions would want to be in a polygamous relationship... would you want to be in a polyandrous marriage?

Divorce rates tend to rise as women become more equal to men, so I wouldn't suggest polygamy or arranged marriages necessarily ensure a stable, long term marriage.
Age at marriage for those who divorce in America Age Women Men
Under 20 years old 27.6% 11.7%
20 to 24 years old 36.6% 38.8%
25 to 29 years old 16.4% 22.3%
30 to 34 years old 8.5% 11.6%
35 to 39 years old 5.1% 6.5%

The divorce rate in America for first marriage, vs second or third marriage
50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.”

According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

The divorce rate in America for childless couples and couples with children
According to discovery channel, couples with children have a slightly lower rate of divorce than childless couples.

Sociologists believe that childlessness is also a common cause of divorce. The absence of children leads to loneliness and weariness and even in the United States, at least 66 per cent of all divorced couples are childless.
Do you have divorce rates for couples at retirement age? I think couples have children and jobs to keep them busy. Being with someone 24/7 during retirement has to be wearing. You really really have to love that person.

I could imagine being in a polygamous relationship. It would be like a continuous chase.
Actually you would be in no cometition with the "other " wife for you would be called upon when you are wanted, not when you want him.
Try it, you'll be sorry. It isn't as good as you might think it mightbe no matter what propaganda you have read.
It would sem to me that if more than one woman was with a single man they would be relegated to doing more of his work around the home than one woman could do and they would be bickering about who does what and when, that's about sex also.
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'But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.'

Guess a lot of people are destined to burn. Oh well, 'he' knows best :bugeye:

Of course jealousy is also a bad thing, which is why I support polygamy for all..
Jealousy is found in a polygamous marriage also, it just doesn't vanish because there's more people. Where do you get these strange and weird ideas from?
I've never been jealous, but I am known to be competitive. The woman would probably be someone I picked, not him.
I'f you have never been jealous then how is it you'll know what it is when it hits you and how to handle it.
Jealousy is found in a polygamous marriage also, it just doesn't vanish because there's more people. Where do you get these strange and weird ideas from?

Jealousy comes from someone wanting a partner to be mongoomous while they have a happy life of polygamy. That's why I said "polygamy for all". If we all did it, and it was accepted as the norm, then jealousy wouldn't be a factor.

These strange and weird ideas come from looking at nature.

Whether single marriage is desirable as per religion, need, society or nature? How?

Best wishes.

You mean like "I married England!" or nunnery? Well, we don't widely practice that, but we very much admire people who choose such a lifestyle; and such respect comes naturally.
Jealousy comes from someone wanting a partner to be mongoomous while they have a happy life of polygamy. That's why I said "polygamy for all". If we all did it, and it was accepted as the norm, then jealousy wouldn't be a factor.

These strange and weird ideas come from looking at nature.

Jealousy comes from insecurity; lack of confidence, generally, is a big turn-off.

You may enjoy being all modern, reasonable, practical when you say that open relationships are best. But when we love we are possessive and when a beloved cheats we revert back to what nature gave us. Try being on the receiving end, see your partner regularly go off with someone else, and let your partner deny you affection one time (due to tiredness from the previous engagement).
Try being on the receiving end, see your partner regularly go off with someone else, and let your partner deny you affection one time (due to tiredness from the previous engagement).

I fully get that - because society is generally monogamous. I simply assert that mankind should be/should have remained, (whichever is applicable), polygamous.